Development and distribution of karst subterranean streams in Chongqing,China
摘要: 岩溶地下河是我国西南岩溶地区地下水资源赋存的主要形式,是重要的水源地。本文以重庆市域范围内1∶20万水文地质普查报告为基础,结合大量的野外调查工作,从岩性、构造、地貌等角度总结了重庆岩溶区地下河发育、分布的基本特征。结果表明在质纯层厚的石灰岩中地下河最为发育,而在其它碳酸盐岩层组中,由于碳酸钙含量下降,岩溶率下降,地下河弱发育或不发育。在重庆地区,受到区域构造条件的影响,岩溶地下河管道多沿构造线展布。区域褶皱(向斜、背斜、褶皱转折部位)、构造复合部位、断裂等地质构造特征均影响了岩溶地下河的发育和分布。重庆地区的层状夷平面地貌,控制了岩溶地下河的补给和排泄,地下河多在低一级夷平面形成的河谷、沟谷中出露。根据重庆地区岩溶水的水动力特征和循环条件,将地下河分为汇流型、分流型和平行流型3种类型。Abstract: Karst groundwater is an important strategic resources and life-support system for sustainable development in southwest China. There is 3.0×104 km2 karst area and 380 karst subterranean streams (SS) in Chongqing municipality as important groundwater resources. This study summarizes the controlling factors of development and distribution of SS from the opinion of lithologic characters,geological structure and landform in Chongqing according to the historical 1∶200,000 hydrogeological reports with abundant field works from 2007 to 2009. Results show that the number of SS is the most abundant in pure and thick carbonate strata and the developing degree of SS is well. While,the number of SS is little and the developing degree is weak in other impure carbonate rock,due to the lower calcite content and karst processes rate. A new founding is that the formation and distribution of SS is controlled by the lineament structure in Chongqing. As a whole,the SS distributes mostly in the Eastern Sichuan fold belt,Southeastern Sichuan fall-fold belt and Mt. Daba arc-shaped fault-fold belt of Chongqing. The bearing of trend of SS in Mt. Daba arc-shaped fault-fold belt in northeastern Chongqing is NW-SE direction because of the control of the NW trend lineament structure. Due to the influence of the NE and NNW trend lineament structure,the bearing of trend of SS in Southeastern Sichuan fall-fold belt in southeastern Chongqing is NE-SW direction. The SS mainly locates in the core part of a series of anticlines in Eastern Sichuan fold belt in the main districts of Chongqing City and central area of Chongqing municipality,which is the carbonate rock area,and its trends is along the anticline extension direction (NE direction). According to the structure features and groundwater movement features of SS,it is divided into the following three types: afflux-flow type,distributary-flow type and parallel conduit-flow type. The afflux-flow type SS largely distributes in the syncline areas,wide-spaced shallow-dip anticline areas and ridge-trough valley areas. The distributary-flow type SS mainly locates in the anticline areas and syncline chapada areas,and the parallel conduit-flow type SS in the appressed fold areas which is the areas of soluble rock alternating with non-soluble rock.
Key words:
- karst subterranean stream /
- development /
- distribution /
- control factors /
- Chongqing municipality
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