Reflection and enlightenment on monitoring and early warning of debris flows in Eryuan: A case study of the "9.13" large-scale freshet-induced debris flow of the Tiejia river
摘要: 洱源县地质环境复杂脆弱,地貌类型多、地形变化大、生态环境脆弱的特点孕育了区内泥石流地质灾害规模大、威胁对象多、发灾时间集中的灾害特点。2012年以来洱源县地质灾害所造成的人员伤亡以暴雨沟谷型泥石流为主。文章对洱源县近年来的暴雨沟谷型泥石流灾害进行统计,以2021年“9 · 13”洱源县凤羽镇铁甲河支流兰林河及黑龙河两条典型泥石流成功避险案例为例,分析洱源沟谷型泥石流成灾背景及运动特征,对暴雨型泥石流监测预警设备选型布设及模型阈值的设置进行阐述,总结洱源县监测预警预报经验与启示。Abstract:
Eryuan county is located in the northern part of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. It borders Heqing county and Binchuan county to the east, Dali City and Yangbi county to the south, Yunlong county to the west, and Jianchuan county to the north. The maximum straight-line distance from east to west is about 80 km, and the maximum straight-line distance from north to south is about 68 km. The circumference of the county is about 340 km. Eryuan county is located at the collision zone between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate, and is strongly influenced by the Himalayan orogeny. Since the Miocene, the plateau has experienced substantial uplift, accompanied by vigorous neotectonic movements. Earthquakes are common in this area due to its complex and varied geological and topographical conditions. The terrain is characterized by significant cutting, with high mountains and deep valleys. Additionally, this area has well-developed water systems, and geological disasters occur frequently in this area. It is a high-risk area for geological disasters in Yunnan Province. Since 2012, casualties resulting from geological disasters in Eryuan have primarily been attributed to rainstorm-induced gully-type debris flows. This type of debris flow disaster in the Tiejia river basin is characterized by sudden heavy rainfall occurring in the early morning, leading to large-scale events at a high level of risk. This area also serves as a site for projects of monitoring and early warning geological disasters. It represents a typical case for studies on gully-type debris flow disasters throughout the entire county. Based on the characteristics of gully-type debris flows in the Tiejia river basin, and in accordance with the Technical Specification for Geological Disasters Monitoring and Early Warning by Combination of Professional and Masses Methods and the Technical Guidelines for Monitoring and Early Warning of Geological Hazards in Yunnan Province (Trial), in this study, we employed rainfall stations and mud water levels as main monitoring sites and data, video monitoring stations as auxiliary monitoring sites, and warning broadcasting stations as sites for on-site warning techniques. We analyzed the background and movement characteristics of debris flow disasters in the Eryuan gully. Additionally, we selected a warning model based on the similarities in geological environment and the differences in disaster conditions between the gullies of the Lanlin river and of the Heilong river. Because the main gully of the Lanlin river is shorter than that of the Heilong river, has a smaller drainage area, and features a flatter gully, we adopted a single-parameter warning model to ensure response time. Besides, the development of the main gully of the Heilong river is more tortuous and complex, and it covers a larger watershed area; therefore, we adopted a multi-parameter warning model to reduce the false alarming rate. Based on the analysis of the early warning results of the two gullies of debris flows, and the selection and layout of monitoring and early warning equipment for rainstorm-induced debris flows, we illuminated the setting of model thresholds, and summarized the experience and enlightenment of monitoring and early warning debris flows in Eryuan. The gully debris flows triggered by sudden heavy rainfall are often large in scale, possess strong destructive power, have a brief duration of occurrence, and threaten numerous objects. This presents a key challenge in the prevention of geological disasters in Eryuan county. In the work of monitoring and early warning, we should focus on the monitoring of the strong rainfall that triggers debris flows upstream and the flood flows that causes disasters in the middle and downstream areas of the debris flows. In the work of early warning response, we should identify the main threat after the disaster, and ensure that the deployed warning equipment and warning information are transmitted in a timely manner. We should comprehensively set warning thresholds and models, based on the characteristics of disasters. We should also prioritize the resettlement of evacuees and its regulation. Even if we have implemented projects of controlling debris flows, it is likely to occur debris flows under the influence of extremely heavy rainfall, especially the rainstorm-induced gully-type debris flows taking place in the Tiejia river. Projects of monitoring and early warning can still serve as an effective supplementary measure for engineering management after disaster treatment, so as to enhance the capabilities of comprehensive prevention and control of debris flows. -
Key words:
- geological hazards /
- monitoring methods /
- monitoring and warning /
- Eryuan, Yunnan /
- debris flow
表 1 洱源县滑坡及泥石流灾情统计表
Table 1. Statistics of landslides and debris flows in Eryuan
灾害类型 发灾次数/次 人员受伤/人 经济财产损失/万元 6月 7月 8月 9月 失踪 死亡 受伤 滑坡 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2269.89 泥石流 1 1 2 10 0 6 39 79071.1 表 2 铁甲河泥石流沟系兰林河与黑龙河分区表
Table 2. Zoning of the Lanlin river and the Heilong river in the system of debris flow gullies of the Tiejia river
分区 形成流通区 堆积区 流通堆积区 海拔 3480 ~2500 m2500 ~2300 m2300 ~2136.5 m分区特征 地形以陡坡−缓坡为主,沟谷呈上缓下陡的“V”形,谷坡坡度多为25°~60°,局部达60°~90°,沟床宽度多在25~50 m ,主沟平均纵坡降约 305‰,出露的岩体节理裂隙发育、破碎,出露的第四系残坡积物厚度一般1~3 m,最大近4 m。 地势相对平缓,地形坡度在15°~ 20°,平均纵坡降约90‰,沟谷呈“U”字型,沟道宽约15~30 m,沟内以碎块石、砂砾石为主,形成堆积扇,中下部自沟口向堆积扇前缘地形逐渐变缓。 位于铁甲村至花平、小庄村区域。地形坡度在25°~35°,河段河谷狭窄,沟宽1~3 m,沟内冲洪积堆积物较少,沟岸稳定,堆积物经流通堆积致铁甲村周围。 表 3 铁甲河泥石流沟系兰林河与黑龙河已建工程表
Table 3. Projects established along the Lanlin river and the Heilong river of debris flow gullies of the Tiejia river
沟 名 治理工程 监测预警工程 防治状况 拦渣坝
/套兰林河 6 9 815 2 3 1 2 拦挡工程均已满库部分拦挡工程、排导槽、两沟下游2台泥位监测站、2台预警广播站在2021年泥石流灾害中被不同程度损坏 黑龙河 7 8 1195 3 5(含恢复
泥水位)1 2 -
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