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罗劬侃 曹建华 钟亮 白冰 王奇岗 廖红为 宗克清 覃汉莲

罗劬侃,曹建华,钟 亮,等. 铀同位素反演古海洋环境的研究进展[J]. 中国岩溶,2024,43(4):957-968 doi: 10.11932/karst20240412
引用本文: 罗劬侃,曹建华,钟 亮,等. 铀同位素反演古海洋环境的研究进展[J]. 中国岩溶,2024,43(4):957-968 doi: 10.11932/karst20240412
LUO Qukan, CAO Jianhua, ZHONG Liang, BAI Bing, WANG Qigang, LIAO Hongwei, ZONG Keqing, QIN Hanlian. Research advance for uranium isotope as a quantitative proxy for paleo-oceans anoxic or oxic environment[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(4): 957-968. doi: 10.11932/karst20240412
Citation: LUO Qukan, CAO Jianhua, ZHONG Liang, BAI Bing, WANG Qigang, LIAO Hongwei, ZONG Keqing, QIN Hanlian. Research advance for uranium isotope as a quantitative proxy for paleo-oceans anoxic or oxic environment[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(4): 957-968. doi: 10.11932/karst20240412


doi: 10.11932/karst20240412
基金项目: 广西自然科学基金项目“238U/235U对泥盆纪-石炭纪古海洋环境转型的指示意义——以桂林南边村全球辅助层型剖面为例”(2022GXNSFBA035593)


  • 中图分类号: P736

Research advance for uranium isotope as a quantitative proxy for paleo-oceans anoxic or oxic environment

  • 摘要: 铀同位素因可定量反演全球尺度古海洋缺氧洋底分布面积占比(%)而被广泛应用在埃迪卡拉纪末期以来的重要大洋缺氧或生物事件中。通过对国内外相关文献进行综述,系统总结了利用铀同位素开展定量反演的原理、方法与成果,初步构建了铀同位素定量反演的还原性海洋洋底面积占比(%)与大气氧气浓度、大洋缺氧或生物事件的耦合关系,发现:(1)铀同位素反演结果与各缺氧或生物事件吻合度较高,表明铀同位素确实为有效的全球尺度深时尺度定量反演指标;(2)还原性海洋洋底扩张与大气氧气浓度变化之间普遍存在滞后性,推测与海平面、海洋生产力、海洋内部环流变化及底层水氧化还原反应的滞后性相关。指出铀同位素反演受样品后期成岩、风化蚀变作用的影响,可能存在解译误差;铀同位素单指标解译结果存在精准度偏低的缺点,需采用多指标综合反演的方法提升反演精度。


  • 图  1  海洋中铀同位素平衡模型(海洋中主要的溶解铀来源于陆地河流,海洋铀会包括还原性/缺氧沉积物、局限性滞海洋盆沉积、海相碳酸盐、铁锰结核及蚀变大洋洋壳)(据[59])

    Figure  1.  U isotope budget model in the oceans (The main sources of dissolved uranium in the ocean are terrestrial rivers, and marine uranium can include reduced/anoxic sediments, localized stagnant ocean basin deposits, marine carbonates, ferromangan-manganese nodules, and altered macrocrust) (According to [59])

    图  2  利用Lau铀汇箱式模型(A图:δ238U和B图:[U]值)计算出晚二叠纪-中晚三叠纪古海洋还原性面积占比fanox(据文献[37])


    Figure  2.  Proportion of anoxic seafloor area (fanox, %) of Late Permian–Late-Middle Triassic by using Uranium Box Model (Figure A: δ238U and Figure B: [U] value) (According to literature[37])

    Note: The dotted line is the average value, and the upper and lower ends of the extension line are the maximum and minimum values.

    图  3  中元古代海洋三类铀汇质量守恒模型测算 (据文献[49])


    Figure  3.  Estimation of three-sink mass balance modeling on Mid-Proterozoic seawater (According to literature [49])

    The orange line represents the minimum seafloor area under various possible model iterations; the blue line represents the maximum seafloor area, and the red block represents the δ238USW (–0.43% to –0.73‰) of the Mesoproterozoic seawater. The intersection of dotted lines in the figure represents the maximum 7% of the seafloor area of the anoxic quiet sea containing S.

    图  4  显生宙主要大洋缺氧事件(或生物大灭绝/生命大爆发事件)发生时期大气氧气浓度与还原性洋底面积占比变化耦合关系图(据[68]修改)


    Figure  4.  Coupling relationship between atmospheric oxygenation concentration, anoxic seafloor area (fanox, %) during the oceanic anoxic events (or mass extinction/life explosion) (Modified based on [68])

    Note: The deep blue solid line represents the range of atmospheric oxygen content simulated by the GEOCARBSULFOR biogeochemical model [77]; the deep blue dashed line represents the range of atmospheric oxygen content simulated by the COPSE biogeochemical model[78]; the gray irregular region represents the curve of atmospheric oxygen content change reconstructed from fossil charcoal[79]. The gray lines represent the threshold values of atmospheric oxygen concentration reconstructed from geochemical indicators, Cambrian biota, and fire burning records[8084]. The light blue box represents the range of the proportion of anoxic seafloor area for the corresponding period.

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  • 收稿日期:  2023-06-25
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  • 刊出日期:  2024-10-31


