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Volume 42 Issue 4
Nov.  2023
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DENG Guoshi, CEN Xinyu, TANG Yeqi, ZHONG Jinxian. Study on the enrichment characteristics and water supply significance of karst groundwater in the Yili river basin, Wumeng Mountain area[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(4): 685-698. doi: 10.11932/karst20230405
Citation: DENG Guoshi, CEN Xinyu, TANG Yeqi, ZHONG Jinxian. Study on the enrichment characteristics and water supply significance of karst groundwater in the Yili river basin, Wumeng Mountain area[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(4): 685-698. doi: 10.11932/karst20230405

Study on the enrichment characteristics and water supply significance of karst groundwater in the Yili river basin, Wumeng Mountain area

doi: 10.11932/karst20230405
  • Received Date: 2023-01-20
    Available Online: 2023-11-28
  • The deepened karst development caused by its uneven development of karst and significant uplift of the Cenozoic crust results in the extremely uneven spatial and temporal distribution of karst groundwater, which makes it very difficult to extract and utilize groundwater. Therefore, understanding the enrichment law of karst groundwater is of great significance for the exploration and development of groundwater resources. Karst groundwater is the main water source for local people's production and life in the contiguous poverty-stricken area in Wumeng Mountain area, Southwest China. Hence, summarizing the characteristics of groundwater enrichment and studying the significance of karst groundwater supply can provide important references for the exploration and utilization of local groundwater resources. Firstly, this study conducted a hydrogeological survey of 1: 100,000 in the upper and middle reaches of the Yili river basin covering an area of 1,400 km2 and another survey of 1: 50,000 in Huize county of Qujing City, with an area of 450 km2. In the surveys, five types of groundwater enrichment characteristics in the study area have been identified through a comprehensive analysis of the spatial distribution and composition of karst water-bearing rock formations, the mechanism of structural groundwater control, and topography. In addition, 133 groundwater samples were collected and tested in the study area, and the main groundwater chemical types and water quality conditions of each groundwater enrichment block were analyzed. Subsequently, factors such as the distribution of watersheds, the spatial distribution and composition of water-bearing rock formations, the spatial morphology of faults and folds, and the catchment area of springs were taken into consideration to delineate the groundwater enrichment blocks corresponding to each spring or spring group. The natural recharge and discharge of groundwater in each groundwater enrichment block were calculated according to the rainfall infiltration coefficient and the total discharge. Finally, based on the previous research, the significance of groundwater supply by karst springs is concluded in terms of the groundwater abundance, supply conditions, and quality. The study results show that the enrichment characteristics of karst groundwater in the study area can be summarized into five types: fault-conducting zone, fault dissolution valley, strip dissolution valley, fold dissolution valley, and water-blocking contact zone. Besides, Na-HCO3 and Ca·Mg-HCO3 are the main groundwater chemical types in the enrichment blocks. 79% of groundwater is classified as type I to type III with nitrate and oxygen consumption as the main indicators exceeding the permitted level. Moreover, the natural recharge and discharge of groundwater in each groundwater enrichment block are 3,297,000-145,124,000 m3·a−1 and 46,000-13,084,000 m3·a−1 respectively. The ratios of discharge to recharge are 0.3%-15.5%, which indicates considerable potential of exploiting groundwater resources. Finally, the water enrichment blocks such as fault dissolution valley, strip dissolution valley, and water-blocking contact zone are of marked significance in water supply. Limited by the uneven spatial and temporal distribution of groundwater resources, shortage of water supply, poor water quality, etc., the other types of water enrichment blocks are of less significance. The research results provide a theoretical basis for ensuring water safety in poor water-scarce regions.


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