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A new species of Pupinidae from Guangxi karst cave (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Architaenioglossa)

CHEN Zheyu

CHEN Zheyu.A new species of Pupinidae from Guangxi karst cave (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Architaenioglossa)[J]. Carsologica Sinica,2021,40(6):1063-1068. doi: 10.11932/karst20210618
引用本文: CHEN Zheyu.A new species of Pupinidae from Guangxi karst cave (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Architaenioglossa)[J]. Carsologica Sinica,2021,40(6):1063-1068. doi: 10.11932/karst20210618
CHEN Zheyu. A new species of Pupinidae from Guangxi karst cave (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Architaenioglossa)[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2021, 40(6): 1063-1068. doi: 10.11932/karst20210618
Citation: CHEN Zheyu. A new species of Pupinidae from Guangxi karst cave (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Architaenioglossa)[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2021, 40(6): 1063-1068. doi: 10.11932/karst20210618

A new species of Pupinidae from Guangxi karst cave (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Architaenioglossa)

doi: 10.11932/karst20210618
More Information
    Author Bio:

    陈哲宇(1998-),男,研究助理,研究方向为陆生贝类分类学、软体动物研究史。E-mail: chenzheyu1998@163.com

  • 摘要:

    中国的蛹状螺科(Pupinidae)迄今共报道5属,分别为拇指螺属(Pollicaria A.A. Gould, 1856、拟圆口螺属(Pseudopomatias Möllendorff, 1885)、蛹状螺属(Pupina Vignard, 1829)、小蛹螺属(Pupinella Gray, 1850)、象蛹螺属(Rhaphaulus L. Pfeiffer, 1856)和裂唇螺属(Coptocheilus Gould, 1862) ( = Schistoloma Kobelt, 1902)。除拟圆口螺属和裂唇螺属有过详细整理报道外,其他各属物种仍缺乏研究。本文对中国小蛹螺属(Pupinella)进行了分类整理。本属此前共记录3种,即具槽小蛹螺(P. sulcatus),台湾小蛹螺(P. swinhoei)和梅山小蛹螺(P. masuhowaruensis),仅分布于广西和台湾。笔者在整理由华南农业大学田明义教授洞穴考察团队在广西壮族自治区河池市都安瑶族自治县一喀斯特洞穴中采集的陆生贝类时,经鉴定发现小蛹螺属一新种,即田氏小蛹螺(Pupinella tiani sp. nov.),因其壳体具蛹状管、无内沟槽、壳表肋纹明显及壳口窦开放等特征而与本属其他物种区分。根据壳体形态特征,分布于云南的勐仑蛹状螺(Pupina menglunensis) 被转移到本属,并认为Pupinella frednaggsi为其一新异名。此外,还提供了中国小螺属分种检索表。田氏小蛹螺新种 (Pupinella tiani Z.-Y. Chen, sp. nov.)模式标本:正模,广西壮族自治区河池市都安瑶族自治县龙湾乡琴棋村一号洞,23°52′19′′N,108°16′02′′E,海拔466 m,2013年12月24日,田明义、刘卫欣、尹昊旻、罗孝竹采集。副模:2个,采集信息同正模。正副模标本均保存于河北大学动物博物馆软体动物馆藏中。测量:正模标本,壳高:11.30 mm,壳宽:4.62 mm,壳口直径:3.80 mm。副模标本(n=2),壳高:11.24~11.38 mm,壳宽:4.50~4.56 mm,壳口直径:3.64~3.82 mm。词源学:本种名源自标本主要采集人田明义教授。描述:贝壳小型,高圆锥形,有6.5个浅色且稍有光泽的螺层。胚螺层约有2.5个,粗糙,边界与下部螺层较难明显区分。主螺层有细而规则的肋纹,肋纹随着螺层的增加而逐渐明显,体螺层上每1 mm有15个肋纹;体螺层的腹侧稍扁平;壳口圆形,平直;唇缘外扩,白瓷色,边缘被一腔襞沟槽和一近壳轴沟槽;腔襞沟槽和壳轴沟槽为半圆形的开放槽,不形成管状。壳轴缺沟槽与基部龙骨相对应,在胼胝处消失。脐孔狭窄。厣形态未知。描别:本种因其开放的沟槽和壳轴沟槽内管阙如而与中国其他物种区分。台湾小蛹螺与本种在尺寸和外形上最相近,但新种可通过其细尖的壳顶和不具双唇结构而于前者区分。详见正文的检索表。附记:本种仅知分布于模式产地。模式标本从洞口土样中分离,同时发现的有微拟沼螺属(Acmella W.T Blanford, 1969)的标本。


  • Figure  Fig.1.  Overview of Pupinella tian Z.-Y. Chen, sp. nov.

    Figure  Fig.2.  Structural details of Pupinella tiani Z.-Y. Chen, sp. nov. (A.ventral view of aperture, B.upward view of aperture, C.inner structure of body whorl)

    Figure  Fig.3.  Distribution of Pupinella Gray, 1850 from China (Locality information of the known species followed Chang (1986), Ueng & Chiou (2004), Zhang et al. (2008) and Chen & Zhang (1998))

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