A study on multiple-model evaluation of landslide susceptibility
摘要: 滑坡是我国最常见的地质灾害之一,其突发性和不确定性给防灾减灾工作带来巨大的挑战。滑坡易发性评估是一个复杂的过程,常规手段是依赖于静态因子分析,难以实现滑坡易发性的动态评估。随着合成孔径雷达干涉测量(InSAR)技术的发展,可实现地表形变的动态监测,文章以双江县作为研究区,在常规地质灾害易发性评价中,引入地表形变表征性因子,并使用三种模型分别进行滑坡易发性评估,改善了滑坡地质灾害易发性评估的不确定性,提高了评估精度。综合考量研究区地形地貌、地质构造、水文环境、人类工程活动等静态地质环境条件因子,同时引入InSAR地表形变速率动态因子,共同构建多维度的评估指标体系,并使用信息量模型、确定性系数模型和频率比模型进行滑坡区域易发性评估比较。试验结果表明,CF模型在高易发区和较高易发区滑坡密度比值较高,为7.77、1.10,其准确值和AUC值最大,分别为0.822、0.879,均优于其他模型。基于InSAR技术获取地表形变因子,结合CF模型的滑坡易发性具有最好的评估精度。使用滑坡密度比值、ROC曲线和AUC评估绘制出的滑坡易发性图的精度更具有竞争优势。Abstract:
Landslides are one of the most common geological disasters in China, characterized by sudden occurrence and uncertainty. The evaluation of landslide susceptibility is a complex process. Conventional methods mainly use static factors, making it difficult to achieve dynamic assessment of landslide susceptibility. With the ongoing advancement of science and technology, interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) has been successively applied to the study of geological disasters. This technology is characterized by its all-weather capability, continuous operation, and extensive coverage, allowing for real-time monitoring of the Earth's surface under varying environmental conditions. InSAR enables a comprehensive understanding of the movement of the surface rocks and soil masses associated with landslide geological disasters. It effectively captures the dynamic deformation characteristics of landslides in the vertical direction, thereby enhancing the identification and dynamic monitoring of surface deformation and improving the accuracy of evaluating landslide susceptibility. In this study, the surface deformation representative factor has been introduced into the conventional evaluation of geological disaster susceptibility. This addition improves the reliability of the evaluation of landslide susceptibility and enhances the overall accuracy. This study focused on Shuangjiang county as the research area. It utilizes evaluation index factors such as Digital Elevation Model (DEM), slope gradients, aspects, curvatures, stratigraphic lithology, faults, land use, annual average rainfall, roads, and rivers. The representative factor of InSAR surface deformation was comprehensively considered to evaluate landslide susceptibility. Through an extensive analysis of InSAR deformation, a dataset of landslides was established, identifying a total of 116 landslide geological disasters. Among them, 56 landslide areas exhibited deformation, with some slopes showing significant signs of deformation. The information quantity, certainty factor, and frequency ratio models were employed to evaluate the susceptibility of areas to landslides. The accuracy of the generated landslide susceptibility was evaluated with the use of the landslide density ratio, curve of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC), and the Area Under the Curve (AUC). In this study, 70% of the landslide events were randomly selected for spatial modeling training, while the remaining 30% were used for model verification. The segment set statistical tool in ArcGIS software was utilized to conduct the mutual independence test on the evaluation factors. Research findings indicate that all the correlation coefficients are less than 0.3, suggesting that the evaluation factors are independent of one another. According to the natural paragraph point method in Geographic Information System (GIS), the susceptibility can be categorized into five intervals: low susceptibility area, relatively low susceptibility area, medium susceptibility area, relatively high susceptibility area, and high susceptibility area. The high landslide susceptibility areas are mainly distributed in the northern part of Shuangjiang county; the low landslide susceptibility areas are mainly concentrated in its northwestern part. In the relatively high susceptibility area and the high susceptibility area, the raster of the inspection samples accounts for 88.69% of the total landslide inspection raster. The experimental results show that the Certainty Factor (CF) model exhibits a relatively high landslide density ratio in both the high susceptibility area and the relatively high susceptibility area, with ratios of 7.77 and 1.10, respectively. Additionally, the model demonstrates the highest accuracy and AUC values, which are 0.822 and 0.879, respectively. The accuracy of Frequency Ratio (FR) model is followed by CF model, and that of Information Quantity (I) model is the lowest. The landslide susceptibility map generated by the CF model provides a more accurate evaluation of slope instability in Shuangjiang county. Therefore, deriving the surface deformation factor based on InSAR technology and the CF model for evaluating landslide susceptibility yields the highest accuracy. -
Key words:
- landslide susceptibility /
- InSAR /
- information quantity /
- certainty factor /
- frequency ratio
表 1 评价因子相关系数矩阵
Table 1. Correlation coefficient matrix of evaluation factors
评价因子 a b c d e f g h i j k l a 1.000 b 0.048 1.000 c −0.044 −0.018 1.000 d −0.184 −0.025 0.028 1.000 e 0.148 0.082 −0.146 −0.103 1.000 f 0.152 0.182 0.109 −0.140 −0.224 1.000 g 0.201 0.014 −0.078 −0.143 0.116 0.034 1.000 h −0.043 −0.011 0.016 0.016 −0.018 −0.004 −0.038 1.000 i 0.002 0.012 0.002 0.004 −0.001 0.052 0.025 0.001 1.000 j −0.007 0.005 0.016 0.001 0.003 −0.096 0.044 0.067 −0.016 1.000 k −0.020 0.017 −0.017 −0.008 −0.004 0.014 0.036 −0.052 0.038 0.042 1.000 l 0.033 0.039 0.061 −0.030 0.111 −0.065 −0.039 0.003 −0.001 0.017 −0.021 1.000 注:a.道路 b.河流 c.断层 d.土地利用 e.降雨量 f.DEM g.坡度 h.坡向 i.曲率 j.降轨形变速率 k.升轨形变速率 l.地层岩性。
Note: a. road b. river c. fault d. land use e. rainfall f. DEM g. slope gradient h. aspect i.curvature j. orbital deformation rate k. rail lifting deformation rate l. stratigraphic lithology.表 2 评价因子分级计算
Table 2. Grading calculation of evaluation factors
评价因子 分类 I CF FR 断层缓冲区/m 900~1 200 0.723 7 0.515 3 2.053 6 降轨形变速率/mm·y−1 <−15 −1.419 0 −0.758 1 0.242 0 >1 200 −0.436 3 −0.353 7 0.664 9 −15~−5 −0.514 3 −0.402 2 0.597 9 河流缓冲区/m 0~200 −0.598 4 −0.450 4 0.528 5 −5~5 0.272 1 0.238 3 1.312 7 200~400 0.2139 0.1926 1.3107 5~15 0.474 8 0.378 1 1.607 6 400~600 0.2823 0.2460 1.3414 >15 −1.004 6 −0.633 9 0.366 2 600~800 − 1.2248 − 0.7063 0.3191 升轨形变速率/mm·y−1 <−15 −1.134 4 −0.678 5 0.321 6 800~ 1000 − 0.2825 − 0.2462 0.7612 −15~−5 −0.181 2 −0.165 8 0.834 3 > 1000 0.1779 0.1631 1.1695 −5~5 0.079 6 0.076 6 1.082 9 降雨量/mm < 1150 1.0940 0.6654 2.9087 5~15 0.290 7 0.252 3 1.337 3 1150 ~1200 0.1038 0.0986 1.1266 >15 −1.233 9 −0.708 9 0.291 1 1200 ~1250 − 0.6966 − 0.5018 0.5182 DEM/m < 1000 − 2.0000 − 1.0000 0.0000 1250 ~1300 − 1.1307 − 0.6773 0.3424 1000 ~1500 0.0387 0.0379 1.0414 1300 ~1350 − 1.5561 − 0.7891 0.2215 1500 ~20000.4885 0.3866 1.6270 > 1350 − 1.9933 − 0.8638 0.1430 2000~ 2500 − 1.7878 − 0.8327 0.1688 道路缓冲区/m 0~200 1.0529 0.6514 2.9438 > 2500 − 2.0000 − 1.0000 0.0000 200~400 0.2886 0.2508 1.3625 坡度/° 0~5 − 1.9420 − 0.8566 0.1405 400~600 0.3021 0.2608 1.3413 5~15 − 0.0195 − 0.0193 0.9383 600~800 0.9409 0.6100 2.5809 15~25 − 0.1405 − 0.1311 0.9131 800~ 1000 0.6058 0.4546 1.6748 25~35 0.2523 0.2231 1.2455 > 1000 − 0.9685 − 0.6204 0.3770 35~45 0.2097 0.1892 1.2594 土地利用 建设用地 − 1.3142 − 0.7314 0.1881 >45 0.2392 0.2128 1.3336 林地 − 0.5301 − 0.4115 0.5889 坡向/° 平面 − 2.0000 − 1.0000 0.0000 水域 − 0.4605 − 0.3691 0.5888 北坡 − 0.8777 − 0.5843 0.3920 耕地 0.6864 0.4968 1.9965 东北坡 − 1.3344 − 0.7368 0.2735 草地 0.1144 0.1081 1.1126 东坡 − 0.0745 − 0.0718 0.9857 地层岩性 Pz1lnb 1.0508 0.6506 2.7529 东南坡 0.5670 0.4330 1.7808 Pz1lna 1.0322 0.6441 2.8523 南坡 0.8518 0.5736 2.2895 J2s − 1.3024 − 0.7282 0.2976 西南坡 − 0.5084 − 0.3987 0.6242 N1 1.9544 0.8587 7.2381 西坡 − 0.7342 − 0.5202 0.4891 D2-3 − 2.1400 − 0.8824 0.1441 西北坡 − 0.4770 − 0.3795 0.5792 Pz1lnc − 1.6072 − 0.7996 0.2044 曲率 <0 0.0997 0.0949 1.0999 Q 0.2877 0.2501 1.3066 l 0.1511 0.1403 1.1598 Pt 0.0295 0.0290 0.9839 >0 − 0.1347 − 0.1261 0.8793 T3sc − 2.6868 − 0.9319 0.0953 断层缓冲区/m 0~300 0.2659 0.2336 1.3440 C1b − 0.6366 − 0.4710 0.3703 300~600 0.3696 0.3091 1.3927 γ$_5^{1}$ − 0.4582 − 0.3677 0.6640 600~900 0.4485 0.3616 1.4663 γ m$_5^{1}$ 0.0514 0.0502 1.0718 表 3 检验样本占比表
Table 3. Proportions of test samples
模型 易发性等级 I/% CF/% FR/% 检验样本占比 低 0.00 0.00 0.68 较低 1.81 2.49 7.47 中 9.50 8.60 16.97 较高 22.17 20.36 22.85 高 66.52 68.55 52.04 表 4 混淆矩阵
Table 4. Confusion matrix
是否滑坡(实际) 预测结果 准确值 是 否 I 是 1123 277 0.795 否 314 1160 FR 是 1166 289 0.806 否 271 1148 CF 是 1203 280 0.822 否 234 1157 -
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