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Volume 39 Issue 2
Apr.  2020
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LIANG Jintao, DENG Yan, LI Xuyao, XU Ye, CAO Jianhua. Analysis on water use efficiency of plants at different altitudes in karst graben basin[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2020, 39(2): 180-188. doi: 10.11932/karst20200206
Citation: LIANG Jintao, DENG Yan, LI Xuyao, XU Ye, CAO Jianhua. Analysis on water use efficiency of plants at different altitudes in karst graben basin[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2020, 39(2): 180-188. doi: 10.11932/karst20200206

Analysis on water use efficiency of plants at different altitudes in karst graben basin

doi: 10.11932/karst20200206
  • Publish Date: 2020-04-25
  • The Xiaojiang river watershed is a typical karst graben basin in the edge of the karst plateau and valley slopes in eastern Yunnan. The basin spreads from northeast to east, with terrain overall high in the north and east and low in the south and west. The geomorphology within the basin is divided into five types,karst platform trough valley in the upstream, karst mid-mountains surrounding the basin,basin-level sedimentary flats, karst peak-cluster depressions around the basin bottom, and Xiaojiang karst valley. The basin is located on a low-dimensional plateau, has a sub-tropical and semi-humid climate,a characteristics of the central Yunnan plateau.It hosts different vegetation types associated with the influences of the topography and geomorphology on the distribution and reconfiguration of water,heat, and soil conditions. This study attempted to explore the relationship between nutrients, environmental factors and plant water use efficiency changes at different altitudes,focusing on the trees, shrubs, and herbs in the basin. The stable isotope 13C was used to calculate water use efficiency.Water Uuse Eefficiency (WUE) and leaf nutrient concentration with the altitude were analyzed.The research shows that, (1) in the study area, the δ13C value of the herbaceous plants at 2,000 m is the highest, and the δ13C value of the tree leaves at 2,200 m is the lowest. (2) The tendency of WUE changes at different altitudes is variable,and the effect of altitude on the water efficiency of trees and shrubs is greater than that of herbaceous plants.The water efficiency of herbaceous plants varies little with altitude, and the fit degree between them is small.The high value area appears in the trees at an elevation of 2,200 m, the low value area appears in the herbs at the elevation of 2,000 m. (3) The correlation between WUE and leaf N and P concentrations is weak at different altitudes.WUE is weakly positively correlated with leaf N concentration, and weakly negatively correlated with leaf P concentration. (4) The correlation between WUE and various climatic factors at different altitudes is weak.The elevation WUE is positively correlated with the average annual temperature, the average annual rainfall,and the average annual sunshine hours.It is noted that the correlation between WUE and other environmental factors is not significant,which is a comprehensive manifestation of the special spatial heterogeneity of the coexistence of "basins and mountains" in the graben area.


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