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Volume 43 Issue 1
Feb.  2024
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HUANG Lifang, QIN Xingming, HU Baoqing, HUANG Simin, WEI Wenwen, ZHANG Lili, CHEN Siqi, LAI Ruyun, CHEN Hantang. Benefit evaluation of comprehensive control of rocky desertification in Southwest Guangxi and the coupling and coordination relationship[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(1): 126-136, 208. doi: 10.11932/karst2023y028
Citation: HUANG Lifang, QIN Xingming, HU Baoqing, HUANG Simin, WEI Wenwen, ZHANG Lili, CHEN Siqi, LAI Ruyun, CHEN Hantang. Benefit evaluation of comprehensive control of rocky desertification in Southwest Guangxi and the coupling and coordination relationship[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(1): 126-136, 208. doi: 10.11932/karst2023y028

Benefit evaluation of comprehensive control of rocky desertification in Southwest Guangxi and the coupling and coordination relationship

doi: 10.11932/karst2023y028
  • Received Date: 2022-09-21
    Available Online: 2024-03-21
  • Exploring the effectiveness of the pilot project on comprehensive control of rock desertification since its launch by China's government is of great significance for regional sustainable development. Jointly affected by the karst surface-underground geological structure and human activities, the natural ecological environment is fragile in southwest Guangxi, with frequent droughts and floods, severe soil erosion and rock desertification. Consequently, the socio-economic development in this region is relatively lagging behind. With the support of national policies, southwest Guangxi has been comprehensively carrying out projects of controlling rocky desertification, promoting the control of rocky desertification and poverty alleviation in a coordinated manner. According to "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Comprehensive Control of Rocky Desertification in Karst Areas of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region", southwest Guangxi is designated as an area for the control of cluster-peak depression, in which comprehensive control of rocky desertification has been carried out in terms of building ecological barriers, protecting biodiversity, and promoting the protection and the comprehensive utilization of water and soil resources. In order to further investigate the effectiveness of controlling rocky desertification in cluster-peak depression of southwest Guangxi, this study constructed an index system for evaluating the benefit of rocky desertification control from ecological, economic and social perspectives, and analyzed the effectiveness of the control in each county/district of southwest Guangxi in 2010, 2015 and 2020 by this index system.The results show that, (1) Benefit indexes of rocky desertification control in southwest Guangxi during 2010–2020 are ranked as follows: ecological benefit > social benefit > economic benefit. Among these indexes, the ecological benefit increased the most; social benefit grew slowly; economic benefit increased at a lower rate. The regional ecological environment and socio-economic conditions have been improved to a certain extent, showing overall benign development. (2) Counties/districts of southwest Guangxi have experienced differences in the effectiveness of rocky desertification control over the past 10 years. The northwestern and central regions have been maintaining high ecological benefits, while the areas with high economic and social benefits are mainly located in the main urban area of Nanning City and the areas under the jurisdiction of Binyang county and Hengzhou City in the southeast under the context of the "strong capital strategy", indicating that there is still much room for improvement in the effectiveness of rocky desertification control. As a result, the southeastern region should strengthen ecological and environmental protection, while the northwestern region should improve its socio-economic development. (3) The average values of the coupling and coordination degree of "ecological–economic–social" benefits are between 0.47 and 0.51, which is on the verge of disorder and barely coordinated state. The coupling and coordination relationship among the benefits of rocky desertification control in each county/district in 2020 showed lagged effects in different degrees, and the lagged economic and social benefits are the key factors limiting the effects of rocky desertification control. This indicates that the level of socio-economic development lags behind ecological governance in the control of rocky desertification. In the subsequent control of rocky desertification, it is necessary for us to focus on ecological and environmental protection and to accelerate high-quality socio-economic development as well.


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