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Volume 42 Issue 4
Nov.  2023
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Article Contents
DONG Hongqi, ZHANG Qingyu, LIANG Jiapeng, LIANG Bin, LI Jingrui, DAN Yong, NIE Guoquan, JI Shaocong. Carbon and oxygen isotopic characteristics of karst fracture-cavity fillings and environmental significance: A case study of Ordovician Yingshan Formation in Tahe oilfield[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(4): 863-874. doi: 10.11932/karst20230417
Citation: DONG Hongqi, ZHANG Qingyu, LIANG Jiapeng, LIANG Bin, LI Jingrui, DAN Yong, NIE Guoquan, JI Shaocong. Carbon and oxygen isotopic characteristics of karst fracture-cavity fillings and environmental significance: A case study of Ordovician Yingshan Formation in Tahe oilfield[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(4): 863-874. doi: 10.11932/karst20230417

Carbon and oxygen isotopic characteristics of karst fracture-cavity fillings and environmental significance: A case study of Ordovician Yingshan Formation in Tahe oilfield

doi: 10.11932/karst20230417
  • Received Date: 2023-01-20
    Available Online: 2023-11-28
  • Karst fracture-cavity of Ordovician Yingshan Formation is the main carbonate reservoir in Tahe oilfield. The development of karst fracture-cavity shows strong heterogeneity. The complex diversification of filling types, types of filling materials and filling characteristics leads to the complexity of karst fracture-cavity reservoirs, which has a direct impact on the development of oil reservoirs. Understanding the characteristics of karst fracture-cavity filling is conducive to finding the optimal reservoir, which is of great significance to the study of petroleum geology in this area. In this study, the Ordovician Yingshan Formation cores from several wells in Tahe oilfield were observed, and the karst fracture-cavity fillings and limestone bedrock of typical drilling of Yingshan Formation were collected. Combined with the characteristics of fracture-cavity filling, the carbon and oxygen isotope characteristics are analyzed, and the sedimentary paleoenvironment is clarified, which provides a new geochemical basis for inversion of reservoir formation process. Based on the core observation, description and filling type statistics of 31 drillings in Tahe oilfield, it is found that the fillings of karst fracture-caves of Ordovician Yingshan Formation in Tahe area are mainly characterized by mechanical fillings and chemical deposits, followed by slump fillings. The slump fillings mainly filling in caves and seven boreholes—A8, T615, T502, S64, S70, T403 and T624—can show the most typical characteristics. We collected 35 filling samples of the karst fracture-cavity in these seven typical drillings of Ordovician Yingshan Formation, including calcareous argillaceous, sandy, calcite, breccia and limestone bedrock filled in the dissolution pores. Then, we tested and analyzed δ13C and δ18O of the filling samples. The results show that the variation range of carbon and oxygen isotopes of the backfill is large, with δ13C from 0.75 ‰ to −10.14 ‰ and δ18O from −5.94 ‰ to −14.14 ‰. Compared with the carbon and oxygen isotope of bedrock, the values of δ13C and δ18O of 80% of the backfill are negative, and the calcite is the most negative. The values of δ13C and δ18O of calcium mud filling were significantly positive. There are four different types of formation environment for karst fracture-cavity fillings in Ordovician Yingshan Formation. The first type is the contemporaneous or early diagenetic karst environment. The δ13C and δ18O of the karst fracture-cavity fillings are from −2.29‰ to 0.75‰ and from −5.94‰ to −8.57‰, respectively, which are similar to the carbon and oxygen isotope characteristics of the marine limestone of the Yingshan Formation. This finding indicates that the fracture-cavity fillings are formed in the contemporaneous or early diagenetic marine karst environment, which may be the result of the joint filling of mud carried by flowing water and carbonate rock deposition in the contemporaneous karst period. The second type is Late Caledonian-Early Hercynian weathering crust karst, with the most obvious negative values of carbon and oxygen isotopes: δ13C from −10.14‰ to −8.57 ‰, and δ18O from −14.14‰ to −13.44 ‰, respectively. The negative δ18O value is mainly caused by the low δ18O value of atmospheric freshwater, which leads to the negative δ18O value of precipitated calcite. There are two main reasons for the negative δ13C value. One is the exposure environment of late Caledonian-early Hercynian affected by low δ13C CO2 in atmospheric fresh water, and the negative δ13C value of calcite precipitated after reaction with carbonate rocks. The other is that the content of organic matter overlying on the weathering crust in the Silurian clastic strata is high, and the δ13C value is low due to the oxidation of CH4 by organic matter. The third type is buried karst environment. Both the negative values of δ13C (from −6.54‰ to −3.07‰) and δ18O (from −13.11‰ to −12.43‰) indicate that the fillings are affected by different degrees of atmospheric freshwater in buried karst environment. The fourth type is the late to modern karst environment. The values of δ13C (from −5.24‰ to −0.79‰) and δ18O (from −11.15‰ to −8.77‰) are quite different from those of the carbon and oxygen isotopes in terms of bedrock background values. Most of the filling materials are calcareous argillaceous mechanical filling, mainly filling in karst caves and dissolved structural joints. The filling process is slow and long, and is affected by organic matter to varying degrees. Karst fracture-cavity filling are the product of the formation of karst reservoir in the transformation process. The analysis of carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonate rocks and karst fracture-cavity fillings is one of the important means for the study of paleokarst oil and gas reservoirs. It is helpful to understand the formation environment, development and evolution of karst and its relationship with the development of oil and gas reservoirs, which is of great significance for the prediction of karst reservoirs and oil and gas exploration.


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