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Volume 33 Issue 2
Jun.  2014
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WANG Hai-bo, LI Ting-yong, YUAN Na, LI Jun-yun. Environmental signification and characteristics of δD and δ18O variation in drip water in Yangkou cave, Chongqing[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2014, 33(2): 146-155.
Citation: WANG Hai-bo, LI Ting-yong, YUAN Na, LI Jun-yun. Environmental signification and characteristics of δD and δ18O variation in drip water in Yangkou cave, Chongqing[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2014, 33(2): 146-155.

Environmental signification and characteristics of δD and δ18O variation in drip water in Yangkou cave, Chongqing

  • Received Date: 2013-11-18
  • Publish Date: 2014-06-25
  • To explore the variation of water δD, δ18O and its environmental significance, drip water and local meteoric precipitation were collected monthly from Yangkou cave in Jinfo Mountain, Nanchuan district, Chongqing, China, from October 2011 to August 2013, which were used for the analyze of the hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes. By comparing the distribution and seasonal changes of δD and δ18O values, and the correlations with rainfall and temperature, some summaries can be concluded as below. (1) For all the six monitoring sites, the δD and δ18O data of drip water distributed closely to the Local Meteoric Water Line (LMWL), δD=8.75δ18O+22.14, which was built up based on the δD and δ18O data of local precipitation. This means that there was no significant evaporation for the precipitation during the infiltration into the cave, and the δD and δ18O of drip water represent the average composition of local precipitation. (2) The amplitudes of δD and δ18O variation for drip water were -46.77 ‰~ -62.09 ‰ and -7.05 ‰~ -9.96 ‰ respectively, obviously less than the amplitudes of δD and δ18O for local precipitation, which were 5.17 ‰~ -115.63 ‰ and -1.44 ‰~ -16.10 ‰ respectively. In additionally, the δD and δ18O variations of drip water lagged to those of local precipitation. This should be attributed to the adjustment capacity of the overlying soil and bedrock. While, because of the seasonal change of moisture source, for both of the local precipitation and drip water, the δD and δ18O variation charactered as lighter in summer months and heavy in winter months. The relatively extensive δD and δ18O variation of drip water among different drip sites, maybe should be attributed to the difference of fissures in the bedrock, thickness of overlying stratum, residence time of underground water, migration length, dripping height and rate, and the distance between the drip site and entrance, and so on. (3) The δ18O of precipitation presented amount effect to rainfall and negative correlation with temperature. In general, the δ18O of drip water negatively correlated to rainfall too, but the correlation between drip water δ18O and temperature (water temperature and air temperature in cave) was diversified. E.g. there was no correlation for sites 1#、2#、5#、6#, positive correlation for site 3# and negative correlation for site 4#. It seems that these various correlations between drip water δ18O and temperature should partly be attributed to the different seasonal change of drip water δ18O among the drip sites. (4) In a word, mixing effect in the bedrock overlying the cave hiding the seasonal change of δD and δ18O in precipitation, resulted in smooth seasonal change of δD and δ18O in drip water. So, it may be at a low possibility to reconstruct paleoclimate change at seasonal resolution based on the stalagmite in Yangkou cave. While, the δD and δ18O of drip water inherited the change of local precipitation, the stalagmite δ18O in this cave can record the paleoclimate change at long time scale as annual-decades or even longer.


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