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Volume 42 Issue 6
Dec.  2023
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LI Shiyin, LUO Xiao, WANG Peng, LI Huiyuan, QIN Hanlian, LI Jingrui. Control action of thrust fault to oil and gas accumulation in Hade block of the Fuman oilfield[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(6): 1303-1311. doi: 10.11932/karst20230611
Citation: LI Shiyin, LUO Xiao, WANG Peng, LI Huiyuan, QIN Hanlian, LI Jingrui. Control action of thrust fault to oil and gas accumulation in Hade block of the Fuman oilfield[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(6): 1303-1311. doi: 10.11932/karst20230611

Control action of thrust fault to oil and gas accumulation in Hade block of the Fuman oilfield

doi: 10.11932/karst20230611
  • Received Date: 2023-03-15
    Available Online: 2023-12-28
  • The Tarim Basin, renowned for its super large Ordovician marine carbonate oil and gas reservoirs, is a key area in the field of deep oil and gas exploration and development in China. Especially, the Fuman oilfield has become an important area in oil and gas exploration and development in recent years, largely owing to its extensively distributed fault-controlled gas reservoirs. Nevertheless, Hade block of the Fuman oilfield faces the complex interaction of thrust faults and strike-slip faults, which poses severe challenges. Due to the lack of comprehensive understanding of the impact of thrust faults on reservoir development, many wells with low yield and low efficiency had been drilled, which seriously hindered the effective exploration and development of oil and gas in this area. Therefore, an exhaustive geological examination of the Fuman oilfield in the Tarim Basin was meticulously conducted. This analytical endeavor was directed towards illuminating the intricacies underlying the synergy of thrust faults and strike-slip faults, and their consequential influence on oil and gas reservoirs. Methodologically, a methodical exploration was undertaken based on state-of-the-art 3D seismic data, thereby offering an all-encompassing perspective on the spatiotemporal characteristics of these fault structures in Hade block. The scrutiny further encompassed the delineation of the planar distribution of these faults, the elucidation of vertical crosscutting relationships, and the ascertaining of fault activity periods. The research findings were subsequently amalgamated with a comprehensive investigation of the regional temporal periods underpinning oil and gas accumulation, thereby proffering a lucid perspective on the dominion of thrust faults in this context. The investigation results display the key information on the endemic geological evolution of the Fuman oilfield. Foremost, the research findings determine that these fault structures originated from the late Middle Ordovician, especially the Middle Caledonian period. Noticeably, thrust fault activities peaked during the subsequent Hercynian period, i.e. after the appearance of strike-slip faults. This temporal distinction between the fault types is of profound significance for understanding their respective roles in oil and gas accumulation. The Fuman oilfield is divided into three different stages of oil and gas accumulation, namely, the late Caledonian, late Hercynian, and Himalayan stages. The results show that the oil and gas accumulation in the late Caledonian period is mainly affected by strike-slip faults, while the influence of thrust faults is great in the late Hercynian and Himalayan periods. The understanding of the interplay between fault types and oil and gas accumulation is of great significance for accurate exploration and development of benefit model in oil areas. In addition, this study unveiled three distinct modes of convergence between thrust faults and strike-slip faults, based on which three different modes of oil and gas accumulation and conveyance steered by thrust faults in Hade block were delineated. It is concluded that when thrust faults intersect with non-petroleum-endowed strike-slip faults in the Upper Cambrian-Yijianfang Formation, the reservoir is mainly formed in the late Hercynian period. When thrust faults and petroleum-endowed strike-slip faults intersect in the Middle Cambrian, the reservoir is mainly formed in the late Caledonian period. The intersection of thrust faults and petroleum-endowed strike-slip faults in the Upper Cambrian-Yijianfang Formation is most favorable for oil and gas accumulation, with characteristics of multi-source hydrocarbon supply and multi-stage accumulation. These conclusions provide valuable experience of and incisive insights into the exploration and development of similar oil and gas reservoirs, which is conducive to efficient decision making in the ongoing search for energy resources.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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