Study on distribution law of geological disasters in karst mountainous area of east Yunnan
摘要: 文章是在1∶5万地质灾害详细调查、精细化调查与风险评价的基础上,针对滇东高原高山峡谷、岩溶石山区的特点,通过开展数据统计与定性分析相结合的方法,从地形地貌、斜坡结构类型、地质构造、工程地质岩组等方面,详细阐述研究区地质灾害分布特征及规律。结果表明:(1)研究区地质灾害分布特征呈由北向南逐渐递减的态势,北部高山峡谷—河谷斜坡区地质灾害最发育,是中部高原盆地地质灾害发育数量的2~3倍;(2)研究区地质灾害主要分布在坡向90°~135°、225°~270°以及270°~315°地段,总数4 249处,占地质灾害总数的39.88%,与北东—南西向、南北向的构造形迹具有一定相关性;(3)在断裂带交汇处或主断裂走向发生变化地段地质灾害最发育,且走滑型逆断裂上、下两盘地质灾害分布具有明显的“上盘效应”;(4)研究区含泥岩、页岩软弱夹层的顺层斜坡体中灾害最为发育,有2 995处,占灾害总数的31.94%;正交结构的斜坡体没有天然的介质分界面,不易形成贯通性的结构滑动面,地质灾害不发育,仅901处,占灾害总数的9.61%;(5)含软弱夹层的碳酸盐岩组,受地表(下)水影响强烈,易形成“上硬下软、头重脚轻”的易灾结构体,是研究区地质灾害最为发育的岩组。Abstract:
Based on a comprehensive and detailed investigation, coupled with a risk assessment of geological disasters at a scale of 1∶50,000 in the study area, this paper focuses on the unique characteristics of high mountain valleys and karst rock mountains prevalent within the region. Through a combination of data statistics and qualitative analysis, the distribution patterns and laws of geological disasters in the study area are meticulously elaborated in terms of landform, slope structure type, geological structure, geological engineering, and rock formation. The findings are listed as followings: (1) The terrain in northeast Yunnan is characterized by significant relief, with deep river valleys predominantly located along the plateau edges and valley slopes. Consequently, the distribution of geological disasters gradually diminishes from north to south, with a mean density of 8.62 per 100 km². The northern alpine valleys and valley slope areas exhibit the most developed geological disasters, which are approximately 2 to 3 times more numerous than those in the central plateau basin. (2) Geological disasters are more prevalent in the geomorphic units dominated by the edges of plateaus and slopes of river valleys, with a total of 3,161 occurrences, which accounts for 29.67% of all recorded disasters. The geological disasters are not developed in the plateau areas of central and east Yunnan, where the plateau morphology is relatively intact and the terrain is gentle, with only 87 occurrences, accounting for 0.82% of the total disasters. (3) The geological disasters in the study area are mainly distributed in sections with slopes of 10°–30°, totaling of 7,028 occurrences, which account for 66.62% of all geological disasters. In contrast, the sections with slopes greater than 40° exhibit the fewest geological disasters, with only 797 occurrences, representing 7.55% of the total. Additionally, geological disasters in the study area are primarily concentrated in slope sections with orientations of 90°–135°, 225°–270°, and 270°–315°, totaling 4,249 occurrences, which account for 39.88% of the overall. These disasters generally extend from north to south and west, demonstrating a correlation with the northeast-to-south and north structural patterns. (4) Geological disasters predominantly occur at the intersections of fault zones or in regions where the orientation of the primary faults changes. These disasters tend to be distributed in a linear or belt-like patterns. When faults remain continuously active, signs of multiple disasters events become apparent. The distribution of geological disasters correlates with structural features, including the orientation of faults, and the dip direction of slopes. Geological disasters are arranged in an imbricated pattern on both sides of the main controlling faults. In the case of strike-slip reverse faults, the distribution of geological disasters exhibits a notable "upper plate effect". Particularly, under seismic activities, the frequency of geological disasters on the upper plate is significantly greater than that on the lower plate. (5) In the study area, geological disasters are most prevalent in dip-slope formations that contain weak interlayers of mudstone and shale, with a total 2,995 occurrences, accounting for 31.94% of all recorded disasters. In contrast, slopes formations with orthogonal structures lack natural medium interfaces, which hinders the formation of continuous structural sliding surfaces. Consequently, geological disasters are less common in these areas, with only 901 occurrences, representing 9.61% of the total number of disasters. (6) The carbonate group containing weak interlayers is more susceptible to the development of joint fissures under tectonic forces. Surface water and groundwater can easily infiltrate these joint fissures, leading to the hydration and softening of the interlayers. Over time, this process may evolve into a slip zone for rock falls or landsides, resulting in a disaster-prone structural formation characterized by being solid and heavy on top, and soft and light below. This rock group is where geological disasters are most prevalent in the study area. The findings from this study can provide a geological foundation for comprehensive prevention and control of geological disasters, as well as a foundation for land use planning and regulation in the study area. -
Key words:
- karst plateau /
- geological disaster /
- distribution law /
- upper plate effect /
- disaster-prone structure
图 1 云南省大地构造分区图
1.一级构造单元界线 2.二级构造单元界线 3.一级构造单元代号 4.二级构造单元代号 5.哀牢山变质带 6.州市政府驻地 7.研究区(Ⅰ.扬子准地台构造单元;Ⅱ.华南褶皱系构造单元;Ⅲ.松潘—甘孜褶皱系构造单元;Ⅳ.唐古拉—昌都—兰坪—思茅褶皱系构造单元;Ⅴ.冈底斯—念青唐古拉褶皱系构造单元)
Figure 1. Geotectonic zoning of Yunnan Province
1. boundary of first-level tectonic unit 2. boundary of secondary tectonic unit 3. code of first-level tectonic unit 4. code of secondary tectonic unit 5. metamorphic belt of Ailao mountain 6. municipal governments of autonomous prefectures 7. the study area (Ⅰ. tectonic unit of the Yangtze platform; Ⅱ. tectonic unit of South China fold system; Ⅲ. tectonic unit of Songpan–Ganzi fold system; Ⅳ. tectonic unit of Tanggula–Changdu–Lanping–Simao fold system; V. tectonic unit of Gangdisi–Nyainqentanglha fold system)
图 2 滇东北高原面边缘(河谷斜坡)示意图[5]
1.泥页岩 2.灰岩 3.白云岩 4.岩溶洞穴 5.地下水流向 6.岩溶分带界线(A.强岩溶发育带, B.弱岩溶发育带)
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the plateau edge (valley slope) in northeast Yunnan
1. mud shale 2. limestone 3. dolomite 4. karst cave 5. groundwater flow direction 6. karst zoning boundary (A. zone of strong karst development, of weak karst development)
图 7 研究区各地貌区地质灾害分布图
1.构造溶蚀高山峡谷地貌区 2.构造侵蚀低中山地貌区 3.构造溶蚀高中山地貌区 4.构造剥蚀高中山地貌区 5.构造溶蚀低中山地貌区 6.构造溶蚀峰丛洼地地貌区 7.高原盆地地貌区 8.地名 9.灾害点 10.分区界线
Figure 7. Distribution of geological disasters in various landforms of the study area
1.geomorphic area of tectonic erosion alpine canyon 2.geomorphic area of tectonic erosion low-medium mountain 3.geomorphic area of tectonic erosion high-medium mountain 4.geomorphic area of tectonic denudation high-medium mountain 5.geomorphic area of tectonic dissolution low-medium mountain 6.area of tectonic dissolution peak-cluster depression 7.geomorphic area of plateau basin 8.geographical names 9.disaster sites 10.zoning boundaries
图 12 研究区地质灾害与地质构造关系分布图
①巧家—莲峰断裂 ②昭鲁断裂 ③会泽断裂 ④寻甸—来宾铺断裂 ⑤弥勒—富源断裂 ⑥曲靖—昭通断裂 ⑦小江断裂 ⑧普渡河断裂 ⑨文麻断裂 ⑩建水—蒙自断裂
Figure 12. Distribution of geological disasters and geological structures in the study area
① Qiaojia–Lianfeng fracture ② Zhaolu fracture ③ Huize fracture ④ Xundian–Laibinpu fracture ⑤ Mile–Fuyuan fracture ⑥ Qujing–Zhaotong fracture ⑦ Xiaojiang fracture ⑧ Puduhe fracture ⑨ Wenma fracture ⑩ Jianshui–Mengzi fracture
图 14 研究区地质灾害与工程地质岩组关系分布图
1.松散土体 2.层状碎屑岩岩组 3.层状碎屑岩夹碳酸盐岩岩组 4.层状中等岩溶化碳酸盐岩夹碎屑岩岩组 5.层状强岩溶化碳酸盐岩岩组 6.层状软硬相间的碳酸盐岩碎屑岩岩组 7.层状坚硬中等风化变质岩岩组 8.块状坚硬弱风化侵入岩岩组 9.碎裂状较坚硬中等风化喷出岩岩组 10.地名 11.地质灾害点
Figure 14. Relationship between geological disasters and engineering geological rock groups in the study area
1.loose soil 2.stratified clastic rock group 3.stratified rock group of clastic rocks interbedded with carbonate rocks 4.stratified and moderately karstified rock group of carbonate rocks interbedded with clastic rocks 5.stratified and strongly karstified carbonate rock group 6.stratified carbonate clastic rock group with alternating hard and soft layers 7.stratified hard metamorphic rock group weathered moderately 8.massive hard intrusive rock group weathered weakly 9.hard and moderately weathered extrusive rock group in the form of fragmentation names 11.geological disaster sites
图 15 研究区各岩组灾害分布对比图
Ⅰ.松散土体 Ⅱ.层状碎屑岩岩组 Ⅲ.层状碎屑岩夹碳酸盐岩岩组 Ⅳ.层状中等岩溶化碳酸盐岩夹碎屑岩岩组 Ⅴ.层状强岩溶化碳酸盐岩岩组 Ⅵ.层状软硬相间的碳酸盐岩碎屑岩岩组 Ⅶ.层状坚硬中等风化变质岩岩组 Ⅷ.块状坚硬弱风化侵入岩岩组 Ⅸ.碎裂状较坚硬中等风化喷出岩岩组
Figure 15. Comparison of geological disaster distribution of different rock groups in the study area
Ⅰ.loose soil Ⅱ. stratified clastic rock group Ⅲ. stratified rock group of clastic rocks interbedded with carbonate rocks Ⅳ. stratified and moderately karstified rock group of carbonate rocks interbedded with clastic rocks V. stratified and strongly karstified carbonate rock group Ⅵ. stratified carbonate clastic rock group with alternating hard and soft layers Ⅶ. stratified hard metamorphic rock group weathered moderately Ⅷ. massive hard intrusive rock group weathered weakly Ⅸ. hard and moderately weathered extrusive rock group in the form of fragmentation
图 17 研究区各岩组灾害发育密度对比图
Ⅰ.松散土体 Ⅱ.层状碎屑岩岩组 Ⅲ.层状碎屑岩夹碳酸盐岩岩组 Ⅳ.层状中等岩溶化碳酸盐岩夹碎屑岩岩组 Ⅴ.层状强岩溶化碳酸盐岩岩组 Ⅵ.层状软硬相间的碳酸盐岩碎屑岩岩组 Ⅶ.层状坚硬中等风化变质岩岩组 Ⅷ.块状坚硬弱风化侵入岩岩组 Ⅸ.碎裂状较坚硬中等风化喷出岩岩组
Figure 17. Comparison of density of geological disaster development of different rock groups in the study area
Ⅰ.loose soil Ⅱ.stratified clastic rock group Ⅲ. stratified rock group of clastic rocks interbedded with carbonate rocks Ⅳ.stratified and moderately karstified rock group of carbonate rocks interbedded with clastic rocks V.stratified and strongly karstified carbonate rock group Ⅵ.stratified carbonate clastic rock group with alternating hard and soft layers Ⅶ.stratified hard metamorphic rock group weathered moderately Ⅷ.massive hard intrusive rock group weathered weakly Ⅸ.hard and moderately weathered extrusive rock group in the form of fragmentation
表 1 研究区不同地貌区地质灾害分布特征统计表
Table 1. Statistics of distribution characteristics of geological disasters in different landforms of the study area
分区及代号 面积/km2 灾害类型及数量/个 占灾害总数
/个·km−2滑坡 崩塌 泥石流 岩溶塌陷 小计 构造溶蚀高山峡谷地貌区 3 581 356 214 237 0 807 7.57 0.23 构造侵蚀低中山地貌区 6 813 932 98 59 0 1 089 10.22 0.16 构造溶蚀高中山地貌区 15 937 1 894 841 287 139 3 161 29.67 0.2 构造剥蚀高中山地貌区 9 766 1 368 553 149 0 2 070 19.43 0.21 构造溶蚀低中山地貌区 9 275 984 379 54 98 1 515 14.22 0.16 构造溶蚀峰丛洼地地貌区 66 349 1 577 134 141 74 1 926 18.08 0.03 高原盆地地貌区 12 737 46 0 0 41 87 0.82 0.01 合计 124 458 7 157 2 219 927 352 10 655 100 0.09 表 2 研究区不同斜坡结构类型地质灾害数量对比表
Table 2. Comparison of quantity of geological disasters in different types of slope structures in the study area
斜坡结构类型 滑坡 崩塌 合计 数量 百分比 数量 百分比 数量 百分比 横向斜坡 845 11.81 78 3.52 923 9.84 顺向斜坡 1 638 22.89 1 357 61.15 2995 31.94 正交斜坡 847 11.83 54 2.43 901 9.61 斜交斜坡 2 264 31.63 689 31.05 2953 31.50 逆向斜坡 1 563 21.84 41 1.85 1604 17.11 合计 7 157 100.00 2 219 100.00 9376 100.00 -
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