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  • The Key Magazine of China Technology
Volume 34 Issue 1
Feb.  2015
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LI Rui, YU Shi, SUN Ping-an, HE Shi-yi, YUAN Ya-qiong, XIONG Zhi-bin. Characteristics of δ13C in typical aquatic plants and carbon sequestration by plant photosynthesis in the Banzhai catchment,Maolan of Guizhou Province[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2015, 34(1): 9-8. doi: 10.11932/karst20150102
Citation: LI Rui, YU Shi, SUN Ping-an, HE Shi-yi, YUAN Ya-qiong, XIONG Zhi-bin. Characteristics of δ13C in typical aquatic plants and carbon sequestration by plant photosynthesis in the Banzhai catchment,Maolan of Guizhou Province[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2015, 34(1): 9-8. doi: 10.11932/karst20150102

Characteristics of δ13C in typical aquatic plants and carbon sequestration by plant photosynthesis in the Banzhai catchment,Maolan of Guizhou Province

doi: 10.11932/karst20150102
  • Publish Date: 2015-02-25
  • Aquatic plants play a key role in study of the carbon cycle by using inorganic carbon as a source for photosynthesis. The object of this work is to figure out the contribution of aquatic vegetations to carbon sequestration with the Banzhai catchment in Guizhou as study area. The biomass of typical aquatic plants both in summer and winter was measured. Meanwhile, the δ13C of 4 kinds of aquatic plants, which grew at sampling sites, were tested. The results show that the biomass in summer is less than that in winter. Besides, the obtained values of δ13C for emergent aquatic plants range from -33.59 ‰ to -27.05 ‰, with an average of -30.32 ‰, for floating plants from -35.45 ‰ to -24.62 ‰, with an average of -29.96 ‰, respectively, and for submerged plants it was measured a value of -27.89 ‰. The mean δ13C values of various plants in descending order are emergent plants, floating plants, and submerged plants. Additional to this results the double-meta model was used, by this model the percentage of HCO3- uptake from water by aquatic photosynthesis can be estimated. The calculated HCO3- carbon consumption by photosynthesis was 19.52 tC/(a?km2), HCO3- used by aquatic plants for photosythesis accounted for almost 47.84 % of the total uesd inorganic carbon in Banzhai river, and this part of HCO3- was converted into organic carbon and fixed in aquatic plants. The results indicate that the contribution of aquatic plants to carbon sequestration, especially to the net carbon sink estimation in karst regions cannot be neglected.


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