Response of carbonate weathering and dissolution processes in the Kunming basin to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration over the past 40 years
摘要: 近年来,大气中CO2浓度持续上升与全球气候变化相互关系引发了人们对地球系统碳循环的广泛关注,作为碳循环的重要环节,岩溶作用在对大气中CO2浓度变化的响应方面,存在较大的时间尺度分歧,文章以昆明盆地两个岩溶泉水40年监测数据为基础,收集了气象、大气中CO2浓度等资料,采用水化学―流量法、对比分析法定量评价了40年来岩溶作用的动态变化及对大气中CO2浓度变化的响应。研究结果表明:碳酸盐岩风化消耗CO2质量浓度与大气CO2浓度呈正相关,滞后时间约20年,变化速率基本相当;碳汇强度变化主要受降水变化控制,无明显滞后,同时受大气CO2浓度变化影响,滞后时间20年。说明大气中CO2浓度的上升会加强碳酸盐岩的溶蚀作用从大气回收更多的CO2,在缓解全球变暖中发挥着重要作用,这对进一步准确评估岩溶碳汇强度,解决“遗漏碳汇”问题,助推“双碳”目标的实现具有重要意义。Abstract:
The carbon cycle of the Earth's system coexists with global climate change. Carbon circulates in different forms between different reservoirs, with carbonate rocks actively participating in the global carbon cycling through karst processes. The recovered CO2 accounts for about one-third of the "missing sink", making it an important link between the atmosphere and the sink of CO2. Currently, the dynamic studies on the karst carbon cycling are mainly focused on short time scales such as daily, monthly, seasonal, and annual dynamics, as well as the effects of precipitation. These studies suggest that karst processes are extremely sensitive to environmental changes and are basically synchronized with various climate changes (such as precipitation and temperature) and biological activities, with no significant lag observed. The long-term dynamic changes and responses to climate change are mainly based on carbon isotope records in stalagmites. These records indicate that the changes in carbon content within stalagmites lag behind alterations in atmospheric CO2 concentration by 16 years. Although the IPCC's AR5 and AR6 reports acknowledge the important role of karst carbon sink in sequestering atmospheric CO2, they classify the carbon sink associated with carbonate rock weathering (karst action) as a long-term carbon sink with a time scale of 103–104 years. Furthermore, this process has not been incorporated into the global carbon budget. There is considerable controversy surrounding the timescale of karst carbon sink. Consequently, the long-term dynamics of carbonate weathering, carbon sink, and their responses to climate change necessitate further in-depth research. The outcropping area of carbonate rocks in the karst area of Southwest China covers 540,000 km2, encompassing three major geomorphic units of the country. This area represents the largest contiguous distribution of exposed carbonate rocks in the world. It benefits from favorable water and heat conditions, along with intense karst processes, which contribute to significant carbon sink effects. The Kunming basin is a water-collecting karst graben basin, with a catchment area of 2,924.5 km2. The outcropping area of carbonate rock layers accounts for about 32% of the total basin area. Karst water in the basin is characterized by abundant amount, concentrated storage, and good water quality. Meanwhile, Kunming, as the capital city of Yunnan Province, has a developed socio-economy. Groundwater monitoring in the area began early and has resulted in a substantial accumulation of foundational data. However, research on karst carbon sink remains relatively underdeveloped. Based on the long-term observation data of karst springs in the Kunming basin, this paper analyzes and calculates the changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration, climate indicators (temperature and precipitation), and data on spring water quality. The response of carbonate weathering to fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate change over the past 40 years, along with its carbon sink effect and contribution to CO2 emission reduction is preliminarily evaluated. The results show that the CO2 consumption rate by carbonate weathering is positively correlated with atmospheric CO2 concentration, exhibiting a lag time of about 20 years, and the rate of change is basically the same. The variations in carbon sink intensity are mainly controlled by changes in precipitation, with no obvious lag time, while also being affected by changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration, with a lag of 20 years. The research findings indicate that the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration will enhance the dissolution of carbonate rocks, allowing more CO2 to be sequestrated from the atmosphere. This process plays an important role in mitigating global warming. These findings are significant for accurately evaluating the intensity of karst carbon sink, incorporating karst carbon sink into global carbon accounting, addressing the "missing sink" problem, and promoting the achievement of the "dual carbon" goals. -
图 7 1982-2021年昆明盆地碳酸盐岩风化碳汇强度与降水、大气中CO2浓度变化趋势对比图
Figure 7. Comparison of carbon sink intensity of carbonate rock weathering, precipitation and variation trends of atmospheric CO2 concentration in the Kunming basin from 1982 to 2021
(The left axis represents the carbon sink intensity, and the right axis depicts precipitation and atmospheric CO2 concentration, with the latter being 3 times the actual value.)
表 1 白龙潭和蝙蝠洞岩溶泉水详细特征一览表[17]
Table 1. Characteristics of karst spring water from Bailong pool and Bianfu cave in the Kunming basin[17]
泉水名称 主要含水层 入渗
环境特征地层代号 岩性 蛇山白龙
质灰岩0.363 3.01 101.45 降水入渗补给为泉水唯一补给来源,补给区为蛇山南部碳酸盐岩分布区,多年来以荒山为主,局部有少量旱地,植被稀疏,以人工林为主,石漠化严重,人类工程活动弱 西山蝙蝠
质灰岩0.436 3.75 64.01 降水入渗补给为泉水唯一补给来源,补给区主要为西山风景区,植被发育,以次生林为主,多年来以自然状态为主,人类工程活动弱 表 2 岩溶泉水中HCO−浓度及碳汇强度变化情况一览表
Table 2. Variations of HCO− concentration and carbon sink intensity in karst spring water
对比类别划分 年份 整体
变幅1982-1991年 1992-2001年 2002-2011年 2012-2021年 数值 数值 变幅 数值 变幅 数值 变幅 HCO−浓度
/mg·L−1白龙潭 170.48 170.51 0.02 174.32 2.23 199.38 14.38 17.0 蝙蝠洞 177.11 177.98 0.49 179.41 0.80 190.62 6.25 7.6 平均变幅 0 0.26 1.52 10.3 12.3 碳汇强度
/t·km−2·a−1白龙潭 21.19 23.73 11.97 20.25 −14.66 26.54 31.07 25.24 蝙蝠洞 26.44 29.75 12.50 25.03 −15.86 30.48 21.76 15.26 平均变幅 0 12.24 −15.26 26.41 20.25 大气CO2浓度/(×10−6) 348.62 363.43 4.25 382.64 5.29 404.35 5.67 15.99 降水/mm 949.5 1063 11.95 887.3 −16.53 1016.8 14.59 7.09 气温/ ℃ 14.79 15.67 0.88 16.13 0.46 16.16 0.03 1.37 注:气温变幅为 ℃,其它参数变化均为%。
Note: The temperature range is in ℃, while changes in all other parameters are expressed as percentages. -
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