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组里塞斯 杨勋林 王勇 胡明广 许奕滨

组里塞斯,杨勋林,王 勇,等. 重庆金佛洞石笋δ13C记录的Heinrich6期间气候环境变化[J]. 中国岩溶,2023,42(3):590-602 doi: 10.11932/karst2023y008
引用本文: 组里塞斯,杨勋林,王 勇,等. 重庆金佛洞石笋δ13C记录的Heinrich6期间气候环境变化[J]. 中国岩溶,2023,42(3):590-602 doi: 10.11932/karst2023y008
Zulisaisi, YANG Xunlin, WANG Yong, HU Mingguang, XU Yibin. Climatic and environmental changes during Heinrich 6 recorded by δ13C in stalagmites from Jinfo Cave, Chongqing[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(3): 590-602. doi: 10.11932/karst2023y008
Citation: Zulisaisi, YANG Xunlin, WANG Yong, HU Mingguang, XU Yibin. Climatic and environmental changes during Heinrich 6 recorded by δ13C in stalagmites from Jinfo Cave, Chongqing[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(3): 590-602. doi: 10.11932/karst2023y008


doi: 10.11932/karst2023y008
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41971109,41572158);国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0502301)




  • 中图分类号: P532

Climatic and environmental changes during Heinrich 6 recorded by δ13C in stalagmites from Jinfo Cave, Chongqing

  • 摘要: 在末次冰期发生的6次海因里希事件(Heinrich事件,简称H事件)中,H6事件发生年代最早,对其研究较少,利用高分辨率石笋记录研究H6事件期间的气候环境变化,有助于理解高低纬度气候变化对H事件的响应过程。本文基于重庆市金佛洞石笋JF2017铀系测年数据和碳同位素数据,重建H6事件期间中国西南地区季风气候环境的演化过程。结果显示:石笋JF2017的δ13C值在61 811±204 a B.P.~59 716±159 a B.P.时段显著偏重,持续大约2 095 a,暗示该时段季风减弱和生态植被退化,对应北大西洋H6事件。H6事件期间,石笋JF2017的δ13C记录在61 811~60 848 a B.P.期间开始先逐渐偏重至最大值,随后发生短时间尺度的波动变化;最后在60 848~59 716 a B.P.期间缓慢偏轻至H6事件结束,整体呈现先逐渐偏重后又缓慢偏轻的趋势,内部存在百年际尺度的气候震荡,表明H6事件期间当地气候不稳定。石笋JF2017记录的百年际尺度的季风气候变化可能与热带辐合带和北大西洋经向翻转环流密切相关。


  • 图  1  重庆金佛洞地理位置示意图(图中黑色五角星指示金佛洞位置)


    Figure  1.  Geographical location of Jinfo Cave in Chongqing (Black star indicates the location of Jinfo Cave)

    图  2  石笋JF2017剖面图

    注:红色实线表示U-Th 测年采样点。

    Figure  2.  Profile of stalagmite JF2017

    Note: Solid in red indicates U-Th dating sampling point.

    图  3  石笋JF2017年代模型图


    Figure  3.  Chronological model of stalagmite JF2017

    Note: Dark blue dots indicate the age and depth of the U-Th dating points; error bars in dark blue indicate the dating error (±2σ); solid line in red indicates the chronological model curve; solid line in blue indicates the 95% confidence limit.

    图  4  石笋JF2017 δ13C记录


    Figure  4.  δ13C records of stalagmite JF2017

    Note: Dark blue curve indicates that the record is smoothed using a 20-point running mean; the black dotted line indicates the average value of the data; the error bars in red represent dating errors (±2σ).

    图  5  石笋JF2017的平衡分馏检验

    注:(a)深度为70 mm处生长层的δ13C和δ18O;(b) 深度为81 mm处生长层的δ13C和δ18O (红色点线图为δ13C;深蓝色点线图为δ18O)。

    Figure  5.  Equilibrium fractionation tests of stalagmite JF2017.

    Note: (a) δ13C and δ18O values with a depth of 70 mm; (b) δ13C and δ18O values with a depth of 81 mm (red dotted line: δ13C; dark blue dotted line: δ18O.

    图  6  JF2017石笋δ13C记录与其他石笋记录对比

    注:(a) 金佛洞石笋JF2017 δ13C(本研究);(b) 和(c)羊口洞石笋JFYK7 δ18O和 δ13C[9];(d)和(e) 羊子洞石笋YZ1 δ18O和δ13C[21];(f)和(g) 永兴洞石笋YX55 δ18O和δ13C[23];黄色阴影部分表示H6发生的时间段。

    Figure  6.  Comparison of JF2017 stalagmite δ13C record with other stalagmite records

    Note: (a) JF2017 stalagmite δ13C in Jinfo Cave; (b) and (c) JFYK7 stalagmites δ18O and δ13C[9] in Yangkou Cave; (d) and (e) YZ1 stalagmites δ18O and δ13C[21] in Yangzi Cave; (f) and (g) YX55 stalagmites δ18O and δ13C[23] in Yongxing Cave; yellow shadow: the time when H6 occurred.

    图  7  JF2017石笋δ13C记录与全球其他气候记录对比

    注:(a)金佛洞JF2017石笋δ13C记录(本研究); (b)羊口洞JFYK7石笋δ18O记录[9] ;(c)65°N夏季太阳辐射[53];(d)格陵兰冰芯δ18O记录[54]; (e) 北大西洋MD95-2040沉积岩芯SST记录[55];(f) 北大西洋KNR191-CDH19沉积岩芯231Pa/230Th记录(误差棒表示年代误差)[56];(g)卡里亚科盆地MD03-2621沉积岩芯反射率记录[57];橙色虚线表示H6的开始和结束。

    Figure  7.  Comparison of JF2017 stalagmite δ13C record with other climate records in the rest of world

    Note: (a) JF2017 stalagmite δ13C in Jinfo Cave; (b) JFYK7 stalagmite δ18O in Yangkou Cave[9]; (c) summer solar radiation at 65°N[53]; (d) ice core δ18O record in Greenland[54]; (e) SST record of MD95-2040 sediment core in North Atlantic Ocean[55] ; (f) 231Pa/230Th record of KNR191-CDH19 sediment core in North Atlantic Ocean (error bar: age error)[56]; (g) reflectivity of MD03-2621 sediment core in Cariaco Basin[57]; dotted line in orange: the beginning and the end of H6.

    表  1  金佛洞石笋JF2017 230Th测年结果

    Table  1.   230Th dating results of stalagmite JF2017

    230Th Age (a B.P.)
    JF2017-123.050 639±10042±39−118.1±1.10.361 7±0.001058 368±235
    JF2017-228.535 390±71163±41−120.6±1.10.363 7±0.001059 050±248
    JF2017-342.052 946±1062±39−118.6±1.20.365 9±0.001059 345±244
    JF2017-449.050 680±5998±15−116.1±1.00.368 8±0.000659 728±159
    JF2017-561.539 643±6761±33−113.5±1.10.371 6±0.000960 076±217
    JF2017-671.538 075±48182±19−109.8±1.10.376 1±0.000660 681±177
    JF2017-773.527 942±57610±47−110.5±0.80.377 3±0.001161 018±261
    JF2017-888.557 510±9832±31−119.4±1.10.374 6±0.000861 339±219
    JF2017-993.034 514±51383±26−116.1±1.10.378 1±0.000761 769±204
    JF2017-10107.549 708±9491±36−119.5±1.10.379 0±0.001062 332±248
    注:衰变常数取值为λ230Th=9.157 7×10−6a−1;λ234U=2.826 3×10−6a−1;λ238U=1.551 25×10−10a−1;δ234U = ([234U/238U]$_ {\rm{activity}}^{-1}$)×103,δ234U初始值是根据230Th 年龄获得,即δ234U初始值234U测量值×eλ234×T;初始230Th年龄校正采用地壳230Th/232Th平均比值: 4.4×10−6±2.2×10−6
    Note: The value of the decay constant is λ230Th=9.1577×10−6a−1; λ234U=2.8263×10−6a−1; λ238U=1.55125×10−10a−1; δ234U = ([234U/238U]$_ {\rm{activity}}^{-1}$) x 103, δ234Uinitial value is obtained based on 230Th age, i.e. δ234Uinitial value = δ234Umeasured value×eλ234×T; The initial 230Th age adjustment was based on the average ratio of 230Th/232Th in the earth's crust: 4.4×10−6±2.2×10−6.
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