Characteristics and prospective evaluation of natural mineral water resources in the Erhai lake basin
摘要: 为合理规划洱海流域矿泉水资源开发,避免过度开采,保障其可持续利用,需要深入研究洱海流域矿泉水资源特征及成因。文章依托地质调查项目,对矿泉水资源的水化学特征、分布情况及形成条件进行分析,通过系统归纳、类比分析、勘查实例举证等得知,流域矿泉水类型为偏硅酸饮用矿泉水、微量元素饮用矿泉水及理疗矿泉水,主要分布于流域西部断裂褶皱发育、地层岩性变化频繁及岩浆岩广布区域。矿泉水偏硅酸含量普遍较高,按形成条件主控因素可分为断裂带对流型和潜流溶滤型2种成因类型,前者多为优质理疗矿泉水,后者主要为偏硅酸饮用矿泉水。流域矿泉水资源丰富,现状开采利用率低,开采潜力大。文章对流域矿泉水资源特征进行分析并开展远景评价,科学制定保护和开发策略,研究成果可为维持流域生态平衡、维护生物多样性、促进区域经济与环境协调发展提供依据。Abstract:
The Erhai lake basin is an area with a beautiful ecological environment and important cultural and economic value in Southwestern China; therefore, in-depth studies on mineral water resources in this region hold far-reaching significance in ecology, environment, economy and society. This study is based on the project of the investigation of hydrogeological elements of typical wetland environment in the Erhai lake basin, located in northwest Yunnan. It systematically summarizes, organizes, and analyzes various factors, including landforms, stratigraphy and lithology, geological structure, climate, and water quality, based on extensive investigations and sampling tests. By examining the characteristics of mineral water resources, this study elucidates their water quality, quantity, and distribution patterns. Through a long-term evaluation, it forecasts the development potential and sustainable utilization prospects of these mineral water resources, thereby providing robust support for ecological protection, sustainable water resource utilization, economic development, and social stability in the Erhai lake basin. The mineral water resources in the basin encompass drinking mineral water containing both metasilicic acid and trace elements, and therapeutic mineral water. These resources are primarily distributed in a belt-like pattern across the western part of the basin, exhibiting higher abundance in the northwest and lower abundance in the southeast. They are more prevalent in mountainous areas and less so in the basin. These mineral water resources are typically located in regions with well-developed faults and folds, frequent variations in stratigraphic lithology, and a widespread presence of magmatic rocks. In terms of water quality characteristics, mineral water typically contains a high concentration of metasilicic acid. In areas with carbonate rocks, drinking mineral water often contains trace elements such as Sr and Zn. Conversely, in basalt regions, mineral water rich in metasilicic acid is more common. For therapeutic mineral water, both the concentration necessary for medical efficacy and the concentration required for classification as mineral water must meet or exceed three specific criteria. Based on the differences in the primary controlling factors of formation conditions—such as geological structure, topography, aquifer burial and distribution, and groundwater runoff circulation—the mineral water in the basin can be categorized into two types of genesis: fault-zone convection type and subsurface dissolution-filtration type. The fault-zone convection type constitutes 42% of the total and is characterized by deeper circulation, pressurization, higher water temperatures, and more stable dynamics. This type often yields high-quality therapeutic mineral water. In contrast, the subsurface dissolution-filtration type accounts for 58% and primarily produces drinking mineral water rich in metasilicic acid. This type is associated with simpler hydrogeological conditions, exhibiting characteristics such as shallower circulation depth, shorter cycles, and unstable dynamics. The Erhai lake basin is abundant in mineral water resources, which are currently underexploited, indicating significant potential for further development. Conducting research and analysis on the characteristics of these mineral water resources, performing long-term evaluations, and scientifically formulating protection and development strategies can help forecast the development potential and sustainable utilization prospects of mineral water resources. These efforts will contribute to the rational planning of the water resources development, help prevent over-exploitation, and ensure sustainable use. Furthermore, they will play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of the basin, protecting biodiversity, and promoting the coordinated development of the regional economy and the environment. -
表 1 洱海流域饮用矿泉水水质特征
Table 1. Water quality characteristics of drinking mineral water in the Erhai lake basin
点号 位置 流量
类型pH 溶解性总
固体/mg∙L−1达标项 微量元素指标 含量/mg∙L−1 S1 洱源县茈碧湖镇北排村北西300 m 24.76 岩溶下降泉 7.9 137.85 Zn 0.26 S2 洱源县茈碧湖镇大南村南东 1050 m17.50 裂隙下降泉 7.3 234.33 Sr 0.32 S3 洱源县右所镇甘家村南50 m 1.87 裂隙下降泉 7.2 119.54 H2SiO3 37.28 S4 洱源县右所镇赶羊涧村北800 m 12.10 岩溶上升泉 7.3 170.22 Sr 0.22 S5 洱源县右所镇太平村南西50 m 1.51 裂隙下降泉 7.2 165.12 H2SiO3 30.11 S6 洱源县牛街镇西村西北974 m 0.58 岩溶下降泉 8.0 381.54 Sr 0.21 S7 洱源县牛街镇天官坟村东南775 m 15.87 岩溶下降泉 7.9 155.05 Zn 0.25 S8 洱源县右所镇秦家营村南侧 1.20 裂隙上升泉 6.5 355.83 H2SiO3 33.25 S9 大理市大理古城西200 m 1.85 裂隙下降泉 7.5 73.47 H2SiO3 28.10 注:S9为流域内已开发“大理矿泉”品牌矿泉水。
Note: S9 is the brand mineral water of "Dali Mineral Spring" that has been developed in the basin.表 2 洱海流域医疗矿泉水水质特征
Table 2. Water quality characteristics of therapeutic mineral water in the Erhai lake basin
序号 位置 流量/L∙s−1 地下水类型 水温/℃ 达标指标 测试浓度 有医疗价值浓度 命名矿水浓度 矿水名称 mg∙L−1 S10 洱源县茈碧湖镇石
照壁村北西500 m15.20 裂隙上升泉 42 F 2.20 1 2 氟水、硅水、
温水H2SiO3 85.31 25 50 S11 大理市湾桥镇下崇
村南唐僧寺内7.20 裂隙上升泉 87 HBO2 3.89 1.2 50 氟水、硅水、
温水H2SiO3 192.38 25 50 F 9.00 1 2 Li 2.21 1 5 S12 洱源县茈碧湖镇伙
山村北东100 m4.02 裂隙上升泉 45 F 4.20 1 2 氟水、硅水、
温水H2SiO3 70.15 25 50 注:水温≥34 ℃达医疗价值浓度,且可命名为温水。
Note: When water temperature ≥34 ℃, it reaches therapeutic value concentration, and can be named warm water.表 3 洱海流域天然矿泉水点出露地层岩性
Table 3. Lithology of outcrops at natural mineral water points in the Erhai lake basin
点号 地层代号 出露岩性 S1 D1q 中厚层—块状灰岩、石灰岩 S2 TE. 碱性玄武岩 S3 Pe 玄武岩 S4 T2b1 泥质灰岩夹粉砂岩、页岩 S5 Pe 玄武岩 S6 C3 灰岩,鲕状灰岩 S7 D1k 块状白云质灰岩、白云岩 S8 Pe 玄武岩 S9 Pt1C.2 片岩夹大理岩、结晶灰岩 S10 TE. 玄武岩 S11 Pt1C.2 大理岩、变质白云岩、结晶灰岩、片岩 S12 TE. 碱性玄武岩 表 4 洱海流域矿泉水资源开发利用现状
Table 4. Current situation of the development and utilization of mineral water resources in the Erhai lake basin
点号 位置 矿泉水
率/%S1 洱源县茈碧湖镇北排村北西300 m 饮用矿
泉水2139.26 1310.27 供下游村子约600人生活饮用 78 S2 洱源县茈碧湖镇大南村南东 1050 m1512.00 1512.21 泉口围砌成封闭水池,供附近村庄500~ 1000 人生活饮用及农田灌溉100 S3 洱源县右所镇甘家村南50 m 161.59 16.17 沿溪沟灌溉下游农田,大部分汇入西湖 10 S4 洱源县右所镇赶羊涧村北侧800 m 1045.44 940.92 泉口修砌成2个蓄水池,统一引水供3个村庄500~ 1000 生活饮用90 S5 洱源县右所镇太平村南西50 m 130.46 13.15 零星用于农田灌溉 10 S6 洱源县牛街镇西村西北974 m 50.11 0 自然流淌,汇入山沟 0 S7 洱源县牛街镇天官坟村东南775 m 1371.17 457.03 部分供下游村庄生产生活使用,剩余水量汇入水沟排至海西海水库 50 S8 洱源县右所镇秦家营村南侧 103.68 51.79 供附近少数村名生活饮用 50 S9 大理市大理古城区(已开发“大理矿泉”) 240.19 160.02 生产能力达到160 m3∙d−1 66 S10 洱源县茈碧湖镇石照壁村北西500 m 理疗矿
泉水1313.28 1313.28 主要供洗浴休闲,部分生活饮用 100 S11 大理市湾桥镇下崇村南唐僧寺内 622.08 62.20 少量用于农田灌溉,大量排入东侧洱海 10 S12 洱源县茈碧湖镇伙山村北东100 m 3523.39 3171.28 泉口建成蓄水池,引致下游
主要供洗浴休闲90 表 5 洱海流域矿泉水资源开采潜力
Table 5. Exploitation potential of mineral water resources in the Erhai lake basin
点号 位置 矿泉水类型 现状开采量
量/万m3∙a1S1 洱源县茈碧湖镇北排村北西300 m 饮用矿
泉水47.82 44.14 −3.68 S2 洱源县茈碧湖镇大南村南东 1050 m55.19 31.20 −23.99 S3 洱源县右所镇甘家村南50 m 0.59 8.13 7.54 S4 洱源县右所镇赶羊涧村北侧800 m 34.34 21.57 −12.77 S5 洱源县右所镇太平村南西50 m 0.48 5.75 5.27 S6 洱源县牛街镇西村西北974 m 0 1.79 1.79 S7 洱源县牛街镇天官坟村东南775 m 16.68 49.08 32.4 S8 洱源县右所镇秦家营村南侧 1.89 3.52 1.63 S9 大理市大理古城区(已开发“大理矿泉”) 5.84 8.76 2.92 S10 洱源县茈碧湖镇石照壁村北西500 m 理疗矿
泉水47.93 57.88 9.95 S11 大理市湾桥镇下崇村南唐僧寺内 2.27 12.84 10.57 S12 洱源县茈碧湖镇伙山村北东100 m 115.74 72.71 −43.03 -
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