Tourism environmental capacity of Wujiang Karst National Geopark in Sinan County, Guizhou Province — A case in stone forest scenic spot
摘要: 在研究总结国内外研究现状的基础上,应用线状总量模型和面状总量模型从空间环境容量、生态环境容量、经济环境容量、心理环境容量四个方面综合研究了贵州思南乌江喀斯特国家地质公园石林主景区环境容量,最后根据“木桶原理”确定石林景区合理的日环境容量旺季为7298人,淡季为3649人,年环境容量为182.45万人,在此基础上提出了从旅游路线、就餐处特色、管理方式三方面采取合理调节人车分流比例、交通线路适时分流、游客自主分流就餐三项调控措施,以期实现景区游人合理分布、基础设施充分利用。Abstract: Based on the summary of the research progress at home and abroad and in light of linear total amount model and planar total amount model, the environmental capacity of the stone forest in Sinan is comprehensively studied from 4 aspects, that is, space environment capacity, ecological environment capacity, economic capacity and psychological capacity. Finally, a reasonable environment capacity of the stone forest in Sinan is identified, that is the number of tourists should be7 298 in the boom season, 3 649 in the off season and the environmental capacity of the year be 1.824 5 million according to “Buckets effect”. On the above basis, it is proposed that 3 kinds of measures, traveling route, dining characteristics and management style, should be adopted to adjust the people and vehicle proportion, the timely traffic flow and the tourist automatic flow, which are the ways to realize the reasonable distribution of tourist and fully utilization of the infrastructure in the scenic spot.
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