Research review on the application of microbial information technology to karst groundwater environment
摘要: 岩溶含水层特有的非均质性使其微生物群落具有多样性,微生物信息技术研究对岩溶地下水资源开发利用和保护具有重要意义。在总结国内外微生物信息技术应用研究现状基础上,分析岩溶地下水环境中微生物来源,重点讨论微生物示踪技术、微生物监测技术在岩溶地下水环境中的应用。认为,由于岩溶含水层的复杂性和微生物的易变异性,微生物信息技术应用过程中对岩溶地下水环境造成的污染风险还需进一步探讨,提出推进微生物信息技术在岩溶地下水资源合理开发利用中的研究展望。Abstract:
With the development of society and economy, the environmental problems of karst groundwater are increasingly prominent due to the influence of human activities. The unique heterogeneity of karst aquifer leads to the diversity of microbial community. With the continuous development of microbial information technology, its application to karst groundwater environment will be increasingly extensive. Therefore, the study of microbial information technology is of great significance to the development, utilization and protection of karst groundwater resources. In this study, the research on application of microbial information technology to karst groundwater environment is reviewed from the aspects of microbial sources, microbial tracing and monitoring technology in karst groundwater, and the application prospect in this regard is also offered. The heterogeneity of karst aquifer and the dual characteristics of microbial source recharge, including endogenous water and exogenous water, lead to the sensitivity and complexity of karst groundwater environment. The sources of microorganisms in karst groundwater are diverse, mainly including native and exotic microorganisms. The input of external microbial communities such as surface water and soil environment is the main source of microorganisms in karst groundwater. In addition, groundwater recharge and other human activities have a significant impact on microbial community characteristics. Because microbial tracer technology, in which the microorganism is used as a tracer indicator, has more advantages than the traditional indicator in the study on pollution and characteristics of pollutant environment in karst groundwater, this technology has become an important method of karst groundwater resource management. So far, many microorganisms, such as Escherichia coli and Bacteriophage, have been used as tracers in tracing tests. Escherichia coli can be used as a tracer to reflect the pollution degree of karst groundwater. Bacteroidetes are used to determine the pollution source and its contribution rate because of their host specificity. Having strong migration ability and being sensitive to changes in hydraulic conditions, Bacteriophages are non-toxic and non-pathogenic to other organisms. They are used as tracers in karst and fractured aquifers for the quantitative migration analysis of groundwater, the delineation of water flow path, etc. In addition, combined with microbial tracers and traditional tracers, the multi-tracking technology has the advantages of accuracy and operability. Because microorganisms are sensitive to the change of karst environment, their community structure and diversity are different, which can effectively indicate the change of karst groundwater environment. Different from hydrochemical index monitoring, microbial monitoring technology can indicate unknown components and provide more comprehensive information of groundwater environment. Its potential application to karst groundwater monitoring has been widely recognized. With the development of microbial information technology, the sources and distribution characteristics of microorganisms need to be further identified due to the complexity of karst aquifer and the variability of microorganisms. The pollution risk caused by the application of microbial information technology to karst groundwater environment needs to be further discussed. The microbial tracer technique in karst groundwater is still immature and more suitable microbial indicators need to be screened out. Biomonitoring techniques with molecular methods have not yet achieved the resolution and flux required for monitoring purposes, and the correlation between different environmental parameters and the characteristics of microbial community change needs to be further identified. However, the technology is being developed to provide reference for the development of microbial information technology and the development and protection of karst groundwater resources. -
表 1 岩溶地下水中使用微生物示踪研究汇总表
Table 1. Summary of studies on the application of microbial tracers to karst groundwater
类别 示踪剂名称 地点 示踪剂来源 参考文献 细菌 细菌总数 汝拉山脉、阿尔卑斯山脉(瑞士) 原生细菌 [28] E. coli 老龙洞地下水流域 污染物渗滤 [13] 佛罗里达州(美国) 污染物渗滤 [45] Enterococci
Fecal coliform桂林罗锦响水岩岩溶区 农家肥储存点污水溢流 [46] Enterococci 汝拉山脉、阿尔卑斯山脉(瑞士) 原生细菌 [28] Bacteroides 重庆南山老龙洞地下河 污染物渗滤 [20] Pseudomonas syringae 田纳西州东部(美国) 人工投放 [47] Nitrobacteria
Denitrobacteria青木关岩溶槽谷区 土壤渗透水 [34] 病毒 Bacteriophages T4 密苏里州南部(美国) 人工投放 [18] Bacteriophages H40 瑞士 人工投放 [7] Bacteriophages H4
Bacteriophages H40瑞士 人工投放 Bacteriophages H6
Bacteriophages H40阿勒斯峡泉(瑞士) 人工投放 [44] 真菌 Saccharomyces 阿勒斯峡泉(瑞士) 人工投放 -
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