Zoning of ecological treatment in typical karst areas based on ecosystem vulnerability assessment
摘要: 文章以广西平果果化石漠化生态修复示范区为研究对象,基于“成因—结果”模型选取7个指标建立生态系统脆弱性评价指标体系,利用GIS技术和层次分析法进行生态系统脆弱性评价,通过单参数分析法计算各评价指标对生态系统脆弱性的贡献率,分析造成研究区生态系统脆弱性的主要影响因素。结果表明:研究区微度、轻度、中度、重度和极度脆弱生态系统脆弱性等级面积占比分别为36.43%、33.90%、18.91%、9.34%和1.43%,造成研究区生态系统轻度、中度脆弱的主要因素是岩性和土地利用方式,造成研究区生态系统重度、极度脆弱的主要因素是生态环境退化。依据评价结果,基于土地利用现状,结合坡度、地块面积等条件,划定生态治理分区并制订相应治理措施。其中,封山育林区应禁止一切人为破坏活动;人工造林区可在植被盖度较低的地块种植阳性树种,在植被群落高度较高、盖度适中的地块种植中性和阴性树种;林下种植区可引进赤苍藤、金银花等特色经济植物;草地改良区可引进桂牧一号、菊苣草、甜象草等优质牧草;园地改造区可在现有经果林下套种赤苍藤、金银花等矮杆经济作物;特色经济植物种植区可引进赤苍藤、树仔菜等常绿经济植物;退耕还林区因地制宜造林种草;矿山修复区采用多种技术手段复垦复绿;非治理区保持现状。Abstract:
Guohua Demonstration Zone for Ecological Restoration of Desertification (hereinafter referred to as Guohua Demonstration Zone) is located in Guohua town, Pingguo City, Guangxi, with a total area of 30 km2. It is a typical area of karst peak-cluster depression. Before the treatment of rocky desertification, Guohua Demonstration Zone suffered from severe rocky desertification and soil erosion. Few crop varieties grew there with low land productivity. This area was covered with less than 10% of vegetation and less than 1% of forest. Consequently, it was extremely fragile in ecological environment. After more than 20 years of systematic governance, the vegetation coverage in the demonstration area has increased to 85%, and the proportion of rocky desertification area has decreased from the original 76% to 12%. The ecological environment has been greatly improved. This study aims to further provide a scientific basis for the ecological protection and restoration in the demonstration area, and to provide reference for the development of ecological governance strategies in karst areas based on the results of ecosystem vulnerability evaluation at a micro scale. With these purposes, this study has established an index system for ecosystem vulnerability evaluation. Based on the "cause-effect" model, this study selected seven indicators including rock type, slope, comprehensive soil nutrient level, land use status, vegetation coverage, soil erosion intensity, and degree of rocky desertification. In a 10 m×10 m grid taken as a unit, GIS technology and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) were used to conduct a high-resolution ecosystem vulnerability evaluation in Guohua Demonstration Zone. By single parameter analysis, the contribution rate of each evaluation index to ecosystem vulnerability was calculated to analyze the main influencing factors causing ecosystem vulnerability in the study area. The results showed that the proportions of areas with micro, mild, moderate, severe, and extremely fragile ecosystem in the study area were 36.43%, 33.90%, 18.91%, 9.34%, and 1.43%, respectively. The main factor causing micro vulnerability of ecosystem in the study area is natural background, and ecological treatment in micro-vulnerable area should mainly focus on the maintaining of current situation, especially the protection of existing forest and grass vegetation. The main factors causing mild and moderate vulnerability of the ecosystem in the study area are natural background and human activities. Ecological treatment in mild and moderate vulnerable areas should focus on the protection of existing forest and grass vegetation and the limiting of human activities. The main factor causing severe and extremely vulnerability of the ecosystem in the study area is degradation of ecological environment. Ecological treatment in severe and extremely vulnerable areas should focus on the strict restriction of human activities and the restoration of forest and grass vegetation. According to statistical analysis of the overall vulnerability of ecosystem in different land uses in the study area, the main directions in ecological treatment for different land uses were proposed. Paddy fields should be mainly developed and utilized. Dry land, grassland and gardens should be developed and utilized under the premise of protection and restoration. The existing vegetation in forest land should be protected to achieve a positive vegetation succession, with appropriate development and utilization. Mining land should be restored ecologically. Other land types should be maintained in their current status. Based on the slope and land area, the study area was divided into nine zones: the mountainous zone closed off for afforestation, the artificial afforestation zone, the under-forest planting zone, the zone for grassland improvement, the zone for garden transformation, the zone for special economic plants, the zone for returning cropland back to forests, mining restoration zone, and non-treatment zone. Specific measures for treatment were proposed for each zone. To protect existing vegetation and promote natural positive succession of vegetation, human activities such as land reclamation, grazing, and firewood cutting should be prohibited in the mountainous zone closed off for afforestation. In the artificial afforestation zone, heliophilous species such as Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen., Delavaya toxocarpa Franch. and Leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit, which need light in plots with low vegetation coverage can be planted. In plots with high vegetation height and moderate coverage, neutral and sciophilous species such as Cyclobalanopsis Oerst. and Caesalpinia sappan L., which need some shade can be planted. Vine shrubs such as Euonymus fortunei (Turcz.) Hand.-Mazz. and Ficus pumila L. can be planted on side slopes and steep slopes to form plant hedges. In the under-forest planting zone, characteristic economic plants suitable for karst areas, such as Erythropalum scandens Bl. and Lonicera japonica Thunb can be introduced. In the zone for grassland improvement, high-quality perennial grass with strong resistance such as Guimu No.1, Cichorium intybus L. and Pennisetum purpureum, can be cultivated to develop livestock husbandry. In the zone for garden transformation, low-stem economic crops such as Erythropalum scandens Bl. and Lonicera japonica Thunb. can be intercropped under the forest. In the zone for special economic plants, evergreen wild vegetables suitable for growing in karst areas, such as Erythropalum scandens Bl. and Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr. can be introduced to replace traditional crops such as corn. In the zone for returning farmland to forest, afforestation and grass planting should be carried out to promote the restoration for forest and grass vegetation according to local conditions. Ecological slope protection, site leveling, greening, and backfilling with netted soil can be implemented for reclamation and greening in the mining restoration zone. In non-treatment zone, the current situation can be maintained. -
表 1 生态系统脆弱性评价指标体系
Table 1. Index system of evaluating ecosystem vulnerability
目标层 生态系统脆弱性(A) 准则层 成因指标(B1) 表现特征指标(B2) 指标层 岩性
度(C7)权重 0.103 3 0.103 3 0.042 0 0.109 4 0.206 6 0.159 9 0.275 5 表 2 各评价指标分值
Table 2. Scores of evaluation indexes
分值 5 4 3 2 1 0 岩性 灰岩 白云岩 灰岩与白云
酸盐岩非岩溶区 坡度 险坡(≥45°) 急坡(≥35°~45°) 陡坡(≥25°~35°) 斜坡(≥15°~25°) 缓坡(≥5°~15°) 平坡(<5°) 土壤养分综
合等级五等(缺乏) 四等(较缺乏) 三等(中等) 二等(较丰富) 一等(丰富) 土地利用现状 采矿用地 旱地、水浇地 住宅用地、交通运输用地、设施农用地等其他地类 园地 草地 水田、水域及水利设施用地、林地、特殊用地 植被覆盖度 <30% 30%~40% 40%~50% 50%~60% 60%~70% >70% 土壤侵蚀强度 剧烈侵蚀 极强烈侵蚀 强烈侵蚀 中度侵蚀 轻度侵蚀 微度侵蚀 石漠化程度 重度石漠化 中度石漠化 轻度石漠化 表 3 各生态系统脆弱性等级面积及占比
Table 3. Area and proportion of each ecosystem vulnerability level
生态系统脆弱性等级 面积/km2 占比/% 微度脆弱 10.91 36.43 轻度脆弱 10.15 33.90 中度脆弱 5.66 18.91 重度脆弱 2.80 9.34 极度脆弱 0.43 1.43 表 4 各评价指标对不同生态系统脆弱等级贡献率
Table 4. Contribution rates of various evaluation indexes for different ecosystem vulnerability levels
指标 贡献率/% 微度脆弱 轻度脆弱 中度脆弱 重度脆弱 极度脆弱 岩性 65.62 49.70 35.54 24.06 15.25 坡度 15.10 16.07 8.46 4.52 4.47 土壤养分综合等级 17.63 11.11 8.26 5.43 3.43 土地利用现状 0.84 15.17 14.79 13.25 3.92 植被覆盖度 0.23 1.86 8.79 30.60 31.02 土壤侵蚀强度 0.43 4.37 19.51 16.31 10.94 石漠化程度 0.14 1.71 4.65 5.83 30.97 表 5 不同土地利用现状各生态系统脆弱性等级面积及占比
Table 5. Area and proportion of various ecosystem vulnerability levels in different land use types
土地利用现状 微度脆弱 轻度脆弱 中度脆弱 重度脆弱 极度脆弱 合计 水田 面积/hm2 282.68 6.65 4.30 0.52 0.09 294.24 占比/% 96.07 2.26 1.46 0.18 0.03 100.00 旱地 面积/hm2 4.69 318.31 217.02 72.01 1.96 613.99 占比/% 0.76 51.84 35.35 11.73 0.32 100.00 园地 面积/hm2 5.86 21.50 33.20 35.89 3.25 99.70 占比/% 5.88 21.56 33.30 36.00 3.26 100.00 林地 面积/hm2 773.24 639.84 288.37 77.15 28.15 1806.75 占比/% 42.80 35.41 15.96 4.27 1.56 100.00 草地 面积/hm2 1.38 1.23 0.89 0.95 0.61 5.06 占比/% 27.27 24.31 17.59 18.77 12.06 100.00 采矿用地 面积/hm2 0.01 0.09 0.24 0.29 3.21 3.84 占比/% 0.26 2.34 6.25 7.55 83.59 100.00 其他地类 面积/hm2 22.75 27.36 22.06 92.88 5.53 170.58 占比/% 13.34 16.04 12.93 54.45 3.24 100.00 -
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