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朱启迪 石福明

朱启迪,石福明.中国洞穴驼螽物种多样性与适应[J].中国岩溶,2021,40(6):1026-1031. doi: 10.11932/karst20210612
引用本文: 朱启迪,石福明.中国洞穴驼螽物种多样性与适应[J].中国岩溶,2021,40(6):1026-1031. doi: 10.11932/karst20210612
ZHU Qidi,SHI Fuming.Species diversity and adaptation of cave crickets in China[J].Carsologica Sinica,2021,40(06):1026-1031. doi: 10.11932/karst20210612
Citation: ZHU Qidi,SHI Fuming.Species diversity and adaptation of cave crickets in China[J].Carsologica Sinica,2021,40(06):1026-1031. doi: 10.11932/karst20210612


doi: 10.11932/karst20210612

国家自然科学基金项目 31872268




    石福明(1961-),男,博士,教授,博士研究生导师,主要从事螽亚目分类与系统学研究。E-mail: shif_m@126.com

  • 中图分类号: Q969.26

Species diversity and adaptation of cave crickets in China



  • 摘要: 文章总结了中国洞穴驼螽的种类、分布及适应进化。中国记录洞穴驼螽3属26种,其中疾灶螽属(Tachycines)(24种)物种最丰富;洞穴驼螽分布范围窄,96%(25种)的物种仅分布于模式产地,或模式产地所在的县(市),而贵州省物种最丰富,有记录15种;喜洞穴和偶洞穴驼螽的外部形态与地表种相似,真洞穴驼螽具有适应洞穴生活的典型特征,如体色浅,复眼不同程度退化(甚至消失),触角和尾须较长且感器类型丰富等。对洞穴生物的保护,除了保护天然洞穴外,还需进一步保护洞穴周围的环境。


  • 图  1  记录的裸灶螽亚属物种(记录地:A.重庆武隆三王洞;B.云南西双版纳万铃山洞;C.湖北五峰大洞)(田明义摄)

    Figure  1.  Tachycines (Gymnaeta) spp.(A. Sanwang cave, Wulong, Chongqing; B. Wanlingshan cave, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan; C. Da cave, Wufeng, Hubei) (photoed by Mingyi Tian)

    图  2  中国洞穴驼螽分布图

    Figure  2.  Distribution of cave crickets in China

    图  3  中国各省(区)洞穴驼螽物种数(占比)

    Figure  3.  Number of cave cricket species in each province

    表  1  中国洞穴驼螽种类名录与分布

    Table  1.   Checklist and distribution of cave crickets in China

    1.圆锯优疾灶螽(E. crenatus (Gorochov, Di Russo & Rampini, 2006)) [7]湖南(龙山)
    2.坡老裸灶螽(G. polaoensis Feng, Huang & Luo, 2020)[16]贵州(贞丰)
    3.双叶裸灶螽(T. (Gymnaeta) bifolius Zhu, Chen & Shi, 2020)[18]贵州(盘县)
    4.尾裸灶螽(T. (G.) caudatus (Gorochov, Rampini & Di Russo, 2006)) [7]广西(桂林)
    5.洞穴裸灶螽(T. (G.) cavernus (Jiao, Niu, Liu, Lei & Bi, 2008)) [9]湖北(通山、利川),湖南(平江)
    6.陈氏裸灶螽(T. (G.) chenhui (Rampini & Di Russo, 2008)) [8]贵州(关岭)
    7.圣骨裸灶螽(T. (G.) ferecaecus (Gorochov, Rampini & Di Russo, 2006)) [7]贵州(荔波)
    8.拉林裸灶螽(T. (G.) lalinus Feng, Huang & Luo, 2019)[13]贵州(独山)
    9.拉脱裸灶螽(T. (G.) latellai (Rampini & Di Russo, 2008)) [8]贵州(黔西)
    10.宽凹裸灶螽(T. (G.) latiliconcavus Zhu, Chen & Shi, 2020)[18]四川(芦山)
    11.荔波裸灶螽(T. (G.) liboensis Zhu, Chen & Shi, 2020)[18]贵州(荔波)
    12.李氏裸灶螽(T. (G.) lii Qin, Liu & Li, 2019)[14]广西(乐业)
    13.缺片裸灶螽(T. (G.) nulliscleritus Zhu, Chen & Shi, 2020)[18]湖南(怀化)
    14.对称裸灶螽(T. (G.) omninocaecus (Gorochov, Rampini & Di Russo, 2006)) [7]湖南(龙山)
    15.奇异裸灶螽(T. (G.) paradoxus Zhu, Chen & Shi, 2020)[18]贵州(兴义)
    16.近裸灶螽(T. (G.) proximus (Gorochov, Rampini & Di Russo, 2006)) [7]贵州(荔波)
    17.拟圆锯裸灶螽(T. (G.) semicrenatus (Gorochov, Rampini & Di Russo, 2006)) [7]湖北(神农架)
    18.双叉裸灶螽(T. (G.) shuangcha Feng, Huang & Luo, 2020)[15]贵州(沿河)
    19.实心裸灶螽(T. (G.) solidus (Gorochov, Rampini & Di Russo, 2006)) [7]湖南(龙山)
    20.带状裸灶螽(T. (G.) taenus Zhu, Chen & Shi, 2020)[18]广西(东兰)
    21.铜仁裸灶螽(T. (G.) tongrenus Feng, Huang & Luo, 2020)[15]贵州(沿河)
    22.梯形裸灶螽(T. (G.) trapezialis Zhou & Yang, 2020)[17]贵州(紫云)
    23.具突裸灶螽(T. (G.) tuberus Zhu, Chen & Shi, 2020)[18]贵州(望谟)
    24.伞状裸灶螽(T. (G.) umbellus Zhu, Chen & Shi, 2020)[18]湖南(张家界)
    25.枣树裸灶螽(T. (G.) zaoshu Feng, Huang & Luo, 2020)[15]贵州(沿河)
    26.卓氏裸灶螽(T. (G.) zorzini (Rampini & Di Russo, 2008)) [8]贵州(黔西)
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