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Volume 42 Issue 3
Jun.  2023
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LI Qin, WANG Yu, LI Li, ZHANG Hua, WANG Bo. Ecological restoration scheme of lake basins on the karst plateau based on natural solution: Take nine lakes on the Yunnan Plateau as example[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(3): 391-401. doi: 10.11932/karst2023y012
Citation: LI Qin, WANG Yu, LI Li, ZHANG Hua, WANG Bo. Ecological restoration scheme of lake basins on the karst plateau based on natural solution: Take nine lakes on the Yunnan Plateau as example[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(3): 391-401. doi: 10.11932/karst2023y012

Ecological restoration scheme of lake basins on the karst plateau based on natural solution: Take nine lakes on the Yunnan Plateau as example

doi: 10.11932/karst2023y012
  • Received Date: 2022-10-01
    Available Online: 2023-10-23
  • There are 30 lakes with a perennial surface area of more than 1 km2 on the Yunnan Plateau, including the famous "Nine Major Plateau Lakes" such as Dianchi lake, Fuxian lake, Erhai lake and Lugu lake. Since the Holocene, the plateau uplift has gradually stabilized, and plateau lakes generally entered the stage of degradation. Consequently, resources and environmental enduring capacity have decreased, and ecological vulnerability, in turn, has increased. The severe ecological damage of basins and degradation of lake ecology caused by a heavy load of population and economy in lake basins on the plateau have led to the water quality deterioration due to the shortage of water resources and the severe pollution, the decline of ecological services caused by the ecosystem destruction, and the severe restriction of the implementation and sustainability of ecological protection and restoration due to the overload of territorial space. The lakes are all distributed on the plateau and along its edge, therefore, their ecological damage effect is directly transmitted to and affects the water environment of the Yangtze River, the Pearl River and other big rivers through the surface and underground rivers. Therefore, the ecological restoration of the plateau lake basins is of great significance to the regional water environmental and ecological security. Through the systematic investigation and research, we find that mainly developing in karst faulted basins with a complete geomorphic unit for each lake basin is the most important environmental feature of plateau lakes. The karst faulted basin can be divided into four geological zones in terms of ecological environment, mountain area, hilly area, flat land area, and lake area. The ecological and economic functions of the zones are shown as follows, mountain areas are mainly used for the ecological functions such as soil and water conservation, biodiversity protection, etc., and the development of mineral resources and energy; hilly areas are used for ecological barrier establishment, water and soil conservation, water resource regulation and storage, industrial development and leisure tourism; flat land areas are used for urban construction, economic and social development, and the ecological functions such as wetland restoration, wetland reconstruction, and mitigation of man-made and natural hazards. The lake areas have functions of buffer and isolation, biodiversity and habitat protection, water resources regulation and storage, water quality purification, as well as the economic value of aquatic product and tourism. The surface water and groundwater runoffs merge into lakes from high to low. All the adverse environmental effects caused by the ecological damage in the peripheral area are directly transferred to lakes by these runoffs as carriers. Therefore, ecological restoration should be carried out systematically in the basins. The ecological restoration scheme of plateau lakes should adhere to the principle of respecting and adapting to nature.According to the differential characteristics of ecological and geological environments of the plateau lake basins, the rule of water cycle and mass transport, as well as the conditions of resources and environment, we should conduct the zoning evaluation of ecological function and suitability in drainage basins, reveal the main ecological problems, and summarize experience, based on the succession law and the internal mechanism of nature. Finally, after determining ideas and principles based on natural solutions, we can work out ecological restoration schemes that are adapted to the conditions of resources and environment, and social realities of the plateau lake basins. In general, ecological restoration schemes should be deployed in a coordinated manner throughout the entire basin, targeting at the problems in different areas. The main ecological problems in mountain areas are vegetation degradation, biodiversity damage, soil erosion, rocky desertification and geological disasters. For these issues, ecological restoration should focus on the restoration of natural resources and the enhancement of ecological functions. The main ecological problems in hilly areas are vegetation destruction, excessive mountain reclamation, excessive mining of building materials, destruction of landform and landscape, pollution with multiple sources, and many other types of environmental and geological problems. For these issues, artificially assisted regeneration and ecological reconstruction should be adopted as the main ecological restoration methods. At the same time, ecological and economic functions should be improved. The main ecological problems in flat land areas are the overload of land space, the shortage of water resources, the heavy pollution issue, the serious destruction of the ecosystem, wetland loss due to excessive construction, destruction of vegetation, the intense transformation of natural flow fields, the poor quality of water environment, etc. For these issues, in order to effectively improve the economic and ecological functions of territorial space, ecological restoration should be focused on ecological reconstruction, comprehensive governance, transformation and utilization of land space, as well as pollution control. The main ecological problems in lake areas are as follows, intensive human activities, serious encroachment on the ecological land by the farmland and villages in the lakeside buffer zone, habitat damage, biodiversity reduction, attenuation or loss of the ecological barrier area around the lake, and serious water pollution. For these issues, ecological restoration should be focused on pollution interception and treatment, water quality restoration, and ecological reconstruction. Specifically, we should construct ecological banks and corridors, eliminate the stress factors of habitat fragmentation, improve and repair the water environment, and rebuild a sound ecosystem. In the past decade, a total area of 593 hm2 has been restored in the plateau lakes. The ecological restoration practice of the "Nine Major Plateau Lakes" proves that the ecological restoration scheme of lake basins on the karst plateau based on natural solutions is effective, and the ecological restoration of major plateau lakes has achieved significant results.


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