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Volume 37 Issue 4
Aug.  2018
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XU Zhongping, ZHOU Xun, CUI Xiangfei, TA Mingming, WANG Xinyun, ZHANG Ying. Research advances of numerical simulation of groundwater in karst areas[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2018, 37(4): 475-483. doi: 10.11932/karst20180401
Citation: XU Zhongping, ZHOU Xun, CUI Xiangfei, TA Mingming, WANG Xinyun, ZHANG Ying. Research advances of numerical simulation of groundwater in karst areas[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2018, 37(4): 475-483. doi: 10.11932/karst20180401

Research advances of numerical simulation of groundwater in karst areas

doi: 10.11932/karst20180401
  • Publish Date: 2018-08-25
  • The heterogeneity of karst aquifer media makes it difficult to perform numerical simulation of groundwater flow, solute transport and heat migration in karst zones. This article provides a brief overview of several methods to simulate groundwater in karst areas, and focuses on the equivalent porous medium, double porosity and the triple porosity models. The definition, development, applicable scope and several research findings of these models are reviewed. From the equivalent porous medium method to the triple porosity model, the simulation accuracy has been continuously enhanced, and the scope of application has gradually shifted from large regional practical problems to theoretical research of small areas. Several research methods and examples for the simulation of solute transport and heat migration are also presented. The simulation of solute transport is based on the convection dispersion equation and the scale effect is the focus of the solute transport simulation. The influence of density change of underground hot water on the movement of groundwater should be considered in heat migration simulation. The simulations of solute transport and heat transfer are often coupled with the model of groundwater flow which has been successfully debugged so as to achieve the purpose of simulating the solute and heat transfer. Because of the complexity of solute transport and heat transfer, the equivalent porous medium model is commonly applied to most of the water flow models at this stage. The authors point out that paying attention to the depiction of fractures and conduits as well as the basic mathematical algorithm is the key to make progress in the numerical simulation of groundwater in karst areas.


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