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周翠琼 柴金龙 张贵 王宇 何绕生 王劲 李继红

周翠琼,柴金龙,张 贵,等. 云南泸西皮家寨大泉壅水水位变化特征研究[J]. 中国岩溶,2024,43(6):1287-1294 doi: 10.11932/karst20240606
引用本文: 周翠琼,柴金龙,张 贵,等. 云南泸西皮家寨大泉壅水水位变化特征研究[J]. 中国岩溶,2024,43(6):1287-1294 doi: 10.11932/karst20240606
ZHOU Cuiqiong, CHAI Jinlong, ZHANG Gui, WANG Yu, HE Raosheng, WANG Jin, LI Jihong. Study on the variation characteristics of backwater levels of the Pijiazhai karst spring in Luxi county, Yunnan[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(6): 1287-1294. doi: 10.11932/karst20240606
Citation: ZHOU Cuiqiong, CHAI Jinlong, ZHANG Gui, WANG Yu, HE Raosheng, WANG Jin, LI Jihong. Study on the variation characteristics of backwater levels of the Pijiazhai karst spring in Luxi county, Yunnan[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(6): 1287-1294. doi: 10.11932/karst20240606


doi: 10.11932/karst20240606
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划专项( 2016YFC0502502 )




  • 中图分类号: P641.73

Study on the variation characteristics of backwater levels of the Pijiazhai karst spring in Luxi county, Yunnan

  • 摘要: 皮家寨岩溶大泉位于泸西盆地上游盆地底部边缘,泉流量1 072~1 957 L·s−1,动态较稳定。采用钻探、物探、壅水试验等方法对皮家寨大泉水位开展研究,结果表明:泸西盆地边缘的皮家寨大泉具一定的承压性;泉口壅水时周边水位升幅、响应时间与距离无直接关系,而受岩溶发育及连通程度控制,各向异性明显;泉口上游含水介质结构以溶隙−管道结构为主,壅水时水位升幅较大、响应较快,初期会形成2~3 h的地下水“涌浪”现象,多表现为初期水位快速上升而达到最大值,随后出现短时下降,之后再逐渐上升达到稳定值的“双峰型”;泉口下游含水介质结构以溶隙网络结构为主,壅水时水位升幅一般较小,响应较慢,多表现为较均匀上升的“直线型”。泉口壅水高度控制在一定范围内时,不会引起流量明显减小。工程实践结果,泉口水头抬升4.4 m时流量未减小。


  • 图  1  皮家寨大泉水文地质图

    1.个旧组d段白云岩 2.个旧组a段、c段灰岩 3.个旧组b段砂泥岩 4.飞仙关组砂泥岩 5.第四系松散岩 6.地层产状 7.断层、推测断层 8.上升、下降泉,右为流量(L·s−1) 9.消水、涌水洞,右为流量(L·s−1) 10.落水洞 11.地下水流向 12.推测岩溶管道 13.系统边界 14.水库、季节性水体

    Figure  1.  Hydrogeologic map of the Pijiazhai karst spring

    1. dolomite at Section D of the Gejiu Formation 2. limestone at sections A and C of the Gejiu Formation 3. sand shale at Section B of the Gejiu Formation 4. sand shale of the Feixianguan Formation 5. loose sedimentary rocks of the Quaternary System; 6. attitude of stratum 7. fault and supposed fault 8. upwelling and downwelling springs, and flow rate (L·s−1) on the right 9. sinkhole and water gushing hole, and flow rate (L·s−1) on the right 10. ponor 11. direction of groundwater flow 12. supposed karst conduit 13. system boundary 14. reservoir and seasonal water body

    图  2  皮家寨大泉钻孔水位等水位线图

    1.皮家寨大泉及流量(L·s−1) 2.等水头线标高(m) 3.水头升幅等值线(m) 4.地下水流向 5.岩溶强发育带 6.观测钻孔,上为编号,下为孔深(m) 7.个旧组灰岩与第四系分界线

    Figure  2.  Contour map of water levels of boreholes of the Pijiazhai karst spring

    1. the Pijiazhai karst spring and its flow (L·s−1) 2. elevation of iso-head line (m) 3. contour of head increase (m) 4. direction of groundwater flow 5. zone with strong karst development 6. observation borehole (The number is on the top, and the hole depth is at the bottom.) (m) 7. boundary line between the limestone of the Gejiu Formation and the Quaternary System

    图  3  皮家寨大泉出口段水位变化概化图

    1.填土 2.黏土 3.灰岩 4.溶隙 5.溶隙密集带或小溶洞 6.溶洞管道流 7.裂隙流 8.承压水位线 9.地下水流速(长短表示相对大小)10.涡流

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of variations in water levels at the outlet of the Pijiazhai karst spring

    1. earth fill; 2. clay 3. limestone 4. solution fissure 5. zone with intensive solution fissures or small karst cave 6. flow of cave conduits 7. fissure flow 8. level of the hydraulic pressure 9. flow rate of groundwater (indicated by the length of line) 10. vortex

    图  4  观测点水位响应过程曲线图

    Figure  4.  Curve of response to water level in observation points

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