Research on water conservation in karst graben basin from the perspective of ecological restoration of territory space: A case study of the Erhai lake basin
摘要: 洱海流域是“十四五”规划和“双重规划”的重要生态区,其水源涵养功能对保障水资源和生态平衡至关重要。为制订有效的保护和修复策略,通过ANUSPLIN气象插值、区域水文地质研判、InVEST产水计算等方法,对洱海流域产水及水源涵养功能进行评价和预测,结论如下:(1)经过水文地质评述,论证出洱海流域是一个相对完整的水文地质单元;受气候变迁和土地利用影响,2022年产水量较2006年增加3.60%,水源涵养量减少1.65%。高水源涵养区主要在苍山山脉及北部山区,平均水源涵养率超10%;低水源涵养区主要在坝区,平均水源涵养率仅2.89%;(2)未来预测结果显示,受降雨量减少的影响,自然惯性发展情景与生态保护修复情景均发生下降,而生态修复情景水源涵养量的减损量远低于自然惯性发展情景,且水源涵养率有所增加;自然惯性发展情景存在局部退化风险,生态保护修复情景通过措施可提升水源涵养量,降低退化风险;(3)洱海流域水源涵养时空分布与气候等自然因素及土地利用结构密切相关。针对洱海流域存在水源涵养功能退化的情况,研究评价了已有子工程,并特别关了注苍山山脉北部和东南部山区,提出生态现状评估、工程性补水等措施,以提升水源涵养功能,维护生态系统稳定,促进可持续发展。
- 断陷盆地区 /
- 国土空间生态保护修复 /
- 水源涵养 /
- 土地利用情景模拟
Abstract:The Erhai lake basin is an important ecological area outlined in the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the Master Plan on Major Projects for the Conservation and Restoration of National Key Ecosystems (2021–2035). The water conservation function in the Erhai lake basin plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of water resources and ecology. To formulate effective protection and restoration strategies, methods such as ANUSPLIN meteorological interpolation, regional hydrogeological assessment, and InVEST water yield calculation have been employed to evaluate and predict the water yield and water conservation function of the Erhai lake basin. The research conclusions are as follows, (1) Through hydrological and geological assessments, it is confirmed that the Erhai basin constitutes a relatively complete hydrogeological unit. Influenced by climate change and land use, there was a 3.6% increase in water yield in 2022 compared to 2006, alongside a 1.65% decrease in water conservation. The areas with high water conservation rates are mainly located in the Cangshan mountain and northern mountainous regions, with an average water conservation rate exceeding 10%. In contrast, the areas with low water conservation rates are primarily found in the garben basin region, where the average water conservation rate is only 2.89%. (2) The prediction results indicate that, due to the decrease of precipitation, both the natural inertia development scenario and the ecological protection and restoration scenario will experience a decline in water source conservation. However, the reduction in water conservation under the ecological restoration scenario is significantly lower than that under the natural inertia development scenario, and the water conservation rate in ecological restoration has increased. There is a risk of local degradation in the natural inertia development scenario, while the ecological protection and restoration scenario can enhance the water conservation capacity through measures, and reduce the risk of degradation. (3)The spatial and temporal distribution of water conservation in the Erhai lake basin is closely related to natural factors such as climate and land use structure. In response to the degradation of water conservation function in the Erhai lake basin, existing sub-projects were studied and evaluated.Special attention was given to the northern Cangshan range and southeastern mountainous area, where measures such as ecological status assessment, and engineering water supplement were proposed to enhance water conservation, maintain ecosystem stability, and promote sustainable development. -
表 1 Kappa系数检验对照表
Table 1. Verification of Kappa coefficients
K 0.00~0.25 0.26~0.50 0.51~0.75 0.76~1.00 一致性程度 极低 低 中 高 表 2 数据来源表
Table 2. Data sources
数据类型 数据源 数据类型 土地利用 Annual China Land Cover Dataset[26]、Esri Sentinel-2 2006/2014/2022
年.jpg气象数据 国家气象数据中心、全球干旱指数和潜在蒸散
.txt、.jpg地形数据 中国地理数据云 .jpg 行政界线 中国科学院资源环境
科学与数据中心.shp 土壤数据 世界土壤数据库 .mbd 区域地质资料 全国地质资料馆 .png 水文数据 大理州水务局官网 .pdf 表 3 土地利用编码及相关参数
Table 3. Land use coding and related parameters
深度/mm蒸散系数 流速系数 耕地 1 1500 0.65 800 林地 2 7000 1 200 灌木及草地 3 3000 0.65 400 水域 4 10 1 2012 建设用地 5 10 0.20 2012 裸地 6 10 0.20 1500 表 4 洱海流域各单元产水量、产水能力、水源涵养量及水源涵养率统计表
Table 4. Statistics of water yield, water yield capacity, water conservation and water conservation rate in each unit of the Erhai basin
积占比/%产水量/亿m3及占比/% 产水能力/万m3∙km−2 2006年 2014年 2022年 2030年生态
均值2006年 2014年 2022年 2030年生态
均值坝区单元 32.68 5.29/
34.9251.18 38.42 54.02 51.81 47.87 北部山区单元 34.83 4.59/
30.1841.72 20.76 53.99 52.97 38.82 东南部山区单元 20.98 3.55/
19.5553.54 26.35 45.31 42.78 41.73 西部苍山单元 11.50 2.84/
15.3578.14 37.15 64.07 62.51 59.79 流域面
积占比/%水源涵养量/亿m3及占比/% 水源涵养率/% 2006年 2014年 2022年 2030年生态
均值2006年 2014年 2022年 2030年生态
均值坝区单元 32.68 0.18/
13.633.32 3.09 2.26 2.17 2.89 北部山区单元 34.83 0.48/
42.7210.39 10.23 10.41 10.59 10.34 东南部山区单元 20.98 0.29/
21.848.28 8.13 8.12 8.00 8.18 西部苍山单元 11.50 0.30/
21.8110.55 10.56 10.16 10.33 10.42 -
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