Ecologic land protection and development of new urban district in karst mountain:A case study in the Jinyang new district
摘要: 贵阳市金阳新区位于老城区的西北面,对推动贵阳市在北部区域经济发展中享有不可替代的区位优势。本文选择金阳新区进行案例研究,探讨生态用地保护的途径和方法,以期为岩溶山区城市生态规划与建设提供参考。金阳新区通过采用空间管制生态化、绿地系统规划布局、水体空间规划和土地利用生态化等理念和措施,有效保护了生态用地,有林地从2001年的10.22 %增加到2010年的22.19 %,2010年水体仍保持为2.09 %。特别是在基本保障城市建设用地的前提下,在新区中央目前仍保持了相当数量的绿地和水体斑块,环境、功能相得益彰。金阳新区生态建设的成功案例表明,在喀斯特山地城市建设中,要充分考虑对生态用地的规划、保护与开发。Abstract: It is of great significance to study the protection and planning of ecologic land in the process of town construction in karst mountain. The Jinyang new district is located to the northwest of the old city of Guiyang City. It has irreplaceable advantage in promoting regional economic development in the north of Guiyang City.This article chooses the Jinyang new district as the site of the case study, to explore the ways and means of protection for ecologic land and provide a reference for the urban ecologic planning and construction in karst mountain. In the Jinyang new district, ecologic ideas and measures as the ecologic space controllability, the green space system planning and layout, the water spatial planning and the ecologic land use style are used to effectively protect the ecologic land. The forest land increased from 10.22 % in 2001 to 22.19 % in 2010,the water remained at 2.09 % in 2010. Changes in the number and spatial distribution of ecologic land for the recent 10 years after the building of the Jinyang new district also reflect the effectiveness of the measures adopted in the building. The greatest effort has done for the protection of woodlands and water bodies. There remains a considerable amount of green areas and water bodies plot, becoming corridor of green lands and rivers. The case study in the Jinyang new district shows that, in city construction in karst mountain, it is necessary to give full consideration to planning, protection and development of the ecologic land use.
Key words:
- karst /
- mountainous region /
- urban /
- ecologic land /
- the Jinyang new district
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