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Volume 41 Issue 1
Feb.  2022
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WU Yuanbin,LIU Zhikui,YIN Renchao,et al.Evaluation of karst collapse susceptibility in Huaihua area,Hunan Province based on AHP and GIS[J].Carsologica Sinica,2022,41(01):21-33. doi: 10.11932/karst2021y44
Citation: WU Yuanbin,LIU Zhikui,YIN Renchao,et al.Evaluation of karst collapse susceptibility in Huaihua area,Hunan Province based on AHP and GIS[J].Carsologica Sinica,2022,41(01):21-33. doi: 10.11932/karst2021y44

Evaluation of karst collapse susceptibility in Huaihua area,Hunan Province based on AHP and GIS

doi: 10.11932/karst2021y44

 DD20190266, DD20160254

 41867039, 42077273, 41877300

 2020016, 2015017, 2020002


  • Received Date: 2021-09-16
  • Publish Date: 2022-02-25
  • The scope of this study area mainly involves Hecheng district, Chengdong new district, Hexi district, Zhongfang county from Huaihua city, a regional transportation hub in Hunan Province, with a total area of about 1,122 km2. This city borders 1 municipality, Chongqing, and 2 provinces, 1 autonomous region Hubei, Guizhou and Guangxi. The study area has a humid subtropical monsoon climate with mild climate and abundant rainfall.The average rainfall is 1,326.3 mm over the years, and the maximum rainfall is 1,663 mm. April to August is the rainy season, with the largest precipitation accounting for more than 70% of the average precipitation over years. The geomorphic type is the low hill and open valley with tectonic dissolution. Located in the southeast margin of the Yangtze block and on the contact zone of two structural units-Yuanma basin and Xuefeng thrust belt, the geological structure conditions in the study area are complex,with densely developed faults and karst. The soil layer structure in the area is mainly divided into single-layer structure and double-layer structure, respectively which are distributed in the dissolution valley and on both banks of the river in the valley. The groundwater in the karst area is mainly fissure water from carbonatite karst cave, which is recharged by atmospheric rainfall and the outer edge water from the surrounding mountain area with clastic rocks.In recent years, with the acceleration of urbanization and under the influence of a large number of engineering activities, 49 karst collapses (collapse groups) and 111 karst collapse pits have occurred in the area, posing a great threat to people’s lives and property, and urban development. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the susceptibility evaluation and zoning of karst collapse in Huaihua city, so as to provide geological basis for urban development, and disasters prevention and reduction of engineering construction .In view of the characteristics of covertness and suddenness of karst collapse, comprehensive technical means such as evaluation and monitoring are often used for the prediction and prevention of karst collapse. Among these means, the evaluation of karst collapse susceptibility is an important mean in the current comprehensive prevention and control of karst collapse.The purpose is to judge the possibility of karst collapse from the perspective of geological conditions,and it is the basis for risk and risk assessment in the later stage. Its reliability, practicability and applicability depend on the selection of evaluation methods and evaluation factors.Based on the results of special geological survey of karst collapse, this paper selects eight evaluation factors including karst development degree, the distance to the fault, soil layer structure, soil layer thickness, fluctuation range of karst water level, relationship between karst water level and bedrock surface, groundwater mining intensity and karst collapse density, and establishes a multi-factor discrimination model for karst collapse susceptibility by using analytic hierarchy process. The influence of each factor on the formation of karst collapse is systematically studied, and the weight assignment of each factor is determined. Meanwhile, geographic information system (GIS) technology is used to evaluate the susceptibility of karst collapse in Huaihua area.The evaluation results show that the high and medium prone areas of karst collapse in Huaihua area respectively accounts for 34.7% (107.48 km2) and 50.7% (157.13 km2) of the total prone area. Most of the collapse occurs in these two types of prone areas where exist karst development, thin soil layer and strong groundwater hydrodynamic conditions. The results show that the analytic hierarchy process has good applicability in the evaluation of karst collapse susceptibility in the study area, and the evaluation results have high reliability.The length of various traffic lines passing through high and medium prone areas of karst collapse is 16.4 km and 88.9 km in this area respectively, accounting for 12.9% and 69.9% of the total length of the lines passing through the karst collapse prone area. Which are greatly threatened by karst collapse geological disasters. It is suggested that the risk assessment of karst collapse for important traffic lines should be evaluated, and the management of engineering activities(such as pumping and drainage, pile foundation, blasting vibration, etc.)should be strengthened along the line.


  • WU Yuanbin,LIU Zhikui,YIN Renchao,et al.Evaluation of karst collapse susceptibility in Huaihua area,Hunan Province based on AHP and GIS[J].Carsologica Sinica,2022,41(01):21-33.
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