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Volume 35 Issue 3
Jun.  2016
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LI Yuan, LIU Zi-qi, LV Xiao-xi. Review of research on element migration and environmental indicators in karst cave systems[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2016, 35(3): 322-331. doi: 10.11932/karst20160311
Citation: LI Yuan, LIU Zi-qi, LV Xiao-xi. Review of research on element migration and environmental indicators in karst cave systems[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2016, 35(3): 322-331. doi: 10.11932/karst20160311

Review of research on element migration and environmental indicators in karst cave systems

doi: 10.11932/karst20160311
  • Publish Date: 2016-06-25
  • Using geologic carriers in cave systems to explore palaeoenvironment proxies has been conducted for many years. Elements in drip water and speleothem of cave as environment proxies are crucial in tracing their material sources, palaeoenvironments and palaeoclimate, which is commonly accepted by worldwide academics. Elements migration is mainly in the form of solution in karst cave systems, owing to dissolution and eluviation effects of rainwater on ground vegetation, soil and bedrock. It includes physical and chemical processes which control the element dissolution, migration and precipitation. It is an activation (dissolution)-migration (displacement)-combination (precipitation) reaction, which is influenced not only by climatic and environment (temperature, rainfall, CO2, etc.), but also by temporalspatial variation (migration path, residence time, etc.), while driven and restricted by CO2-H2O-CaCO3 circulation. Distinct differences exist in both element migration under different soil-rock conditions and element characters in the media of soil and bedrock, together with spatial heterogeneity of elements migration, all of which influence the material source of drip water and speleothem. Therefore, understanding the element sources of drip water and element migration mechanism in cave systems is a theoretical basis and premise for exploring element as environment proxies. This review is based on previous studies and outlines element migration mechanisms in karst cave systems. It focuses on systematical generalization of migration and variation mechanisms of Ca, Mg, Sr, and Ba in soil, bedrock and drip water. Sources and characters of each element are analyzed with environment impact factors. Then it summarizes the environment indicative significance which is reflected by element ratios in drip water and speleothem. Meanwhile,problems and prospects are pointed out for the research of element migration and environmental indicators in cave systems as follows,(1) Current explanation is unclear for the element migration in cave systems, because the migration process of karst water in cave roofs is complex and difficult to observe. So it is an emphasis in future study. (2) Cave drips and speleothem have diversities in their distribution coefficients due to the difference in time scales and media. In addition, environmental differences in study areas can lead to uncertainties and multiplicities in environmental indicator significances of element ratios. Here this review suggests to commence from environmental response mechanism of drip elements. Then we analyze the sensitive response changes of element proxies in drip water to different environments. Next we differentiate the material sources and response features of drip elements in different environments. Thus we can support speleothem research and enhance the accuracy of paleoclimate proxies. (3) We should commence from high-resolution rainfall response of cave drips and combine with surface environment features of rocky desertification. Then we extract sensitive indicators from drip water information of rainfall responses to reflect migration mechanisms of karst water, along with material sources of drip water. Thus we can establish an indicator system for underground monitoring under a rocky desertification environment, which provides scientific reference for the evolution process of the ecological environment with rocky desertification.


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