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罗振宇 杨琰 李计 肖文杰 孙婷婷 叶枝茂

罗振宇,杨 琰,李 计,等. 石漠化治理区表层岩溶泉流量衰减分析及无机碳通量估算:以重庆酉阳龙潭槽谷老泉为例[J]. 中国岩溶,2023,42(2):337-350, 381 doi: 10.11932/karst2023y011
引用本文: 罗振宇,杨 琰,李 计,等. 石漠化治理区表层岩溶泉流量衰减分析及无机碳通量估算:以重庆酉阳龙潭槽谷老泉为例[J]. 中国岩溶,2023,42(2):337-350, 381 doi: 10.11932/karst2023y011
LUO Zhenyu, YANG Yan, LI Ji, XIAO Wenjie, SUN Tingting, YE Zhimao. Flow attenuation analysis and inorganic carbon flux estimation of surface karst spring in rocky desertification control area: A case study at Laoquan spring in the Longtan trough valley, Youyang county, Chongqing City, China[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(2): 337-350, 381. doi: 10.11932/karst2023y011
Citation: LUO Zhenyu, YANG Yan, LI Ji, XIAO Wenjie, SUN Tingting, YE Zhimao. Flow attenuation analysis and inorganic carbon flux estimation of surface karst spring in rocky desertification control area: A case study at Laoquan spring in the Longtan trough valley, Youyang county, Chongqing City, China[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(2): 337-350, 381. doi: 10.11932/karst2023y011


doi: 10.11932/karst2023y011
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(42277048);国家重点研发计划子课题(2016YFC050230205)




  • 中图分类号: X171.4;P641.134

Flow attenuation analysis and inorganic carbon flux estimation of surface karst spring in rocky desertification control area: A case study at Laoquan spring in the Longtan trough valley, Youyang county, Chongqing City, China

  • 摘要: 应对“双碳”目标,加强岩溶石漠化综合治理工作,地下水是关键。为探究重庆市酉阳县龙潭槽谷石漠化治理区岩溶泉的流量衰减及无机碳通量变化特征,采用流量衰减方程与水化学径流法对研究点老泉进行模拟与分析。结果表明:(1)老泉的流量衰减分为两个亚动态,衰减系数分别为0.089 2、0.019 6,其具有双重性含水介质特征。(2)暴雨期老泉的碳通量随流量变化的特征明显;而伏旱期(7月底-8月底)老泉的碳通量与土壤CO2、泉水CO2均具有明显的昼夜变化特征,表现为夜间低、日间高。(3)老泉夏季的碳通量与降水量呈正相关(R=0.78),与蒸发量呈负相关(R=−0.36),气候的不稳定性变化对碳通量影响显著。老泉的月${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$浓度与月土壤CO2浓度的相关系数为0.64,${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$敏感地响应土壤CO2的变化;而老泉年碳通量与年土壤CO2浓度的相关系数为0.90,且年均δ13CDIC呈偏负趋势,土地利用变化(植被恢复)有利于土壤CO2及老泉碳通量的增加。(4)老泉2018-2021年的碳通量呈波动上升趋势,年均无机碳通量为15.05 t·km−2·a−1。研究结果能为石漠化生态恢复治理工作提供参考。


  • 图  1  龙潭槽谷水文地质概况图(a-水文地质平面图,b-石漠化治理区卫星图(据Google Earth),c-老泉实景图,d-水文地质剖面图(修改自参考文献[25]))

    Figure  1.  Hydrogeological survey of Longtan trough valley (a- Hydrogeological map, b- Satellite map of rocky desertification control area (based on Google Earth), c- Map of Laoquan spring, d- Hydrogeological profile [25])

    图  2  龙潭槽谷老泉的降水流量变化曲线


    Figure  2.  Variation curve of precipitation discharge in Laoquan spring of Longtan trough valley

    Part of the dotted line data is missing due to the instrument failure

    图  3  老泉200506号暴雨的流量衰减过程

    Figure  3.  Flow attenuation process of rainstorm No. 200506 in Laoquan spring

    图  4  老泉${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$与电导率EC的相关性

    Figure  4.  Correlation between ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ and EC in Laoquan spring

    图  5  老泉210628号暴雨期间的碳通量变化

    Figure  5.  Variation of carbon flux during Rainstorm No. 210628 in Laoquan spring

    图  6  老泉夏季伏旱期的土-水CO2-碳通量的变化

    Figure  6.  Changes of soil-water CO2-carbon flux of Laoquan spring during the summer drought period

    图  7  老泉2018-2021年土-水CO2-碳通量的变化(注:虚线部分数据因仪器故障而缺失)

    Figure  7.  Changes of soil-water CO2-carbon flux of Laoquan spring from 2018 to 2021. Part of the dotted line data is missing due to instrument failure

    图  8  老泉岩溶产物浓度与土壤CO2浓度的相关性

    Figure  8.  Correlation between the concentration of karst products of Laoquan spring and the concentration of soil CO2

    图  9  老泉夏季月降水量、月蒸发量与月碳通量的相关性

    Figure  9.  Correlation analysis between monthly precipitation, monthly evaporation and monthly carbon flux of Laoquan spring in Summer

    表  1  2018-2021年伏旱期(7月21日-8月31日)老泉的气候与流量情况

    Table  1.   Climate and discharge of Laoquan spring during the drought period (from July 21 to August 31) from 2018 to 2021

    降水总量/mm1 485.21 461.61 500.21 429.81 470.0
    伏旱期高温天数(大于35 ℃)/天2729232526
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  老泉200506号暴雨的流量衰减参数

    Table  2.   Flow attenuation parameters of Rainstorm No. 200506 in Laoquan spring

    岩溶水系统亚动态衰减系数/15 min持续时间/h含水介质储水量/m3亚动态占总储水量之比/%总储水量/m3
    老泉0.089 29620.4384739.26
    0.019 621118.8316
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  老泉210628号暴雨期间流量与碳通量参数

    Table  3.   Flow and carbon flux parameters during Rainstorm No.210628 in Laoquan spring

    下载: 导出CSV

    表  4  老泉2018-2021年的水文水化学与碳通量参数

    Table  4.   Hydrochemical features and carbon sink flux of Laoquan spring from 2018 to 2021

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    表  5  老泉2018-2021年碳通量与土壤CO2浓度的相关性分析

    Table  5.   Correlation analysis between carbon flux and soil CO2 concentration of Laoquan spring from 2018 to 2021

    年碳通量/t·km−2·a−1Pearson 相关性0.903
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  6  2018-2021年老泉δ13CDIC的变化趋势

    Table  6.   Variation trend of δ13CDIC of Laoquan spring from 2018 to 2021

    下载: 导出CSV
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