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  • The Key Magazine of China Technology
Volume 35 Issue 3
Jun.  2016
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HUANG Chun-xia, LI Ting-yong, HAN Li-yin, LI Jun-yun, YUAN Na, WANG Hai-bo, ZHANG Tao-tao, ZHAO Xin, ZHOU Jing-li. Variations of cave water DICδ13C and its influencing factors in Furong cave, Chongqing[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2016, 35(3): 299-306. doi: 10.11932/karst20160308
Citation: HUANG Chun-xia, LI Ting-yong, HAN Li-yin, LI Jun-yun, YUAN Na, WANG Hai-bo, ZHANG Tao-tao, ZHAO Xin, ZHOU Jing-li. Variations of cave water DICδ13C and its influencing factors in Furong cave, Chongqing[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2016, 35(3): 299-306. doi: 10.11932/karst20160308

Variations of cave water DICδ13C and its influencing factors in Furong cave, Chongqing

doi: 10.11932/karst20160308
  • Publish Date: 2016-06-25
  • To explore the variation characteristics of DICδ13C in the drip water and pool water in Furong cave, Chongqing, their influencing factors, and their impact on climate, the cave had been monitored from May 2013 to May 2014. The results showed that the CO2 concentration for both the soil air and cave air was high in summer and low in winter, which displayed significantly seasonal variations. They were affected by the combined effects of temperature and precipitation. The average DICδ13C value of the drip waters from five monitoring sites was -8.98‰, while the average DICδ13C value of the pool waters from two monitoring sites was -6.98‰, showing that the DICδ13C value of pool water was 2‰ heavier than that of the drip water. Corresponding to the arid climate in July 2013, the DICδ13C of cave water became heavier in October, while the light DICδ13C values indicated the delayed response to the humid climate. The DICδ13C of cave water showed a significant lag period to respond the climate change. The DICδ13C was dominantly affected by the soil CO2, also by bedrock dissolution, prior calcite precipitation and the opening degree of vadose zone. Our study demonstrates that on short time scales, the variations of DICδ13C of the drip water in Furong cave respond to the changes of local precipitation and the humidity conditions overlying the cave.


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