Study on the characteristics of interannual dynamic variations in groundwater levels in the Dianchi lake basin
摘要: 随着社会经济的不断发展,1980—2020年间城市面积不断扩大,滇池流域即昆明盆地的城市地下工程越来越密集,工业用水量增加,地方政府对地下水资源加强管理,地下水位呈现出了不同的变化特征。文章依托上世纪80年代、2006年以及2020年现有监测井的水位监测数据统计,采取统计法、对比法,利用Arcgis绘制了不同时期昆明盆地地下水位等值线图,以此来分析昆明盆地近40年来的水位变化、引起水位变化的原因以及水位变化可能会引发的环境地质问题,得出近40年以来昆明盆地地下水位整体呈现上升趋势。自2008—2009年大范围封停地下水井后,盆地大部分地区地下水位均在2009年后呈现明显上升的态势,局部地区由于工业用水量较大等原因使地下水位依然呈现出下降趋势。Abstract:
Between 1980 and 2020, with the continuous development of the social economy and the expansion of urban areas, the urban underground engineering in the Dianchi lake basin, also known as the Kunming basin, became increasingly dense. Industrial water consumption increased, and the government strengthened its management of groundwater resources, resulting in variations in groundwater levels. The demand for water resources continued to increase, but the problem of water pollution remained severe. Under the premise that some surface water bodies and pore water have been polluted by human activities, deep well drilling became a common way to extract groundwater at that time. However, with the increasing number of deep wells, the overall groundwater levels of the entire basin were affected, and problems such as the drying up of spring water, falling funnels, and ground collapses occurred in succession. This study is based on the statistical analysis of water level monitoring data collected from existing monitoring wells in the 1980s, 2006, and 2020. With statistical and comparative methods, ArcGIS was used to create contour maps of groundwater levels and maps of water level variations in the Kunming basin over various periods. Based on the principles of hydrogeology, environmental geology, and groundwater system analysis, this study identified the main natural and human influencing factors, effects of controlling groundwater resources and environment, and the existing challenges. It analyzed and summarized the variations in water levels in the Kunming basin over the past 40 years. Additionally, this study outlined the reasons for these water level fluctuations and the potential problems of environmental geology that may arise as a result. Analyses indicate that groundwater levels in the Kunming basin have shown an overall upward trend over the past 40 years. From the 1960s to the 1980s, fluctuations in groundwater levels in the Kunming basin were not significant, although the overall situation indicated a decline. Besides, and the extraction of groundwater and its rate of increase were relatively modest. From the 1980s to 2006, the groundwater levels in the Kunming basin showed a downward trend, especially in the areas of Dounan flower market in Chenggong district, as well as Paomashan and Jinma temple in Guandu district, where the water levels experienced a notable decrease. From 2006 to 2020, overall groundwater levels showed an upward trend, with significant increases observed in the area of Cuihu and the area of Majie printing and dyeing factory in Xishan district, which was classified as a zone of strong upward trends. However, most areas were characterized as the zones where the water levels experienced slight rises, including the area of Dounan flower market in Chenggong district, as well as the areas of Paomashan and Jinma temple in Guandu district. In these areas, the groundwater levels were relatively stable, with a fluctuation of about +1 m in 2020 compared to 2006. The water levels observed in the area of heavy machinery factory in Panlong district indicated a significantly downward trend. After the large-scale closure of underground water wells from 2008 to 2009, the groundwater levels in most areas of the basin showed a significant upward trend after 2009, while in some areas, due to large industrial water consumption and other reasons, the water levels still showed a downward trend. At present, the changes in the low water level center of the basin are closely related to human activities. With the development of the social economy, the changes in the low water level center are no longer only biased towards excessive exploitation of industrial, agricultural, and domestic water. The construction of a large number of civil defense projects and underground transportation projects in the urban area requires a large amount of drainage in the early stages of construction, resulting in a decrease in the surrounding groundwater levels. The decrease in groundwater levels causes changes in hydrodynamic conditions, accelerating the circulation and alternation between surface water, pore water, and bedrock water, leading to the continuous concentration of nearby sewage in the funnel area and promoting groundwater pollution. The overall decline in the water level of the aquifer may also lead to the lateral replenishment of groundwater by polluted rivers, resulting in contamination of the aquifer. For example, the Mayuan river, the Liangjia river, the Xibian river, the Panlong river, and the Jinzhi river collect industrial wastewater and domestic sewage from the west and east of the city. The decline in groundwater levels on both sides of the river will cause groundwater pollution. Today, the groundwater flow field in the Kunming basin has become a natural and artificial compound flow field. The water level dynamics under the influence of meteorological cycles are significantly affected by human factors. The change and amplitude of water level rise and fall are synchronized with the increase and decrease of groundwater mining output, excavation and drainage of underground space, etc. The projects of cross-flow diversion and water diversion have alleviated the decline of groundwater levels to a certain extent. With the popularization of knowledge related to groundwater, the government and the people gradually understand the environmental geological problems that excessive exploitation of groundwater resources may bring, and hence taking corresponding corrective measures. -
表 1 基岩水典型监测井2006-2020年水位变化情况表
Table 1. Water level variations in representative monitoring wells of bedrock water from 2006 to 2020
监测井编号 地理位置 2006年水位/m 2020年水位/m 变幅/m 5301030015 盘龙区重机厂 1906.732 1896.79 −9.94 5301030283 盘龙区大树营探矿厂 1877.783 1889.73 +11.95 5301120534 西山区马街印染厂 1877.249 1890.74 +13.49 5301020271 五华区翠湖 1884.79 1887.57 +2.78 表 2 孔隙水监测点2006-2020年水位变化情况表
Table 2. Variations of water levels at monitoring sites of pore water from 2006 to 2020
孔隙水编号 5301020058 5301020068 5301020116 5301020156 5301110249 5301120434 年份 水位年均值/m 2006 1880.77 1910.01 1881.98 1899.57 1895.47 1890.31 2020 1880.80 1909.06 1895.08 1899.85 1895.68 1890.38 2006-2020年变幅/m +0.03 −0.95 +13.10 +0.29 +0.22 +0.07 -
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