Effects of short-term planting of sugar orange on soil gross nitrogen conversion in karst area
摘要: 利用15N同位素成对标记法并结合MCMC数值模型,研究岩溶区乔灌地开垦种植砂糖桔4年后土壤氮转化特征。结果显示:乔灌地开垦种植砂糖桔后,土壤有机氮矿化速率由2.93 mg N·kg−1·d−1显著下降至0.60 mg N·kg−1·d−1,土壤无机氮的供应能力降低,土壤有机氮矿化速率与土壤有机碳、全氮和全钙含量呈显著正相关性,与铁、铝、钾和黏粒比例呈显著负相关性;土壤铵态氮微生物同化速率由1.76 mg N·kg−1·d−1显著降低为0.10 mg N·kg−1· d−1,在砂糖桔地铵态氮微生物同化速率与有机氮矿化速率的比值仅为0.17。乔灌地土壤自养硝化速率高达11.06 mg N·kg−1·d−1,而硝态氮微生物同化作用微弱,硝态氮异化还原速率仅为0.64 mg N·kg−1·d−1,导致硝态氮净产生速率达到10.42 mg N·kg−1·d−1。由于土壤铵态氮浓度的降低和施肥导致土壤酸化不利于硝化细菌的活动,自养硝化速率显著降低至1.68 mg N·kg−1·d−1。岩溶区乔灌地开垦种植砂糖桔4年后土壤氮转化速率呈下降趋势。Abstract:
The soil developed from carbonatite is rich in calcium and magnesium, with high pH and heavy soil viscosity in karst area. Therefore, the nitrogen conversion process of calcareous soil in karst area is different from other zonal soil. The study area is a typical karst area. With a subtropical monsoon climate in this area, its annual temperature, precipitation and evaporation averages 19.8 ℃, 1,860 mm, and 1,038-1,566 mm, respectively. The rainy season mainly occurs from April to July. Because the study area is mainly covered with hills, thus leading to soil shortage. In order to alleviate poverty, local people reclaim hillsides to plant sugar oranges to increase economic income, during which the change of land use will affect the process of soil nitrogen conversion. The study of soil nitrogen conversion process under different land use modes is of great significance for understanding soil nitrogen cycle, evaluating soil nitrogen supply capacity and availability, and guiding crop planting. However, there are few studies on soil nitrogen conversion of sugar oranges in karst area. In this paper, the 15N tracing technique combined with MCMC numerical model was used to study the conversion of soil gross nitrogen and its influencing factors in the karst area where arbor-bush have been converted to sugar oranges for 4 years. This study aims to provide a scientific basis for soil nitrogen supply capacity and ecological environment evaluation in karst area. The results showed that the mineralization rate of organic nitrogen decreased significantly from 2.93 mg N·kg−1· d−1 to 0.60 mg N·kg−1 d−1 during the conversion of arbor-bush to sugar orange. The mineralization rate of organic nitrogen showed a significant positive correlation with soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and calcium content, and a negative correlation with iron, aluminum, potassium and the proportion of clay. The ammonium nitrogen assimilation rate by microorganism significantly reduced from 1.76 mg N·kg−1· d−1 to 0.10 mg N·kg−1· d−1, and the ratio of ammonium nitrogen assimilation rate by microorganism to the mineralization rate of organic nitrogen was 0.17 in the soil of sugar orange. The autotrophic nitrification rate was as high as 11.06 mg N·kg−1·d−1 in the soil of arbor-bush, while the rate of nitrate dissimilation reduction was only 0.64 mg N·kg−1·d−1 in which the nitrate nitrogen microbial assimilation hardly occurred, resulting in the net nitrate production rate of 10.42 mg N·kg−1·d−1. The autotrophic nitrification rate significantly reduced to 1.68 mg N·kg−1·d−1 due to the decrease of soil ammonium concentration and soil acidification caused by fertilizer application. The heterotrophic nitrification rate hardly occurs, and inorganic nitrogen supply capacity is mainly determined by organic nitrogen mineralization rate in karst area. The mineralization rate of organic nitrogen decreased significantly, and the soil inorganic nitrogen supply capacity was weakened during the conversion of arbor-bush to sugar orange. The soil organic nitrogen mineralization rate was related to the content of organic carbon and total nitrogen and agricultural management measures. Since the use of nitrogen fertilizer accelerated soil acidification, the release of iron and aluminum in soil affected the activity and quantity of microorganisms, which resulted in the decrease of soil organic nitrogen mineralization rate. The assimilation rate of ammonium nitrogen significantly decreased and the retention ability of soil nitrogen was weakened in karst area. The rate of autotrophic nitrification decreased significantly, and the net rate of nitrate nitrogen production decreased after the land use change. In general, soil nitrogen retention capacity was poor in karst area. Due to the reduction of nitrification substrate in agricultural activities, the leaching risk of soil nitrate nitrogen is weakened, which led to the weakening of soil nitrogen supply capacity. -
Key words:
- karst areas /
- land use /
- 15N tracing /
- gross nitrogen conversion
图 2 氮素转化模型[15]
Figure 2. 15N tracing model used for data analysis
图 5 乔灌地和砂糖桔地土壤氮初级转化速率(数据来源[16])
Figure 5. Gross N conversion rates in the soil of arbor-bush land and sugar orange land
表 1 乔灌地和砂糖桔地土壤的基本理化性质
Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of the soil in arbor-bush land and sugar orange land
指标 乔灌地 砂糖桔地 有机碳/g C·kg−1 89.4±10.8A 31.6±8.8B 全氮/g N·kg−1 7.28±0.75A 2.77±0.64B C/N 12.26±0.57A 11.33±0.60A 铵态氮 /mg N·kg−1 3.38±0.00A 6.47±2.68A 硝态氮/ mg N·kg−1 21.86±3.84A 24.76±10.70A WHC/% 1.25±0.09A 0.88±0.04B pH 7.18±0.25A 5.91±0.25B CEC/cmol·kg−1 41.5±2.79A 21.6±2.79B 全钙/g·kg−1 15.37±1.55A 5.11±1.24B 全铁/g·kg−1 65.8±9.4B 83.5±2.4A 全铝/g·kg−1 98.6±1.1B 151.5±0.5A 全磷/g·kg−1 0.93±0.09A 0.69±0.14A 全钾/g·kg−1 7.37±0.97B 10.97±1.50A 黏粒比例(<2 µm)/% 29.0±5.9B 46.0±1.9A 粉粒比例(2~50 µm)/% 54.8±6.1A 44.0±0.2B 砂粒比例(50~2 000 µm)/% 16.3±0.3A 10.0±1.7B 注:同行中不同大写字母表示乔灌地和砂糖桔地土壤之间各指标差异达显著水平(P<0.05)。 表 2 土壤的理化性质与氮初级转化速率的相关性
Table 2. Correlations between soil physical and chemical properties and gross N conversion rates
成分及性质 MNorg INH4 ONH4 ANH4 RNH4a DNO3 有机碳 0.91* 0.92** 0.90* 0.63 0.73 0.55 全氮 0.94** 0.90* 0.93** 0.68 0.78 0.61 C/N 0.55 0.86* 0.52 0.23 0.22 0.16 pH 0.96** 0.78 0.90* 0.86* 0.94** 0.80 CEC 0.90* 0.94** 0.87* 0.64 0.76 0.56 WHC 0.86** 0.95** 0.85* 0.55 0.70 0.46 全磷 0.77 0.67 0.67 0.77 0.54 0.75 全钾 −0.81* −0.88* −0.78 −0.49 −0.61 −0.43 全钙 0.97** 0.87* 0.95** 0.74 0.85* 0.67 全铝 −0.94** −0.92** −0.90* −0.74 −0.83* −0.67 全铁 −0.98** −0.58 −0.97** −0.88* −0.95** −0.85* 黏粒比例(<2 µm) −0.94** −0.77 −0.98** −0.72 −0.86* −0.65 粉粒比例(2~50 µm) 0.92** 0.65 0.98** 0.68 0.85* 0.62 砂粒比例(50~2 000 µm) 0.84* 0.90* 0.83* 0.69 0.75 0.61 注:*表示在0.05水平上相关性显著;**表示在0.01水平上相关性显著。 -
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