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Volume 42 Issue 1
Feb.  2023
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LYU Lin, LI Wei, LIU Yuanqing, SONG Mian, DENG Qijun, ZHENG Yidi. Dynamic analysis of hydrochemistry and isotope of the karst spring of Jinlong Cave in the northern section of Taihang Mountains[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(1): 149-160, 181. doi: 10.11932/karst20230111
Citation: LYU Lin, LI Wei, LIU Yuanqing, SONG Mian, DENG Qijun, ZHENG Yidi. Dynamic analysis of hydrochemistry and isotope of the karst spring of Jinlong Cave in the northern section of Taihang Mountains[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(1): 149-160, 181. doi: 10.11932/karst20230111

Dynamic analysis of hydrochemistry and isotope of the karst spring of Jinlong Cave in the northern section of Taihang Mountains

doi: 10.11932/karst20230111
  • Received Date: 2021-01-20
  • Karst groundwater is an important part of the groundwater system and one of the important resources to ensure human survival and development. The study area is located in the northern part of Taihang Mountains in the west of Baoding City, Hebei Province. The spring water samples were collected monthly in Jinlong Cave, and their dynamic characteristics of hydrochemistry and isotope were analyzed. The study area presents a low-middle mountain landform with erosive structure and warm temperate semi-arid climate. It is a volcano-sedimentary basin with complex geological and structural conditions, which is one of the typical representatives of the thrust nappe structure in the north-central section of Taihang Mountains. The caprock is exposed in a large area. And the strata are well developed with Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Carboniferous Benxi Formation and Jurassic strata from the bottom to the top. The lithology is mainly composed of dolomite, limestone, shale and andesite. The Fupingian gneiss, in fault contact with the caprock, is exposed around the sedimentary rock mass. The main water-bearing rock formations are medium-thick limestone and dolomite of the middle and upper Ordovician Majiagou formation, Yeli formation and Liangjiashan formation, and limestone of the upper Cambrian Gushan formation. The groundwater type is the fissure water in exposed carbonate karst cave. Through the analysis of spring water samples and spring flow monitoring data, the change of spring flow is basically synchronized with the change of precipitation, indicating that the local precipitation is the main source of supply for the spring. According to the flow monitoring data, the response of spring flow to precipitation lags 14-50 days. The main ion concentration in the spring, the spring flow and precipitation all experience changes in different degrees. Generally speaking, the concentration of each ion in the spring water is relatively low at the period of concentrated precipitation (July and August). However, it is opposite in other periods that the concentration of each ion in water is relatively high with different fluctuation ranges in different periods. In a word, the main controlling factors of the chemical characteristics of spring water are leaching and dilution. In addition, trace elements such as Sr and ${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$ in spring water also change with the spring flow. Sr is negatively correlated with spring flow, which is mainly controlled by dilution. On the contrary, ${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$ is positively correlated with the spring water volume, indicating that the range of spring water supply changes in different seasons. Based on the dynamic analysis of precipitation isotope, spring water δ18O and δD is positively correlated with the change of spring discharge. The main reason is that the evaporation under cloud is strong in summer, and raindrops experience unbalanced fractionation, which may result in the increase of δ18O value and δD value during the precipitation. Besides, the spring water may also be subject to evaporation in the process of infiltration into underground fissures. According to the analysis of d-excess data, the spring water is mainly supplied by the precipitation of ocean water vapor. The analysis of 34S and 87Sr/86Sr data also proves that the spring water of Jinlong Cave is supplied by regional atmospheric precipitation, and the ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ in water is not from gypsum dissolution, while the spring water is mixed with the groundwater from the silicate area and the groundwater from the carbonate area. Furthermore, according to the analysis of ion ratio and mineral saturation data of spring water, ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$, Ca2+and Mg2+ in spring water mainly come from the dissolution of carbonate rock dominated by sulfuric acid; ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ mainly comes from the oxidation dissolution of sulfur-containing minerals such as pyrite in Jurassic andesite. The PHREEQCI software was used to calculate the saturation indexes of calcite, dolomite, gypsum, aragonite and quartz in the groundwater of Jinlong Cave. Results show that the saturation indexes of gypsum and quartz do not change significantly with the change of precipitation and spring water, but gypsum is in an unsaturated state and quartz in a slightly saturated state. Calcite and dolomite are in unsaturated states when the spring flow is large, while they are in saturated states at other times. Aragonite is always in an unsaturated state, but when the spring flow is large, the degree of unsaturation increases. These phenomena prove that dilution is one of the main factors controlling the chemical dynamics of spring water. Therefore, it is considered that the groundwater of Jinlong Cave can be divided based on two periods: during the period of intense precipitation, the groundwater of Jinlong Cave is mainly recharged by the precipitation infiltration in the carbonate rock area where karst fissures such as karst caves are very developed and can quickly convert precipitation into groundwater; during the period of small precipitation, the groundwater is mainly recharged by the groundwater with relatively slow flow rate in the volcanic sedimentary rock area dominated by weathered fissures at high altitude.


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