Technology of classifying lithology of typical karst areas based on machine learning: Taking the Pingguo area, Guangxi as an example
摘要: 快速准确识别碳酸盐岩对于岩溶区的基础设施建设和重大工程实施十分重要,通过遥感岩性分类实现碳酸盐岩的快速提取目前仍然是最高效的途径之一。文章基于Landsat和AW3D 30 DSM遥感数据,以广西平果地区典型岩溶区为研究对象,采用碳酸盐岩的可见光到短波红外的多光谱信息、熵和角二阶矩等纹理信息及曲率和坡度等地形特征,对平果地区岩溶分布区的碳酸盐岩、碎屑岩、第四系及水体进行岩性分类,在选取606个总体样本并验证303个分类样本的基础上,采用最大似然分类方法对区域岩性进行快速分类。结果表明:碳酸盐岩的生产者精度和用户精度分别达到94.54%和97.64%,基本能够实现碳酸盐岩的快速提取和准确识别的需求,在典型岩溶区的岩性分类方法中具有准确率高、实现路径简单、所需数据源易获取的特点,将为典型岩溶区的岩性快速分类提供一种新的思路。Abstract:
Karst is strongly developed in Southwest China, and the geological hazards specific to karst areas may cause serious damage to the local construction facilities; therefore, the rapid identification of carbonate rocks is of great significance for the planning of infrastructure construction such as electric power, transportation, etc. At present, the classification of lithology through remote sensing is still one of the most efficient ways. In this study, on the basis of visible to short-wave infrared multispectral information, texture information such as the second order moments of entropy and angular, and topographic features such as curvature and slope, we proposed a method to classify carbonate rocks, clasolite rocks, Quaternary sediments and water bodies by remote sensing in the Pingguo area to realize automatic extraction of carbonate rocks. This method presents its advantages of obtaining data sources with high accuracy in simple realization path in terms of lithology classification of typical karst areas, and this study can provide a new idea for rapid lithology classification in karst areas. Located in the southwest of Guangxi with subtropical monsoon climate, the Pingguo area is one of the most developed karst areas in China, in which mainly develops limestone, dolomite and their interbedded and interlayered layers of the Triassic Beisi Group and Luolou Group. Karst landforms are distributed in the north, central and southwest of the Pingguo area, and are dominated by the karst peaks and depressions, significantly different from the morphological characteristics of clasolite rocks in the same area. The process of lithology classification and carbonate rock identification in this study mainly included the following steps: data source selection and processing, texture feature extraction, terrain feature extraction, sample sketching and training, and final mapping. The data was mainly from Landsat 8 OLI and AW3D 30 DSM available for the public. The 8-channel data was obtained, based on the synthesis of five multispectral bands including BLUE, GREEN, RED, NIR, SWIR bands, texture features of second-order moments of entropy and angular with Principal Component Analysis, and topographic features such as curvature and slope. Then the maximum likelihood classification was used to carry out the lithology classification of the study area, and the distribution of carbonate rocks was finally obtained. The results show that the overall accuracy of the method in the study area is over 90%, and the kappa coefficient is more than 0.85, which proves that the classification model is effective and practical for the extraction of carbonate rocks in the study area. In addition, results of accuracy evaluation show that the accuracy is high for classification of carbonate rocks, with an accuracy more than 94%, but the accuracy of classifying water bodies and Quaternary is relatively poor. The main reason for this difference is that the Quaternary sediments are scattered in the carbonate and clasolite areas, and part of Quaternary sediments may exist in the area covered with vegetation which is easy to be judged as the area of carbonate or clasolite rocks. The main reason for the slightly lower accuracy in classification of water bodies is that some water bodies and the areas shaded by carbonate rocks are easily confused, and there are also cases where carbonate rocks are misclassified as water bodies. Based on multi-source remote sensing data, we conducted the maximum likelihood estimation with the consideration of spectral, topographic, textural and other multi-factors in order to develop a fast and accurate automatic extraction method for carbonate rocks in typical karst areas. In addition, we used this method to automatically classify carbonate rocks, clasolite rocks, Quaternary sediments and water bodies in the Pingguo area and evaluated the classification accuracy. We drew the conclusions as follows. (1) Based on data of Landsat and AW3D 30 DSM, we adopted multi-factor synergistic analysis of spectral information, textural features and topographic features of typical carbonate areas, and carried out automatic extraction of carbonate rocks, clasolite rocks, etc. in the Pingguo area, a typical karst area. The overall classification accuracy was greater than 93%. (2) There was a great difference in the surface morphology of carbonate rocks and clasolite rocks in the study area, which is one of the important factors for distinguishing these two types of rocks. Meanwhile, the slope has a significant effect on the accuracy of carbonate rock extraction, so it is suggested that a slope should be used as one of the factors in the classification in the process of comprehensive extraction of carbonate rocks. (3) Lithology is difficult to be automatically extracted with multi-spectral remote sensing information, due to the complex multi-solution of extraction and the spatial heterogeneity of lithology. Most of the current studies differentiated lithology through the inversion of mineral compositions from the perspective of mineralization and alteration. With the gradual development and improvement of machine learning and deep learning, the comprehensive extraction method integrated with spectral bands, texture and morphology will provide a new idea for the significant improvement of the accuracy of lithology extraction, which may be one of the important directions for future research on lithology extraction. -
Key words:
- carbonate rocks /
- remote sensing /
- maximum likelihood classification /
- information extraction /
- Pingguo
表 1 样本可分离度
Table 1. Sample separability
样本类别 碳酸盐岩 碎屑岩 第四系覆盖物 水体 碳酸盐岩 — 1.80 1.98 1.99 碎屑岩 1.80 — 1.99 1.99 第四系覆盖物 1.98 1.99 — 1.96 水体 1.99 1.99 1.96 — 表 2 平果地区岩性分类结果精度评价表
Table 2. Accuracy evaluation of lithology classification in the Pingguo area
类别 碎屑岩 第四系 碳酸盐岩 水体 生产者精度/% 92.02 93.71 94.54 87.09 用户精度/% 89.49 82.02 97.64 93.81 总体分类精度/% 93.79 卡帕系数 0.8797 -
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