Impact of virtual tourism experience on travel intentions of karst tourism destinations: Take Wulong karst tourist zone as an example
摘要: 文章以重庆市武隆喀斯特旅游区为例,采用游客问卷调查数据和结构方程模型,分析游客在喀斯特旅游区虚拟旅游体验后产生的心流体验以及对实地旅游意愿的影响。结果表明:喀斯特旅游地虚拟旅游体验对游客的注意力集中度、远程呈现、时间感的变化和实地旅游意愿均产生显著正向影响,注意力集中度发挥部分中介作用。建议武隆喀斯特旅游区加强以下建设:优化虚拟应用技术,营造更真实的虚拟旅游体验情境;提供全面优质的旅游信息,减少游客信息收集成本;扩大虚拟旅游宣传,赢得更多潜在游客。Abstract:
The study on the impact of virtual tourism experience on travel intentions of karst tourist destinations is of great significance to enhance tourists' intentions of on-the-spot travel and to promote the development of karst tourist destinations. The virtual tourism market is increasingly expanded because the application of virtual reality technology to tourism industry makes people's travel experience abundant and interesting. At present, some scholars have conducted research on the application of virtual tourism in the fields of hotel management, cultural heritage protection, museum protection, etc. However, there are few studies on the application of virtual tourism in natural landscapes, let alone on the combination of karst tourist destinations with virtual tourism. Taking karst tourist destinations as research objects, this paper explores the marketing effect of virtual reality technology on karst tourist destinations, which can supplement the content of quantitative research on virtual tourism in karst tourist destinations and enrich the theoretical exploration of factors influencing tourists' behavioral intentions. In order to deeply explore the flow state of tourists after their virtual tourism experience in karst tourist destinations and its impact on travel intentions on the spot, and the marketing effect of virtual tourism on karst tourism destinations, this paper takes the model path of "environment–cognition–behavior" in Social Cognitive Theory as the theoretical basis and introduces Flow Theory. Structural Equation Model (SEM) is used to verify the hypotheses and give some suggestions. Wulong karst tourist zone of Chongqing is chosen as the research object because of its high typicality and representativeness, and it is an important part of the World Natural Heritage of "South China Karst", a typical representative of the world canyon karst system. Besides, Wulong karst tourist zone is one of the best examples of karst landforms with high tourism resource value. At the same time, the official page "3D·VR panoramic exhibition of Wulong karst tourist zone" shows it from all directions and different angles. Directly using their mobile phones and computers, people can visit Wulong karst tourist zone, which makes traveling more convenient. According to the previous research, this paper summarizes the theoretical framework of virtual tourism experience, flow experience and on-the-spot travel intentions, and puts forward the relevant hypotheses of virtual tourism in karst tourist destinations. Virtual tourism experience includes four dimensions: system quality, webpage design, information quality and interaction. Flow experience includes three dimensions: focused attention, telepresence and temporal distortion. A questionnaire has been designed, including eight dimensions and 29 items. The second part of the questionnaire investigates the background information of the subjects for their demographic characteristics. In order to reduce homology bias during the questionnaire design process, explanations and relevant definitions are provided at the beginning of the questionnaire. In this study, descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity testing, structural equation model fitting and intermediary effect analysis have been carried out to verify the proposed research hypotheses, and the research conclusions have been drawn according to the empirical research results and the validity of the hypotheses. The results show that the virtual tourism experience of karst tourist destination, which consists of system quality, webpage design, information quality and interaction, has significant positive effects on the three dimensions of flow experience (focused attention, telepresence and variation of temporal sense) and on on-the-spot travel intention. Among the three dimensions of flow experience, only focused attention has a significant positive impact on on-the-spot travel intention, playing a partial intermediary role in the transition from virtual tourism experience to on-the-spot travel intention, while telepresence and variation of temporal sense have no significant impact on the on-the-spot travel intention. In the future, we can develop Wulong karst tourism zone from the following aspects: optimizing the virtual technology and creating a more realistic virtual tourism experience, providing comprehensive and high-quality tourism information to reduce the cost of tourist information collection, and strengthening the publicity of virtual tourism to win more potential tourists. Future research topics should also be focused on questionnaire design of virtual tourism, influence of demographic characteristics on variables in the model, and comparison of virtual tourism between different karst landscapes. -
Key words:
- virtual tourism /
- travel intention /
- flow theory /
- social cognitive theory /
- Wulong karst tourist zone
表 1 样本构成分布
Table 1. Distribution of sample compositions
特征 分类 频率 比率/% 性别 男 169 45.3 女 204 54.7 年龄 14岁及以下 5 1.3 15~24岁 115 30.8 25~44岁 185 49.6 45~64岁 55 14.7 65岁及以上 13 3.5 受教育水平 初中及初中以下 33 8.8 高中/职高 73 19.6 本科/专科 183 49.1 硕士/博士 84 22.5 职业 学生 88 23.6 政府机关/事业单位人员 46 12.3 企业管理人员(经理/厂长/中层管理者) 42 11.3 专业技术人员/律师/教师/医生等 73 19.6 普通职员/工人/服务人员 88 23.6 个体经营者/自由职业者 20 5.4 其他 16 4.3 收入 低于2 000元 118 31.6 2 001~4 000元 69 18.5 4 001~6 000元 103 27.6 6 001~10 000元 62 16.6 高于10 000元 21 5.6 居住地 重庆市内 258 69.2 重庆市外 115 30.8 表 2 验证性因子分析结果
Table 2. Analysis of confirmatory factors
潜在变量 题项编号 原始题项 标准化因
子载荷t值 克朗巴
炼方差网站质量 SQ1 网站易于使用 0.835 15.759 0.889 0.891 0.672 SQ2 网站反应快速 0.840 15.997 SQ3 网站使用方便 0.859 16.312 SQ4 网站易于导航 0.740 − 网页设计 WD1 网站界面设计美观 0.778 15.572 0.870 0.870 0.627 WD2 网站界面清晰且吸引人 0.795 15.914 WD3 网站有效果良好的三维实景,生动地展示了景区环境 0.776 16.535 WD4 网站能逼真地模拟现实场景 0.817 − 信息质量 IQ1 网站提供的旅游信息丰富 0.835 18.760 0.883 0.883 0.716 IQ2 网站提供的信息是准确的 0.843 19.062 IQ3 网站提供的信息是可靠的 0.861 − 交流互动 IN1 网站提供的信息易于理解 0.832 16.415 0.858 0.858 0.668 IN2 网站以适当的形式呈现目的地的信息 0.837 15.815 IN3 我可以高效地使用网站的各项功能 0.782 − 注意力集中度 FA1 我会忘记所有的顾虑 0.775 − 0.893 0.894 0.679 FA2 我的注意力集中在虚拟旅游上 0.817 16.529 FA3 我开始沉迷于虚拟旅游当中 0.851 17.159 FA4 我完全投入到虚拟旅游中 0.851 17.547 远程呈现 TL1 我会忘记自己在哪里 0.825 17.536 0.907 0.910 0.716 TL2 我感觉自己真的去到了目的地 0.914 19.870 TL3 我感觉自己真的在实地参观 0.851 18.216 TL4 我的身体还在目前的位置,但是我的思想已经在虚拟旅游创造的世界中了 0.790 − 时间感的变化 TD1 时间似乎过得很快 0.858 − 0.905 0.905 0.761 TD2 我忘记了时间流 0.891 21.423 TD3 我往往会忘记时间 0.868 20.686 实地旅游意愿 VI1 我打算访问目的地 0.883 − 0.928 0.928 0.764 VI2 我愿意尽快参观在虚拟旅游体验中看到的地方 0.904 25.185 VI3 我打算在不久的将来去参观在虚拟旅游体验中看到的地方 0.871 23.720 VI4 我打算投资金钱和时间去参观在虚拟旅游体验中看到的地方 0.836 21.525 表 3 区别效度表
Table 3. Discriminant validity of the constructs
变量 远程呈现 时间感的变化 注意力集中度 实地旅游意愿 交流互动 信息质量 网页设计 网站质量 远程呈现 0.846 时间感的变化 0.206 0.872 注意力集中度 0.269 0.252 0.824 实地旅游意愿 0.210 0.326 0.715 0.784 交流互动 0.345 0.323 0.422 0.420 0.817 信息质量 0.320 0.300 0.391 0.390 0.501 0.846 网页设计 0.363 0.340 0.445 0.443 0.569 0.528 0.792 网站质量 0.300 0.281 0.367 0.365 0.470 0.436 0.495 0.820 表 4 假设检验表
Table 4. Test of the hypothesis
假设 路径 标准化后路径系数 t值 p值 结论 H1 虚拟旅游体验 ➝ 注意力集中度 0.574 8.202 *** 支持 H2 虚拟旅游体验 ➝ 远程呈现 0.469 7.089 *** 支持 H3 虚拟旅游体验 ➝ 时间感的变化 0.439 6.782 *** 支持 H4 虚拟旅游体验 ➝ 实地旅游意愿 0.234 3.150 0.002** 支持 H5 注意力集中度 ➝ 实地旅游意愿 0.578 9.366 *** 支持 H6 远程呈现 ➝ 实地旅游意愿 −0.074 −1.529 0.126 拒绝 H7 时间感的变化 ➝ 实地旅游意愿 0.093 1.942 0.052 拒绝 注:***表示P<0.001,**表示P<0.01,*表示P<0.05,下同。
Note: *** indicates P<0.001; ** indicates P<0.01; * indicates P<0.05, the same below.表 5 中介效应分析结果
Table 5. Results of indirect effect analysis
路径 置信区间 效应值β BC 效应占比 Lower Upper 显著性水平P 间接效应 95% 0.516 0.281 1.325 0.017* 58.58% 直接效应 0.364 0.120 4.838 0.005** 41.32% 总效应 0.880 0.562 6.430 0.001** 100.00% -
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