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Volume 33 Issue 2
Jun.  2014
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ZHANG Tian-han, DAI Yu, WANG Zhi-hui, ZHANG Zhao-hui. Ecological characteristic of Bryophyte communities from karst peak cluster rock desertification in Guanling county, Guizhou[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2014, 33(2): 192-200.
Citation: ZHANG Tian-han, DAI Yu, WANG Zhi-hui, ZHANG Zhao-hui. Ecological characteristic of Bryophyte communities from karst peak cluster rock desertification in Guanling county, Guizhou[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2014, 33(2): 192-200.

Ecological characteristic of Bryophyte communities from karst peak cluster rock desertification in Guanling county, Guizhou

  • Received Date: 2014-06-12
  • Publish Date: 2014-06-25
  • Guanling county is in the ramp strip on the south side of ridged ramp from the east of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to hills of Guangxi,the carbonate was widely distributed and it is the typical mountains of karst.Strong soil erosion makes vegetation degradation and rocky desertification stronger in the place.Bryophyte belongs poikilohydric plants,it has good physiological drought tolerance and adapt environment of arid.For finding out the species and characteristics of bryophyte communities in the place of karst rocky desertification peak cluster, three typical areas(bare rock,natural vegetation,artificial vegetation) of karst peak cluster rock desertification was surveyed,we study the composition,distribution and ecological characteristics of the bryophyte communities in the area,PIE(Interspecific Encounter Probability),ecological dominance,Shaanon-Wiener niche breadth formula and Morisita-Horn niche overlapping formula were used.The results are as follows:(1)The bryoflora of this site includes 11 families,17 genera and 22 species,Bryaceae is the dominant families,19 types of bryophyte communities were concluded in the area.(2)The PIE of bryophyte communities is direct ratio to vegetation coverage and inversely proportional to bare rock ratio,the PIE of mixed forest in karst peak cluster rock desertification is higher than the other two habitats,but the PIE of all kinds of places is lower,reflects the bad habitat of karst rocky desertification peak cluster. (3)Hyophiletum, Anomodonetum and Racopiletum have the higher ecological dominance and niche breadth in three areas,the niche overlapping of the three bryophyte communities are very high.The results indicated that Hyophiletum,Anomodonetum and Racopiletum have higher adaptation of the three kinds of karst rock desertification,they can live well with the other bryophyte communities in the karst peak cluster rock desertification.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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