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Volume 39 Issue 2
Apr.  2020
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WU Xisong, ZHANG Qiang, JIANG Guanghui, GUO Fang, WU Huaying, LUO Junhui. Sources and transformation of nitrate in karst groundwater of Zengpiyan site, Guilin[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2020, 39(2): 164-172. doi: 10.11932/karst20200202
Citation: WU Xisong, ZHANG Qiang, JIANG Guanghui, GUO Fang, WU Huaying, LUO Junhui. Sources and transformation of nitrate in karst groundwater of Zengpiyan site, Guilin[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2020, 39(2): 164-172. doi: 10.11932/karst20200202

Sources and transformation of nitrate in karst groundwater of Zengpiyan site, Guilin

doi: 10.11932/karst20200202
  • Publish Date: 2020-04-25
  • The peak-forest plain is a concentration area of human activities and living, and also the main runoff and discharge section of karst groundwater systems, with rich groundwater resources. With the development of urbanization, the problem of groundwater nitrate pollution has becomes increasingly prominent. In order to study the source and transformation of nitrate in the karst groundwater of Zengpiyan site in Guilin, groundwater samples were collected in October 2018, February 2019, March 2019 and April 2019, respectively.By virtue of these samples, using conventional water chemistry and nitrogen and oxygen isotope techniques, this work identified groundwater nitrate sources and transformation process. The results show that the concentration of NO3- in the groundwater of Zengpiyan is 0-19.523 mg?L-1, and δ15N-NO3- and δ18O-NO3- are between -0.17 ‰-45.12 ‰ and -5.82 ‰-16.47 ‰, respectively. According to the data of nitrogen and oxygen isotopes of groundwater in the study area, the source of nitrate in groundwater is mainly feces and wastewater, a small amount of nitrate comes from NH4+ in rainfall and soil organic nitrogen. Controlled by the heterogeneity of karst medium, NO3-concentration, δ15N-NO3- and δ18O-NO3- in the groundwater of Zengpiyan show obvious spatial variability. The process of nitrate transformation of groundwater in Zengpiyan is complex, which is controlled by seasons and the heterogeneity of karst medium. Denitrification is the main process in dry seasons and nitrification in rainy seasons. Clarifying the source and transformation of nitrate can provide a scientific basis for the control of nitrate pollution in groundwater of the Zengpiyan site.


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