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  • The Key Magazine of China Technology
Volume 42 Issue 2
Apr.  2023
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MAO Chengjun, YANG Yun, WU Jianfeng, DONG Ping, WU Jichun. Numerical simulation of crystallization blocking in tunnel drainage pipes based on dynamic mesh and level set[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(2): 245-256. doi: 10.11932/karst2021y37
Citation: MAO Chengjun, YANG Yun, WU Jianfeng, DONG Ping, WU Jichun. Numerical simulation of crystallization blocking in tunnel drainage pipes based on dynamic mesh and level set[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(2): 245-256. doi: 10.11932/karst2021y37

Numerical simulation of crystallization blocking in tunnel drainage pipes based on dynamic mesh and level set

doi: 10.11932/karst2021y37
  • Received Date: 2021-05-16
  • The complex hydrogeological conditions in karst areas lead to frequent water seepage and water gushing disasters in tunnels, which often require supporting drainage systems to prevent and control water hazards. When the karst groundwater with high salinity enters the tunnel drainage pipe, the solubility of soluble salt ions in water changes with the variation of external temperature and pressure conditions, forming saturated solution. Ions crystallize and precipitate, sticking to the inner wall of the drainage pipe, which will contribute to decreasing its flow area. If not treated, in the long run, the drainage pipe will be blocked, resulting in the increase of water pressure in the tunnel lining. Consequently, it is likely to occur a series of tunnel water hazards such as water leakage, water gushing, mud outburst, lining damage, etc., which may seriously threaten the safety of tunnel construction and operation.For quantitative research on the crystallization blocking process of tunnel drainage system, we constructed the blocking model of karst water crystallization in drainage pipes for the first time, coupling with the pipeline hydrodynamic field, the concentration field and the chemical reaction field. Meanwhile, with methods of dynamic mesh and level set, we quantitatively expounded the crystallization blocking process in the tunnel drainage system. We also carried out a comparative study on different simulation technologies to analyze the influence of such factors as temperature, velocity, solute concentration, etc. on the blocking of crystallization. The results show that: (1) Both of the two methods can simulate and predict the crystallizing process, among which the dynamic mesh method is simpler and its solving accuracy is relatively higher, and the level set method can be used to simulate the further deposition after the topological shape has been changed (i.e., completely blocked). (2) Crystallization blocking mainly occurs in the transverse tube, where more crystalline precipitates are developed, because the flow velocity in the longitudinal tube is generally higher than that in the transverse tube, and the CaCO3 crystal concentration in the transverse tube is higher than that in the longitudinal tube. (3) Temperatures and solution concentrations are positively correlated with the crystallization rate, while the flow rate is negatively correlated with it. (4) Given the coupling of hydrodynamic reaction with chemical reactions, the numerical model of crystallization blocking can provide technical support for the early identification and safety evaluation of geological hazards of karst tunnels.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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