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李京天 朱凯 肖先煊 尹艳 刘皓 许模 何志攀

李京天,朱 凯,肖先煊,等. 水位下降诱发覆盖型岩溶塌陷发育机理[J]. 中国岩溶,2024,43(2):406-420 doi: 10.11932/karst2024y010
引用本文: 李京天,朱 凯,肖先煊,等. 水位下降诱发覆盖型岩溶塌陷发育机理[J]. 中国岩溶,2024,43(2):406-420 doi: 10.11932/karst2024y010
LI Jingtian, ZHU Kai, XIAO Xianxuan, YIN Yan, LIU Hao, XU Mo, HE Zhipan. Development mechanism of covered karst collapses induced by groundwater drawdown[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(2): 406-420. doi: 10.11932/karst2024y010
Citation: LI Jingtian, ZHU Kai, XIAO Xianxuan, YIN Yan, LIU Hao, XU Mo, HE Zhipan. Development mechanism of covered karst collapses induced by groundwater drawdown[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(2): 406-420. doi: 10.11932/karst2024y010


doi: 10.11932/karst2024y010
基金项目: 四川省科技计划项目—应用基础项目(2021YJ0320)




  • 中图分类号: P642.25

Development mechanism of covered karst collapses induced by groundwater drawdown

  • 摘要: 岩溶塌陷是岩溶区主要的地质灾害类型,具有突发性和隐蔽性的特征,给当地人们的生命财产安全造成威胁。文章以曲靖市马龙区东侧岩溶塌陷为研究对象,以多元结构盖层的地面塌陷为例,在室内构建了与原型相符的地质物理模型,开展两种典型工况下的地下水位下降触发岩溶塌陷试验。基于试验数据分析,提出此类型盖层的致塌机理,并分析透-阻-透型塌陷变形演化特征。研究表明:(1)地下水位下降导致盖层和溶洞中均出现负压带,盖层内的孔隙水压力和溶洞中的真空压强会随着排水波动增长至峰值,地下水位降速越大,压强的增长速率和峰值就越大;(2)根据压强和盖层形变量随时间的演化特征,可将塌陷演化过程分为土洞发育阶段、土洞扩张阶段和盖层失稳塌陷3个阶段;(3)马龙区的水位降速达到0.1 cm·min−1(1.44 m·d−1)时,所产生的真空压强能提供足够大的真空吸蚀力,联合渗透压力可导致覆盖层塌陷。研究结果可为马龙区岩溶塌陷灾害的防治减灾及其塌陷预警预报提供参考。


  • 图  1  研究区内多元结构覆盖型岩溶塌陷

    a.杨官田村塌陷区TX12 b.缪家田龙潭水库库尾塌陷区TX22 c.让田社区塌陷区TX27 1.白色虚线代表土层分界线

    Figure  1.  Multi-structure covered karst collapse in the study area

    a. the subsidence area TX12 of Yangguantian village; b. the subsidence area TX22 of tail of Longtan reservoir in Miaojiatian; c. the subsidence area TX27 of Rangtian residential compound 1. The white dotted line represents the boundary of the soil layer.

    图  2  研究区水文地质略图

    Figure  2.  Hydrogeology of the study area

    图  3  研究区岩溶塌陷形成模式图

    Figure  3.  Formation model of karst collapses in the study area

    图  4  模型试验装置图

    a.模型结构示意图 b.物理模型试验装置实物图

    Figure  4.  Diagram of model experiment device

    a. schematic diagram of model structure; b. diagram of physical model experiment device

    图  5  孔隙水压力监测系统

    a.孔隙水压力传感器 b.孔隙水压力传感器布置平面示意图

    Figure  5.  Monitoring system of pore water pressure

    a. sensors of pore water pressure; b. layout of sensors for pore water pressure

    图  6  物理模型盖层


    Figure  6.  Overburden layer of physical model

    (a.generalization of overburden structure; b.overburden layer of physical model)

    图  7  施工前期排水量变化图

    Figure  7.  Diagram of discharge changes in pre-construction period

    图  8  孔隙水压力时变曲线

    a.工况1 b.工况2

    Figure  8.  Time-varying curve of pore water pressure

    a. working condition 1 b. working condition 2

    图  9  溶洞内真空压强时变曲线

    a.工况1 b.工况2

    Figure  9.  Time-varying curve of vacuum pressure in the karst cave

    a. working condition 1 b. working condition 2

    图  10  盖层表面变化情况

    (a.工况1排水前;b.工况1排水后; c.工况2排水前;d.工况2排水130 min;e.工况2排水142 min)

    Figure  10.  Change of overburden surface

    (a. working condition 1 before discharge; b. working condition 1 after discharge; c. working condition 2 before discharge; c. working condition 2 before discharge; d. working condition 2 after discharge for 130 minutes; e. working condition 2 after discharge for142 minutes)

    图  11  盖层表面累计位移量

    (a.工况1; b.工况2)

    Figure  11.  Cumulative displacement of overburden surface

    (a. working condition 1; b. working condition 2)

    图  12  岩溶通道中心(X=0)形变量时变曲线


    Figure  12.  Time-varying curve of the deformation quantity of karst channel center (X=0)

    (a. working condition 1; b. working condition 2)

    表  1  地质原型土样物理力学性质参数

    Table  1.   Property parameters for physical mechanics of geological prototype soil samples

    序号 土样 密度/g·cm−3 砂土比/% 含水率/% 粘聚力/kPa 内摩擦角/°
    1 砂质黏土 1.48 33 8.8 29.8 27.8
    2 黏土 1.63 20 7.5 34.4 25.2
    3 砂土 1.41 50 11.2 26.9 26.0
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    表  2  岩溶塌陷物理模型试验工况设计

    Table  2.   Physical model experiment schemes of karst collapses

    工况 潜水初始水位/cm
    潜水降速 岩溶水初始水位/cm
    地层结构 盖层土体物理参数
    含水率/% 砂土比 厚度/cm
    1 3.5 自由降落 48 0.007 上层砂质黏土层 8.8 1/3 2.5
    中间黏土层 7.5 1/5 2.0
    2 3.5 48 0.010 下层砂土层 11.2 1/2 3.5
    Note: The rate of karst water drawdown of the physical model experiment is obtained by reducing the rate of inferred field karst water drawdown in equal proportion according to the similarity ratio.
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-11-18
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  • 网络出版日期:  2024-04-28
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