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Volume 41 Issue 5
Dec.  2022
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Yang Yanfang, Ju Hejian, Gan Fuping, Cheng Yang, Wang Yong. Response characteristics of forward modeling of 3D high-density resistivitymethod on different devices in the fault-water-filled cave[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 41(5): 708-717. doi: 10.11932/karst20220505
Citation: Yang Yanfang, Ju Hejian, Gan Fuping, Cheng Yang, Wang Yong. Response characteristics of forward modeling of 3D high-density resistivitymethod on different devices in the fault-water-filled cave[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 41(5): 708-717. doi: 10.11932/karst20220505

Response characteristics of forward modeling of 3D high-density resistivitymethod on different devices in the fault-water-filled cave

doi: 10.11932/karst20220505
  • Received Date: 2022-03-30
  • Low blocking layers and water-filled caves in high resistivity carbonate rocks are the main target bodies for groundwater exploration in karst areas. Three-dimensional imaging by high-density resistivity can obtain rich and high-precision geological anomaly information in any direction in the whole underground space of the survey area through multi-line and multi-direction observation, which is one of the most commonly used methods for water exploration of carbonate fissure caves. According to the principle of finding low resistance in high resistance, the water occurrence model of carbonate fissure karst cave in overlying karst areas is simplified into a combined geoelectric model of fault-karst cave, and the physical property parameters of various bodies are assigned according to the resistivity characteristics of common media in the karst area of south China. The specific parameters of the model are as follows: the surface overlying layer is cultivated soil with a thickness of 3 m and a resistivity of 100 Ω·m. In the fractured limestone with an underlying resistivity of 4,000 Ω·m, a tensile water-rich fault, with a dip angle of 78° and a width of 10m, is developed with a resistivity of 800 Ω·m. Water-filled cave 1, with a diameter of 15 m and a central burial depth of 17.5 m, is developed in the hanging wall of the fault, and Water-filled cave 2, with a diameter of 10m and a central burial depth of 15 m, is developed in the footwall. The resistivity of both caves is 25 Ω·m. Given the burial depth, resolution, working efficiency and other factors of the target body, the mesh of the 3D model is divided into x×y=50×30 electrodes. The number of layers is 12; the electrode distance is 5m; the measurement range of x direction is 0-245 m; the measurement range of y direction is 0-145 m. RES3D software has been used to perform forward and inverse simulation calculation of Winner, Schlumberger and Dipole-dipole acquisition devices. Inversion results within the range of detection depth are displayed in a three-dimensional manner, and XY horizontal slices are displayed on the model interface (Z=0 m, 3 m, 10 m, 25 m, and the maximum detection depth). To further explore the response characteristics of the model on different devices, XZ profile① across the karst cave and fault area (y=67.5 m), XZ profile② far away from the karst cave (y=7.5 m), and the sounding curves of different points (Ground sounding point I of Karst cave 1, Ground sounding point II of Karst cave 2, Ground sounding point III of Karst cave, and Ground sounding point IV far from the karst cave area) are extracted. The electrical characteristics of the three devices at and away from karst caves, the development depth and boundary of Karst caves 1 and 2, the inclination of faults, the burial depth at the top, the horizontal width, the inclination of the dip and the boundary of the hanging wall are analyzed. Through the three-dimensional forward and inverse calculation of the fault-water-filled karst cave, combining with the typical profile and electrical sounding curve, we analyze the response characteristics and laws of the target body in different devices and draw the following conclusions, (1) Within the detection depth, Winner, Schlumberger, Dipole-dipole devices can effectively identify the fault and the cave of the upper wall three times the size of electrode distance of Cave 1. The target body is a concentric circle of low resistance trap anomaly with green ribbon and color gradient. These three devices cannot distinguish the fault footwall of two times the size of the electrode distance of Cave 2. (2) Under the same model and observation conditions, the Dipole-dipole device has the strongest recognition ability for the target body. Three-dimensional inversion results can identify the lower boundary of the cave, and the left convex low resistance trap anomaly is formed in the profile. The curve types, inflection points and extreme points of different sounding points are closest to the model design. Inflection points correspond to the lithology of interface. And extreme points are located at the central depth of the geological body. Therefore, when using the three-dimensional high-density resistivity method for water exploration in the karst area of south China, we can prioritize Dipole-dipole observation method with the careful consideration of selecting the electrode distance. This study is of guiding significance for the selection of field observation mode and geological interpretation.


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