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  • The Key Magazine of China Technology
Volume 39 Issue 3
Jun.  2020
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HE Huagang. Assessment of water inrush risk in deep buried long tunnels[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2020, 39(3): 384-390. doi: 10.11932/karst20200306
Citation: HE Huagang. Assessment of water inrush risk in deep buried long tunnels[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2020, 39(3): 384-390. doi: 10.11932/karst20200306

Assessment of water inrush risk in deep buried long tunnels

doi: 10.11932/karst20200306
  • Publish Date: 2020-06-25
  • Assessment the risk of tunnel water inrush is vital to the construction safety. Combining engineering examples, this work constructs an assessment model of tunnel water inrush by using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) and fuzzy theory, and determines the risk level of tunnel water inrush using the P × C classification method. The example test shows that the weight solution method of the model has the advantages of simple operation and high accuracy. It can effectively pass the consistency test, and the process of solving membership degree effectively synthesizes the qualitative analysis and quantitative evaluation to ensure the accuracy of the analysis results. At the same time, the assessment model can quantitatively estimate the risk level of tunnel water inrush, and the theoretical estimates are well consistent with the field measured values, which verifies the reliability and accuracy of the assessment model, and provides an effective way for the risk assessment of tunnel water inrush.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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