Types and characteristics of vulnerable eco-geological environments on the Yunnan plateau and countermeasures for ecological restoration
摘要: 云南高原地质背景复杂,新构造运动强烈,高原隆升和断块差异升降幅度大,形成了区间差异显著、多样性突出的现代生态地质环境格局。根据云南高原山地生态地质环境对外界干扰的敏感性和自我恢复能力弱等特征,本文划分出岩溶石山(主要分布于滇东南一带,面积约2.1万km2)、高原湖泊(主要分布于滇中和滇西北,面积0.1万km2)、干热河谷(主要分布于滇中、滇西和滇南,面积1.3万km2)和高寒山地(主要分布于滇东和滇西北海拔2 500 m以上地区)四类脆弱生态地质环境类型,因其分布区地质环境稳定性差,内外动力地质作用强,自然资源时空分布不均,生态地质环境对外界干扰敏感、自我恢复能力弱,自然和人为影响因素复杂多元,生态损毁严重,石漠化、水土流失、旱涝灾害、地质灾害易发高发,生态修复困难。针对高原脆弱生态地质环境类型与特征,分类进行详细分析论证,提出高原生态保护和修复应认真调查研究,遵循自然和经济规律,统筹规划,系统修复,坚持保护优先、自然修复为主的方针,加强国土空间规划的统筹协调、引领指导等对策。Abstract:
The geological background of the Yunnan plateau in the study area is complex, with significant uplift caused by the Himalayan orogeny, intense neotectonic movements, and pronounced variations in fault block elevation. The long-term shaping of internal and external dynamic geological processes has formed a modern ecological geological environment pattern with significant regional differences, diversity, and vulnerability. Therefore, the study of ecological vulnerability in high-altitude mountainous areas has always been an important issue facing the construction of ecological civilization in Yunnan Province. Currently, there are limited achievements in vulnerability research for specific regions within the province, and there is a lack of regional, comprehensive, and systematic research and analysis throughout the province. In order to improve the scientific compilation of national spatial planning and ecological restoration planning, as well as the feasibility and effectiveness of various restoration and governance projects, it is necessary to strengthen the investigation of ecological geological environment. Additionally, it is essential to enhance the identification and diagnosis of ecological problems, highlighting the importance of understanding these problems through the lens of nature principles, local conditions, and systematic restoration efforts. This article aims to systematically analyze the vulnerability characteristics of the ecological geological environment on the Yunnan plateau from the perspective of land and space protection and restoration in Yunnan Province. The manifestations of vulnerability are thoroughly analyzed, including geology, geomorphology, surface material composition, meteorological and hydrological characteristics, ecological patterns, etc. Based on the sensitivity of the ecological geological environment to external interference and limited self-recovery ability, four typical types of vulnerable ecological environments are identified: karst rocky mountains, plateau lakes, dry-hot valleys, and high-altitude mountainous areas. The karst rocky mountains experience severe soil erosion and water leakage, characterized by slow soil formation, limited growth, a scarcity of suitable tree species, simplistic communities, and a widespread shortage of surface water. The selection of ecological restoration models should be based on in-depth investigation and evaluation, as well as tailored plans. The plateau lakes exemplify a basin economy characterized by low carrying capacity for both resources and environment, and by both waterlogging and drought. Any adverse environmental effects resulted from ecological damage and pollution in the surrounding areas can be directly transmitted to plateau lakes through runoff, resulting in a focusing effect. The dry-hot valleys experience drought and water scarcity, with prominent water-heat contradictions. The ecological geological environment is vulnerable, and natural disasters occur frequently. There are intense soil erosion, soil degradation, and low productivity, leading to economic backwardness. Besides, agricultural, animal husbandry, and mining activities are extensive. In the high-altitude mountainous areas, the mountains are steep with intense erosion and denudation, resulting in thin and scattered soil layers. The biological conditions for plant growth are poor, and there is a strong trend towards desertification in the natural process. The ecological geological environment is vulnerable, with a high incidence of geological disasters. Human restoration is difficult and lacks sustainability. By analyzing and understanding the complex geological background, intense neotectonic movements, and the resulting vulnerability characteristics of the ecological geological environment, as well as addressing common problems and deficiencies in ecological restoration practices, we have proposed the following steps for the protection and restoration of plateau ecosystems. Firstly, we should conduct thorough research and investigation, adhering to natural and economic laws. We should carry out comprehensive and scientific research to identify the ecological geological environment and resource conditions, starting from the diversity of the ecological geological environment. We should also reveal the inherent connections and succession patterns of the ecosystem, accurately identify ecological problems, and enhance the specificity and effectiveness of ecological restoration. Secondly, we should plan the restoration in an integrated and coordinated manner and carry out the planning systematic, fully considering the differentiation of ecological geological environment. Taking the watersheds as units and considering the resources, environmental factors, and economic and social conditions of the restoration areas, we should implement comprehensive planning. This planning must align with the inherent connections among ecological elements and the principles governing material and energy transformation. Our goal is to ensure overall protection, integrated management, and systematic restoration. Thirdly, we must adhere to the principle of prioritizing protection while focusing on natural restoration. Given the vulnerability of the ecological geological environment, we should prioritize effective ecological protection by minimizing interference and destruction to vulnerable ecosystems, thereby avoiding situations that are difficult to remediate. Fourthly, we should enhance the overall coordination and guidance of national land space planning. Grounded in the principles and methods of earth system science, sustainable development theories, nature-based solutions, and relevant applied sciences, we must improve the evaluation of resources and environmental carrying capacity, as well as the suitability of national land space development within national spatial planning. This process involves thoroughly identifying the distribution and extent of ecologically vulnerable national land space, with the comprehensive consideration of factors such as precipitation distribution, vegetation cover, human interference, the significance of biodiversity conservation, and soil and water conservation to conduct resilience evaluation. Furthermore, this article proposes that while the analysis of ecological geological environment vulnerability primarily focuses on geological factors, vulnerability is closely related to human activities such as land development and utilization, climate change, and environmental pollution. Research on vulnerability should be an interdisciplinary collaboration to enhance its systematic nature and comprehensiveness. In future endeavors, the integration of ecology, geography, and geology can further broaden the content and indicators of research, thereby providing a scientific foundation for formulating more targeted policies. -
表 1 典型岩溶石山气象水文特征指标统计表
Table 1. Statistics of meteorological and hydrological characteristics of typical karst rock mountains
渗系数大理 滇中红层高原 730 ~4 295718 1 142 2 254 10.80 100~300
(少水带)10~30 0.14 香格里拉 滇西横断山脉 1 503~ 5 545 1575 1 137 2 186 2.10 300~700
(平水带)10~20 0.10 昆明 滇东岩溶高原 746~ 4 2471450 1 856 2 200 40.00 100~300
(少水带)15~30 0.50 蒙自 滇东岩溶高原 146~ 2 567816 2 380 2 234 2.70 100~300
(少水带)20~30 0.50 广南 滇东岩溶高原 420~2035 1 042 213 1 651 1.25 300~700
(平水带)25~30 0.50 表 2 云南九大高原湖泊概况统计表
Table 2. Statistics of nine plateau lakes in Yunnan Province
护目标区位 长江水系 滇池 2 920 309.0 1 418 1 886 饮用水后备水源、维护生物多样性、调蓄水资源、旅游观光、调节气候、防洪减灾 云南省社会、经济、文化中心,第二、三产业相对发达 草海Ⅳ类及以上;外海Ⅳ类 滇中 澜沧江水系 洱海 2 565 215.3 385 1 974 生活饮用水、旅游观光、维护生物多样性、调蓄水资源、调节气候、防洪减灾 旅游业、种植业、养殖业 Ⅱ类 滇西 珠江水系 抚仙湖 675 216.6 246 1 721 生活饮用水、旅游观光、维护生物多样性、调蓄水资源、调节气候、防洪减灾 种植业、工业、旅游 Ⅰ类 滇中 长江水系 程海 318 74.6 116 1 501 维护生物多样性、调节气候、调蓄水资源、调节水陆系统、防洪减灾 种植业、养殖业 Ⅳ类(氟化
物除外)滇西北 泸沽湖 248 57.7 65 2 690 生活饮用水、旅游观光、维护生物多样性、调蓄水资源、调节气候 旅游业、种植业 Ⅰ类 滇西北 珠江水系 杞麓湖 354 37.3 678 1 798 维护生物多样性、调蓄水资源、调节水陆系统、旅游观光、调节气候、防洪减灾 种植业、乡镇企业、养殖业 Ⅴ类 滇中 星云湖 378 34.3 966 1 722 维护生物多样性、调蓄水资源、调节水陆系统、旅游观光、调节气候、防洪减灾 种植业、乡镇企业、养殖业 Ⅴ类 滇中 阳宗湖 292 31.3 181 1 770 维护生物多样性、调蓄水资源、旅游观光、休闲度假、调节气候、防洪减灾 种植业、工业 达到Ⅲ类,
力争Ⅱ类滇中 异龙湖 360 31.0 508 1 414 维护生物多样性、调蓄水资源、调节水陆系统、旅游观光、调节气候、防洪减灾 豆制品加工业、种植业、养殖业 Ⅳ类 滇南 数据来源:《云南省典型湖泊流域山水林田湖草生态修复模式研究(2022年)》。
Data Source: Study on ecological restoration model of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasslands in typical lake basins in Yunnan Province (2022).表 3 典型干热河谷气象水文特征指标统计表
Table 3. Statistics of meteorological and hydrological characteristics of typical dry-hot valleys
典型地区 江河名称 海拔/
深/mm入渗系数 地下水径流模数/
104 m3·a−1·km−2泸水县 怒江 500 748 大于 1 500 2 025 100~300
(少水带)0.05~0.26 24.06 云县漫湾 澜沧江 748 1367 大于2 000 2 552 100~300
(少水带)0.07~0.20 21.85 丽江大具 金沙江 1 670 900 大于2 000 2 600 100~300
(少水带)0.06~0.25 15.77 昭通巧家 金沙江 900 726 大于 2 200 2 100 100~300
(少水带)0.26~0.30 23.94 开远小龙潭 南盘江 1 180 840 大于 1 466 2 200 100~300
(少水带)0.13~0.21 14.70 元阳南沙 红河 230 863 大于2 000 1 856 100~300
(少水带)0.07~0.18 14.29 -
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