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  • The Key Magazine of China Technology
Volume 40 Issue 4
Aug.  2021
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WANG Qian, ZHAO Xiaoqing, PU Junwei, LI Sinan, MIAO Peipei. Study on temporal and spatial pattern evolution of karst rocky desertification region of southeast Yunnan:A case study of Guangnan county[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2021, 40(4): 707-717.
Citation: WANG Qian, ZHAO Xiaoqing, PU Junwei, LI Sinan, MIAO Peipei. Study on temporal and spatial pattern evolution of karst rocky desertification region of southeast Yunnan:A case study of Guangnan county[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2021, 40(4): 707-717.

Study on temporal and spatial pattern evolution of karst rocky desertification region of southeast Yunnan:A case study of Guangnan county

  • Publish Date: 2021-08-25
  • Karst rocky desertification has brought a series of ecological environment and socioeconomic problems to regional development. Since the implementation of ecological control projects, regional karst rocky desertification has been improved to a certain extent. In order to explore the changes of karst rocky desertification pattern after the implementation of ecological control project,Guangnan county,a typical karst area in southeastern of Yunnan,was taken as an example in this study. Based on three remote sensing images of 2000,2010 and 2018 as the data source,the spatial distribution data of karst rocky desertification was obtained through human-computer interactive interpretation,and the methods of time variation,transfer matrix,and superposition analysis were used to analyze the spaial-temporal pattern evolution characteristics of karst rocky desertification in Guangnan County. Characteristics of the evolution of the spatial and temporal pattern of desertification. The results show that,(1)Temporally,the type of karst rocky desertification in Guangnan county is still dominated by severe karst rocky desertification,but the area of karst rocky desertification is generally decreasing. Shrub land and unutilized land have the largest karst rocky desertification area.Shrub land is dominated by potential karst rocky desertification,while unutilized land is dominated by severe karst rocky desertification,both of them are the key land use types for the implementation of karst rocky desertification control projects. From 2000 to 2010,the transfer direction of karst rocky desertification is to non-karst rocky desertification and adjacent grade rocky desertification,while,from 2010 to 2018,the transfer direction of karst rocky desertification is to low grade rocky desertification;(2)Spatially ,the karst rocky desertification area in Guangnan county is more in the north and less in the south,showing a distribution pattern of karst desertification of heavy in the south and light in the north.The karst rocky desertification is concentrated along the Zhuanjiao township-Heizhiguo township-south of Nanping town-the southwestern part of Babao town,the adjacent area of Zhulin town and Wuzhu township,Zhujie town and Shuguang township;(3)During the past 19 years,the karst rocky desertification in the southern area of Guangnan county has been improved greatly,while the karst rocky desertification in the central and northern regions continued to deteriorate. On the whole,the implementation of ecological control projects such as Grain for Green project can effectively improve the karst rocky desertification situation in the karst area and reduce the total area of karst rocky desertification in Guangnan county by 288.98 km2.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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