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Volume 40 Issue 5
Oct.  2021
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NIE Guoquan,LI Xiaopan,DAN Yong,et al.Burial and thermal history of mud shale in Niutitang formation of lower Cambrian in southern Guizhou depression:A case study of Guidudi well 1[J].Carsologica Sinica,2021,40(05):760-767. doi: 10.11932/karst20210503
Citation: NIE Guoquan,LI Xiaopan,DAN Yong,et al.Burial and thermal history of mud shale in Niutitang formation of lower Cambrian in southern Guizhou depression:A case study of Guidudi well 1[J].Carsologica Sinica,2021,40(05):760-767. doi: 10.11932/karst20210503

Burial and thermal history of mud shale in Niutitang formation of lower Cambrian in southern Guizhou depression:A case study of Guidudi well 1

doi: 10.11932/karst20210503


 DD20190723, DD20190562, DD20190022

  • Received Date: 2021-03-30
  • Publish Date: 2021-10-25
  • The Niutitang formation of lower Cambrian is one of the most important target strata for shale gas in southern Guizhou depression. In order to explore the hydrocarbon generation and evolution of mud shale, the burial and thermal history of Niutitang formation in Guidudi Well 1 in southern Guizhou depression has been reconstructed based on petroleum geological as well as geochemical analyses by basin simulation. Results demonstrate the abundant type-I organic matter in mud shale of Niutitang formation. The organic matter has reached over-mature stage and generally has a certain potential of hydrocarbon generation.The mud shale of Niutitang formation experienced the oil-generating period from early Middle Cambrian to Middle Ordovician (about 508~466 Ma) and the gas-generating period from Middle Ordovician to early Middle Triassic (about 466~236 Ma),reaching the maximum burial depth of 5,740 m and the maximum temperature of about 215 °C in the late Middle Triassic (about 230 Ma). It has the characteristics of transient oil generation and continuous gas generation. The process of the hydrocarbon generation during the high thermal evolution can provide good basic conditions for shale gas enrichment. However, tectonic uplift and erosion since Indosinian period has had a strong destructive effect on shale gas preservation, and preservation conditions are the most important controlling factors for shale gas enrichment.


  • NIE Guoquan,LI Xiaopan,DAN Yong,et al.Burial and thermal history of mud shale in Niutitang formation of lower Cambrian in southern Guizhou depression:A case study of Guidudi well 1[J].Carsologica Sinica,2021,40(05):760-767.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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