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Volume 41 Issue 4
Aug.  2022
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LI Jiayan, TIAN Yiping, GUANG Kaiyue, ZHU Shanying, LI Yunxia, GAO Yongli, RAO Zhiguo. Factors influencing the recrystallization of aragonite stalagmites and their implications for paleoclimate[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 41(4): 648-659. doi: 10.11932/karst20220412
Citation: LI Jiayan, TIAN Yiping, GUANG Kaiyue, ZHU Shanying, LI Yunxia, GAO Yongli, RAO Zhiguo. Factors influencing the recrystallization of aragonite stalagmites and their implications for paleoclimate[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 41(4): 648-659. doi: 10.11932/karst20220412

Factors influencing the recrystallization of aragonite stalagmites and their implications for paleoclimate

doi: 10.11932/karst20220412
  • Received Date: 2022-02-18
    Available Online: 2023-06-08
  • The karst geomorphology is widely distributed in central south and southwestern China, especially in western Hunan Province, where speleothems (especially stalagmites) have become one of the most important archives for high-resolution paleoclimatic studies. Stalagmites are mainly composed of calcite and aragonite, and aragonite stalagmites can provide precise chronology with high uranium content. However, aragonite is easily transformed to calcite if continuously infiltrating and leaching by dripping water in wet cave environment. Some stalagmites in western Hunan of China initially deposited in aragonite minerals, which are prone to recrystallization (especially transforming into calcite), and could change the relevant chemical element signals, limiting the application of some aragonite stalagmite proxy indicators in paleoclimate research. Here, we summarize and sort out the influencing factors of the recrystallization of aragonite stalagmites and their influence on the stalagmites paleoclimate from published literature to define the applications of aragonite stalagmites in paleoclimate research.The determination of mineral phases and recrystallization of aragonite stalagmites is the first prerequisite for stalagmites paleoclimatic research. The stalagmite profile characteristics, XRD results, microscope observations and geochemical element characteristics could be used as the basis for discriminating the recrystallization of stalagmites.The influencing factors of the recrystallization of aragonite stalagmites include, (1) The saturation of cave dripping water and pore water in stalagmite. When the water is in the state of unsaturation for aragonite and infiltrates into the porous aragonite stalagmites, it will dissolve aragonite and reprecipitate to calcite. (2) Aragonite crystal defects and the existence of calcite cement between crystals can facilitate aragonite transform to calcite. (3) The recrystallization of aragonite stalagmite normally occurs in lower concentration of Mg2+ in karst water. (4) Other factors, such as organic matter and α-recoil, will also affect the mineral transformation of aragonite stalagmites.Besides, the recrystallization of aragonite stalagmites can modify some geochemical signals initially preserved in aragonite. (1) Due to the difference of crystal fabrics of calcite and aragonite, the uranium element will be lost when aragonite is transformed to calcite, and the losing will cause abnormal or reverse chronology. (2) The recrystallization of aragonite stalagmites can result in depleted or abnormal δ18O signals, and δ13C values of recrystallized calcite present more complex characteristics, which will be depleted or similar to primary aragonite. (3) Compared with recrystallized calcite, the primary aragonite is enriched in Sr but depleted in Mg in some caves. However, trace element concentration of recrystallized calcite in other caves does not differ greatly with that of primary aragonite. In brief, the changes of these proxies before and after recrystallization may vary between caves. Consequently, the process of aragonite to calcite transformation will weaken the accuracy of dating and the reliability of these proxies as environmental indicators. (4) Due to the different precipitation conditions of aragonite and calcite, the variation of stalagmite mineral phase may indicate climate and environmental evolution, but more studies are needed to confirm for recrystallization stalagmites.Finally, we present results of mineral analysis and 230Th dating of RM2 stalagmite with 200 cm length from Remi cave, Longshan, Hunan Province. RM2 stalagmite has undergone inhomogeneity recrystallization process. Meanwhile, we find that recrystallization does have a certain influence on the 230Th dating. However, the mechanism of recrystallization and the effect of stalagmite recrystallization on other proxies needs further studies.


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