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淡永 邓敏 张庆玉 闫剑飞 聂国权 董红琪 季少聪 熊国庆 卢炳雄 马小林

淡 永,邓 敏,张庆玉,等. 桂中坳陷下石炭统鹿寨组页岩段碳酸盐矿物发育特征及成因机制[J]. 中国岩溶,2024,43(5):1210-1222 doi: 10.11932/karst20240516
引用本文: 淡 永,邓 敏,张庆玉,等. 桂中坳陷下石炭统鹿寨组页岩段碳酸盐矿物发育特征及成因机制[J]. 中国岩溶,2024,43(5):1210-1222 doi: 10.11932/karst20240516
DAN Yong, DENG Min, ZHANG Qingyu, YAN Jianfei, NIE Guoquan, DONG Hongqi, JI Shaocong, XIONG Guoqing, LU Bingxiong, MA Xiaolin. Development characteristics and genetic mechanism of carbonate minerals in shale member of the lower Carboniferous Luzhai formation in the depression of central Guangxi[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(5): 1210-1222. doi: 10.11932/karst20240516
Citation: DAN Yong, DENG Min, ZHANG Qingyu, YAN Jianfei, NIE Guoquan, DONG Hongqi, JI Shaocong, XIONG Guoqing, LU Bingxiong, MA Xiaolin. Development characteristics and genetic mechanism of carbonate minerals in shale member of the lower Carboniferous Luzhai formation in the depression of central Guangxi[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(5): 1210-1222. doi: 10.11932/karst20240516


doi: 10.11932/karst20240516
基金项目: 广西重点研发项目“桂中岩溶复杂区页岩气‘甜点’预测技术研发”(桂科AB23026062);广西自然基金项目(2020GXNSFAA297095,2022GXNSFBA035454);四川省科技厅中央引导地方发展专项(2023ZYD0153)




  • 中图分类号: P618.13

Development characteristics and genetic mechanism of carbonate minerals in shale member of the lower Carboniferous Luzhai formation in the depression of central Guangxi

  • 摘要: 目前桂中坳陷下石炭统鹿寨组展现出较好的页岩气勘探前景,但页岩中碳酸盐矿物含量较高,异于国内主要页岩气层的碳酸盐矿物含量,其碳酸盐矿物成因及其对页岩气产气的影响未知。文章以桂融页1井及其野外剖面为研究对象,运用X-全岩衍射、岩石薄片鉴定等手段,发现鹿寨组页岩中碳酸盐矿物以方解石为主,含量为5%~80%,平均为 30.33%,并含少量白云石(0%~9%),平均为2.1%,碳酸盐矿物主要发育在炭质页岩、钙质泥岩、粉砂质钙质泥岩、生屑炭质泥岩、泥微晶灰岩和泥质灰岩中以及顺层分布的方解石脉、穿层的构造方解石脉中。在此基础上进一步开展阴极发光、碳氧同位素分析,发现碳酸盐矿物成因主要为海水中原地正常沉积成因,其次为海水中随海浪、风暴流打碎后异地搬运成因以及成岩期重结晶成因,水平脉状方解石的形成可能为埋藏期差异压实收缩缝被地层流体充填后过饱和沉淀,而垂向脉状方解石与多期构造活动有关。


  • 图  1  研究区构造位置(a)与早石炭世沉积位置图(b)(据覃英伦等[10]

    Figure  1.  Structural location (a) and sedimentary location during early Carboniferous (b) in the study area

    图  2  桂融页1井鹿寨组一段碳酸盐含量—沉积相综合柱状图(部分数据据覃英伦等[10])

    Figure  2.  Comprehensive histogram of carbonate contents and sedimentary facies in Member 1 of the Luzhai Formation of Guirongye Well 1 (Part of the data is based on Qin Yinglun, etc.[10])

    图  3  桂融页1井鹿寨组一段页岩全岩矿物

    Figure  3.  Whole rock mineral composition of shale in Member 1 of the Luzhai Formation of Guirongye Well 1

    图  4  桂中坳陷鹿寨组一段碳酸盐矿物产出宏观特征

    A.深灰色钙质页岩夹泥晶灰岩条带及透镜体,融水大良剖面 B.深灰色钙质泥岩夹泥晶灰岩,1602.3~1606.4 m,桂融页1井 C.灰黑色钙质泥岩,1544 m,桂融页1井 D.灰色泥晶灰岩与深灰色泥灰岩互层,见水平纹层,1414.32 m,桂融页1井 E.深灰色粉砂质钙质泥岩,具交错层理,1539.66 m,桂融页1井 F.含生屑炭质泥岩,生屑成“漂浮状”,1603.66 m,桂融页1井 G.具透镜状方解石脉钙质泥岩,1412.1 m,桂融页1井 H.具水平脉状方解石钙质泥岩,1534.4 m,桂融页1井 I.深灰色钙质泥岩发育网裂缝,被方解石全充填,1416.9 m,桂融页1井 J.钙质泥岩中垂直层面构造方解石脉,融水大良剖面

    Figure  4.  Petrological macroscopic characteristics of carbonate minerals in Member 1 of Luzhai Formation in the depression of central Guangxiormation in Guizhong Depression

    A.Dark gray calcareous shale with micrite stripes and lenses, Rongshuidaliang profile B.Dark gray calcareous mudstone with micite, 1,602.3–1,606.4 m, Guirongye Well 1 C.Gray-black calcareous mudstone, 1,544 m, Guirongye Well 1 D.Horizontally laminated micrite alternating with calcareous mudstone, 1,414.32 m, Guirongye Well 1 E.Cross-stratified calcareous silty mudstone, 1,539.66 m, Guirongye Well 1 F.Carbonaceous mudstone containing "floating" bioclastics, 1,603.66 m, Guirongye Well 1 G.Calcareous mudstone with lens-shaped and vein-shaped calcite, 1,412.1 m, Guirongye Well 1 H.Calcareous mudstone with horizontally vein-shaped calcite, 1,534.4 m, Guirongye Well 1 I.Dark gray calcareous mudstone with developed net fractures, completely filled with calcite, 1,416.9 m, Guirongye Well 1 J.Calcite veins are constructed in vertical plane of calcareous mudstone, Rongshuidaliang profile

    图  5  桂融页1井鹿寨组碳酸盐矿物发育微观特征及其阴极发光

    A.钙质泥岩,碳酸盐矿物呈泥晶状大量分布于泥岩中,1544 m B.为A阴极发光,显示不发光,1544 m C.为图4D水平纹层泥灰岩镜下照片,深色钙质泥岩与浅色泥微晶方解石呈条带状互层 D.阴极发光为不发光,1414.32 m E.为图4E具交错层理粉砂质泥岩镜下特征,左下为粉砂质泥岩纹层,由石英、黏土、方解石混积,右上主要为黏土和方解石,为钙质泥岩纹层,1539.66 m F.为E阴极发光,部分方解石具有弱红阴极发光,部分不发光,发光碳酸盐矿物为钙质胶结物和一些钙质生屑,1539.66 m G.图4F含生屑炭质泥岩镜下特征,生屑含量可达到20%,有珊瑚、海百合、钙质海绵骨针等,生屑具有泥晶—细晶结构,泥岩中含少量石英,1603.66 m H.G中生屑阴极发光中具有弱红光,1603.66 m I.为图4G具透镜状方解石钙质泥岩镜下特征,两条黄色线内为脉体,方解石呈细晶结构,1412.1 m J.I中脉体方解石具弱红色阴极发光,1412.1 m K.为图4I网裂缝镜下特征,方解石全充填,1416.9 m L.为K阴极发光,左侧裂缝发很弱光,右侧裂缝基本不发光,1416.9 m

    Figure  5.  Microscopic characteristics and cathodoluminescence of carbonate minerals from the Luzhai Formation in Guirongye Well 1

    A. Calcareous mudstone with large quantities of micrite carbonate minerals are distributed in it B. Cathodoluminescence is non-luminous, at 1,544 m C. a photomicrograph of horizontally laminated muddy limestone of Fig.4D, with dark calcareous mudstone and light micrite calcite showing stripped interlayer D. Cathodoluminescence is non-luminous, at 1,414.32 m E.The microscopic feature of the cross-stratified silty mudstone of Fig.4E; the lower left part shows silty mudstone lamination mixing with quartz, clay, and calcite, and the upper right part mainly consists of clay and calcite, showing calcareous mudstone lamination; part of the calcite emit weak and red cathodoluminescence but part of the calcite are non-luminous F. Luminescent carbonate minerals are calcareous cements and some calcareous bioclastics, at 1,539.66 m G.The microscopic feature of bioclastic carbonaceous mudstone from Fig.4F with the contents of bioclastics reaching 20%; the mudstone includes corals, sea lilies, calcareous sponges and a small amount of quartz; the bioclastics emits weak red luminescence under cathodoluminescence H.At 1,603.66 m I.The microscopic feature of lens-shaped calcite calcareous mudstone of Fig.4G; the veins are in the two yellow lines and the calcite shows fine crystal structure;the vein calcite emits weak red cathodoluminescence J.At 1,412.1 m K.The microscopic feature of the net fractures from Fig.4I; completely filled with calcite; The left fracture emits weak luminescence while the right fracture is basically non-luminous under cathodoluminescence L.At 1,416.9 m

    图  6  桂中坳陷鹿寨组页岩中不同类型碳酸盐矿物碳氧同位素特征

    Figure  6.  Characteristics of carbon and oxygen isotopes of different types of carbonate minerals in the shale of Luzhai formation in the depression of central Guangxi

    图  7  桂中坳陷鹿寨组原地、异地泥晶碳酸盐矿物成因机制(据陶金雨等[17]有修改)

    Figure  7.  Genetic mechanism of in-situ and allochthonous micrite carbonate minerals in Luzhai Formation, Guizhong Depression (Revised based on Tao Jinyu, et al.[17])

    图  8  桂中坳陷鹿寨组脉状碳酸盐矿物成因机制

    a.碳酸盐矿物与黏土混合沉积 b.埋藏期差异压实形成成岩裂缝 c.成岩裂缝被地层流体充填并生长水平脉状方解石,地层流体碳酸盐过饱和 d.受构造影响,垂向脉状方解石发育

    Figure  8.  Genetic mechanism of vein-shaped carbonate minerals of Luzhai Formation in the depression of central Guangxi

    a.Carbonate minerals mixed with clay deposits b.Diagenetic fractures are formed by differential compaction in burial period c.The diagenetic fracture is filled by the formation fluid and grows horizontal calcite;the formation fluid is supersaturated with carbonate d.Under the influence of structure, the vertical calcite veins developed

    表  1  桂中坳陷鹿寨组碳酸盐矿物发育特征及成因

    Table  1.   Development characteristics and genesis of carbonate minerals of the Luzhai Formation in the depression of central Guangxi

    发育位置 发育类型 碳酸盐矿物含量 发育形态 阴极发光 碳氧同位素 成因分析 发育规模
    纯泥岩 钙质泥岩 10%~50% 泥晶状分散于泥岩中 基本不发光 δ13C为2.70‰~5.81‰,δ18O为−8.89‰~
    海水中原地正常沉积成因 大规模发育在目的层中
    炭质泥岩 <10% 泥晶状分散于泥岩中 基本不发光 / 海水中原地正常沉积成因 小规模发育在目的层中
    含粒泥岩 粉砂质泥岩 10%~50% 呈胶结物存在于石英颗粒间 部分方解石具有弱红光,部分不发光,发光为钙质胶结物和一些钙质生屑 δ13C为2.62~4.39‰ ,δ18O为−8.89‰~
    海水中随海浪打碎后异地搬运成因 小规模发育在目的层中
    5%~10% 发育在生物碎屑中为泥晶—细晶结构 碳酸盐生屑具有弱红光 海水中随风暴流打碎后异地搬运成因 小规模发育在目的层中
    泥晶灰岩 >80% 发育在灰岩水平纹层中,以泥微晶结构为主 基本不发光 δ13C为2.70‰~5.81‰,δ18O‰为−8.89‰~
    海水中原地正常沉积成因 小规模发育在目的层中
    泥灰岩 50%~75% 发育在灰岩水平纹层中,以泥微晶结构为主 基本不发光 海水中原地正常沉积成因 中等规模发育在目的层中
    100% 呈细—中晶
    晶粒方解石具有弱阴极发光 δ13C为 −1.18‰~5.73‰ ,δ18O为−12.76~−5.75‰ 埋藏期差异压实收缩缝被地层流体充填后过饱和沉淀 极小规模发育在目的层中
    100% 呈细—中晶
    晶粒方解石具有弱阴极发光 与多期构造活动有关 小规模发育在目的层中
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