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Huang Chunyang, Huang Juan, Zhong Xiaoyu, Li Jie, Li Mingyu. Study on ecological risk threshold of farmland soil in typical karst region of Guangxi: A case study of Cd[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA. doi: 10.11932/karst2024y032
Citation: Huang Chunyang, Huang Juan, Zhong Xiaoyu, Li Jie, Li Mingyu. Study on ecological risk threshold of farmland soil in typical karst region of Guangxi: A case study of Cd[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA. doi: 10.11932/karst2024y032

Study on ecological risk threshold of farmland soil in typical karst region of Guangxi: A case study of Cd

doi: 10.11932/karst2024y032
  • Received Date: 2023-11-20
  • Accepted Date: 2024-03-01
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-02-22
  • Available Online: 2024-12-30
  • Cadmium (Cd) is a non-essential element that is harmful to human health, and it is a primary pollutant in agricultural soils. It is important to assess an ecological risk threshold of Cd in soil-crop systems. The soils have previously been shown to be anomalously enriched in Cd through geogenic processes in the karst region,Southwestern China. Therefore, a valuable method that could accurately evaluate ecological risk threshold of Cd in agricultural soils in karst areas needs to be proposed immediately. The rice is the most widely cultivated cereal crop that is responsible for the largest human dietary exposure to Cd in Daxin county.In this study, we systematically collected 102 groups of crops of rice and its root soil from a typical karst area in Guangxi Province. The results showed that 90.2% of Cd in soil samples exceeded the screening value in the National Environmental Quality Standard for Soil (GB15618-2018), the Cd content in rice seeds planted in those fields, however, were quite low, and only 8.82% samples exceeded the limit for Contaminants in Food (GB 2762-2022). The results revealed a spatial mismatch in Cd pollution between the soil and rice grains in the study area, and the main results are as follows: (i) slight soil pollution and safe rice; (ii) slight soil pollution and serious rice pollution and (iii) safe soil and serious rice pollution. In the study area, the higher the pH value of rice seed growth soil, the weaker the migration ability of Cd, and the less Cd absorbed or transferred by rice seed. Although the soil Cd form is mainly dominated by the content of bioavailable state, the soil pH is mainly weakly alkaline, which inhibits the absorption of soil Cd by plants, and will not affect food security if the soil pH does not change.It is one of the key reasons for the low Cd concentration in rice with high Cd soil geological background. The current soil environmental quality standard is difficult to accurately evaluate the level of soil Cd pollution in the study area, so the soil environmental quality benchmark should be proposed according to the actual situation.Therefore, based on the species sensitivity distribution method, this study calculated the safety limit for protecting 95% of rice seed soil Cd, and evaluated the actual Cd pollution level in the study area.Based on SSD method, we deduced the pollution risk screening values as 0.4 mg·kg-1, 1.08 mg·kg-1 and 6.4 mg·kg-1 corresponding to soil Cd that protected 95% rice from exceeding the standard under pH 5.5~6.5, 6.5~7.5 and 7.5~8.5, respectively.Compared with the soil environmental quality limits stipulated by GB15618-2018, it can be found that the national standard is not rigorous enough and too broad in the environment of acidic soil (5.57.5) soil environment.With the increase of pH value, the correct rate of derived value increased from 23.5% to 92.1%, while the correct rate of screening value given by national standard decreased from 47.1% to 6.3%. The correct rate of derived value according to the evaluation results increased significantly with the increase of pH, from 23.5% to 92.1%. Therefore, this result could be considered a more accurate assessment threshold, and provide a scientific reference for the safe production of Cd-contaminated rice paddies in typical karst areas of Guangxi.


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