Remote sensing interpretation and application of geological environment conditions in early identification of potential geo-hazards: A case study of Huaping county
摘要: 地质灾害隐患早期识别的主要任务是从实际的地质环境出发,研判地质环境因素变化可能产生新的地质灾害,对其进行科学预测以降低灾害发生几率。文章在实践工作基础上,结合已有规范、标准,构建由地形地貌、地质构造、地层岩性、水文地质、土地利用、人类活动、不良地质现象7类地质环境条件组成、服务于地质灾害隐患早期识别工作的县域地质环境遥感解译体系,并利用北京二号高分辨率光学遥感影像建立地质环境条件全要素解译标志,完成县域环境地质遥感解译。基于县域地质环境解译结果,总结归纳采用7类地质环境要素解译研判单体隐患的工作内容及步骤,并以云南省丽江市华坪县八德村滑坡隐患为示范案例,展示地质环境遥感解译工作如何服务于单体地质灾害隐患早期识别与风险评价。Abstract:
Huaping county is located in the mountains bordering the Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau and the Qinghai–Xizang Plateau, where geo-hazards occur frequently. In order to understand the background of disaster generation and the laws of their occurrence, as well as to enhance the accuracy of early identification of potential geo-hazards and reduce the likelihood of disasters, this study has developed a county-level system for remote sensing interpretation of the geological environment. This system is designed for the early identification of potential geo-hazards, based on practical work and existing norms and standards. Additionally, this study has established a set of full-element interpretation signs for geological environment conditions in Huaping county by utilizing Beijing-2 High-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Images, thereby completing the remote sensing interpretation of the geological environment in Huaping county. Based on the interpretation results of the geological environment in this county, this study examines the potential landslide hazards in Bade village, Huaping county, as a case study. It demonstrates how remote sensing interpretation of the geological environment facilitates the early identification and risk assessment of potential geo-hazards occurring in a single geographic unit. The overall findings of this study are as follows: (1) The remote sensing interpretation system of county-level geological conditions, based on potential geo-hazards, can be summarized and classified into seven categories: topography and geomorphology, geological structure, stratum lithology, hydrogeology, land use, human activities, and adverse geological phenomena. (2) With the use of seven categories of geological environment elements, the process of interpreting and assessing potential disasters in a single geographic unit can be summarized as the following steps. First, the characteristics of surface deformation, and indicators of topography and geomorphology were analyzed to determine the activity and the topographic associated with the occurrence of potential geo-hazards. Second, based on the four kinds of indicators of geological structure, stratum lithology, hydrogeological conditions, and adverse geological phenomena, hidden dangers in the disaster environment were assessed. Third, with the use of two indicators of human activities and land use, the type of the hidden bearing body and the associated hazards were evaluated. Finally, the risk level of the hidden danger was evaluated based on the activity and the potential harm involved. It is important to note that this assessment was conducted indoors, and the final risk level must be verified in the field. (3) Conducting a full-element optical remote sensing interpretation of geological environment can rapidly and accurately assess the disaster-bearing conditions of specific geo-hazards in a single geographical unit such as the potential landslides in Badu village, Huaping county. This approach can significantly enhance the accuracy of early identification of potential geo-hazards and holds significant importance for identifying such geo-hazards in the mountainous areas of Southwest China. It is recommended to implement a thorough remote sensing interpretation. -
表 1 华坪县地质灾害(隐患)情况
Table 1. Situation of geo-hazards (hidden dangers) in Huaping county
灾害类型 特大型 大型 中型 小型 合计 地质灾害类型所占百分比 滑坡 0 7 74 105 186 72.37% 泥石流 0 0 5 30 35 13.62% 崩塌 0 5 14 4 23 8.95% 地面塌陷 0 0 0 13 13 5.06% 合计 0 12 93 152 257 100.00% 规模所占百分比 0 4.67% 36.19% 59.14% 100.00% 表 2 北京二号卫星数据主要参数
Table 2. Main parameters of Beijing-2 High-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Images
卫星 国家 发射时间 全色分辨率 多光谱分辨率 重访周期 幅宽 北京二号 中国 2015.7.11 0.8 m 3.2 m 1~2 d 24 km 表 3 华坪县县域地质灾害隐患地质环境遥感解译体系
Table 3. Remote sensing interpretation system of geological environment conditions of potential geo-hazards in Huaping county
序号 地质环境解译大类 地质环境遥感解译要素 1 地形地貌 阶地、洼地 2 地质构造 断层、背斜 3 地层岩性 碎屑岩区—侏罗系下统冯家河组(J1f)、碳酸盐岩区—震旦系上统灯影组(Zbd) 4 水文地质 泉点、地下河出入口、岩溶塌陷 5 土地利用 耕地、林地、水域、居民点、工矿用地、裸地 6 人类活动 矿业开采、水电建设、城镇建设、公路建设、农耕垦殖 7 不良地质现象 坡面侵蚀、活动冲沟 表 4 八德村滑坡隐患地质环境特征
Table 4. Geological environment characteristics of potential landslides in Bade village
序号 地质环境大类 地质环境特征 1 地形地貌 高中山谷地地貌,凹坡,坡向20°,坡度不均,10°~30° 2 地质构造 未见 3 地层岩性 基岩地层为震旦系上统观音崖组(Zbg),产状60°∠20°,上、中部为紫红色、灰白色页岩与灰岩、白云岩互层,下部为灰白色石英砂岩、长石石英砂岩,底部具有砾岩,软硬相间的岩土性质,近顺层坡;岩体节理裂隙发育,表层风化作用强,基岩破碎 4 水文地质 碎屑岩夹碳酸盐岩类含水岩组,含岩溶裂隙水,未见明显地下水迹象 5 土地利用 耕地、林地、居民点、工矿用地,土地利用类型特征明显 6 人类活动 矿业开采、公路建设、农耕垦殖,人类活动强烈 7 不良地质现象 未见 -
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