Genesis model of geothermal fields in Yangmeichong, Guangxi
摘要: 广西贺州地热资源丰富,所蕴含的地热能潜力巨大,极具开发前景和研究价值,但该地区地热资源存在补给来源、循环演化过程及成因机制不清的问题。本研究通过地热地质调查、地球物理、地球化学和环境同位素等方法探究贺州杨梅冲地热水的热储特征、补给来源、循环深度和成因模式,初步建立地热资源温度、组分、深度、磁性等参数与地质认识一致的地质-地球物理模型和隆起山地断裂对流型地热概念模型。结果显示,杨梅冲地热田属带状热储,姑婆山断层是杨梅冲地热田主要导水、控热构造。杨梅冲地热田地热流体水化学类型为HCO3-Na型。氢氧同位素显示区内地热水的补给来源于降水入渗。降雨在水力和热力的驱动下沿着断裂带和岩石孔隙循环交替水热对流,形成了杨梅冲断裂对流地热模型。研究结果为广西杨梅冲地热资源的勘查和合理利用提供理论依据。Abstract: Hezhou in Guangxi is rich in geothermal resources with great development prospects and research value. However, there are problems to be addressed in terms of supply sources, cyclic evolution processes, and genesis mechanisms of geothermal resources in this region. Through geothermal geological surveys and analyses of geophysics, geochemistry, and environmental isotopes, this study has explored thermal storage characteristics, supply sources, circulation depths, and genetic models of the geothermal fields in Yangmeichong, Hezhou. A geological geophysical model and a convective geothermal model of uplift mountain faults have been preliminarily established, whose geological parameters such as temperature, composition, depth, and magnetism of geothermal resources are consistent with the understanding of geology. The thermal reservoir of geothermal fields in Yangmeichong is belt shaped and composed of the Yanshanian granite fracture zone. The Guposhan Fault (F1) is the main water conducting and heat controlling structure in the geothermal fields in Yangmeichong. The source of geothermal heat flow in the geothermal fields is the heat from the upper mantle and deep crust (mantle heat flow), as well as the heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements in the shallow crust (crust heat flow), providing a heat source for the formation of deep circulating groundwater. Temperatures and geothermal gradients gradually increase from the western boundary (F1-1) to the eastern boundary (F1) and from the northern boundary to the southern boundary of the geothermal fields in Yangmeichong. In the vertical direction, geothermal gradients increase with the increase of depths. Temperatures within the depth range of 800–1,200 m are 53.5–73.0 ℃, and the geothermal gradient is 4.88 ℃/100 m. The deep thermal storage temperatures of the Yangmeichong geothermal fields have been measured by both silicon dioxide geothermal temperature scale and potassium magnesium geothermal temperature scale, and temperatures are 92.24 ℃ and 87.22 ℃, respectively. Accordingly, the depths of underground thermal mineral water circulation are 3,292 m and 3,069 m, respectively. The hydrochemical type of geothermal fluid in the geothermal fields in Yangmeichong is HCO3-Na. Due to the leaching effect of deep groundwater on granite bodies, the contents of silicic acid and sodium ions in underground hot water are relatively high. The isotopic detection results indicate that the supply of geothermal water in the area comes from precipitation infiltration, and the tritium content of geothermal water is less than 2 TU. It is speculated that geothermal water in Yangmeichong was formed by atmospheric precipitation before 1960. The geothermal energy in Yangmeichong is a fault convection geothermal model. Geothermal water is directly supplied by atmospheric precipitation with fault zones and rock pores as water channels, and it flows deep by both hydraulic and thermal forces. After alternating water thermal convection, geothermal water is formed. Subsequently, the convection of geothermal water took place along the fault of Gupo mountain from deep to shallow and from north to south, which formed the fault convective geothermal model in Yangmeichong. The research results provide a theoretical basis for the exploration and rational utilization of geothermal resources in Yangmeichong, Guangxi.
图 1 研究区地质简图与地热田分布图(Q:第四系冲洪积层;K1ηγ:早白垩世新路岩体;J3ηγ:晚侏罗世里松岩体、姑婆山岩体;D:泥盆系砂岩、白云岩)
Figure 1. Geological map and distribution of geothermal fields in the study area (Q: Quaternary alluvial eluvium; K1ηγ: early Cretaceous Xinlu pluton; J3ηγ: late Jurassic Lisong rock mass and Gupo mountain rock mass; D: Devonian sandstone and dolomite)
表 1 地热水和地表水常规组分和特征组分
Table 1. Conventional and characteristic components of geothermal water and surface water
样品 热储带
深度/m常规组分/mg·L−1 特征组分/mg·L−1 Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ Cl− H2SiO3 F Rn H2S ZK01 308~315 22.90 0.87 18.30 0.20 95.50 5.86 1.06 51.80 5.22 601.35 − ZK02 418~423 23.90 1.00 18.00 0.18 94.70 6.77 1.08 53.30 5.48 195.24 0.22 ZK03 905~918 32.40 1.06 17.60 0.088 91.30 14.70 1.90 53.90 6.66 1369.30 0.42 S1(温泉) − 22.40 1.02 18.20 0.18 94.30 6.02 1.03 51.60 5.03 338.27 − X1(溪流) − 9.96 1.16 10.60 0.49 47.60 6.08 1.00 − − − − 表 2 硅酸盐岩矿检测结果(单位:%)
Table 2. Testing results of silicate rocks and minerals (Unit: %)
样品 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO K2O Na2O CaO MgO MnO P2O5 TiO2 H2O+ 烧失量 ZK03-1 78.68 10.89 1.11 0.53 4.59 2.32 0.51 0.071 0.026 0.014 0.092 0.96 0.89 ZK03-2 77.51 11.40 1.49 0.84 4.61 2.45 0.71 0.093 0.034 0.017 0.10 1.40 1.14 表 3 地热水与雨水中同位素含量
Table 3. Isotope contents in geothermal water and rainwater
检测项目 ZK03 ZK02 雨水 δD/‰ −42.70 −39.80 −8.90 δ18D/‰ −7.06 −6.54 −2.55 3H(TU) <2 <2 5.42 表 4 热储带(含水层)空间几何参数
Table 4. Spatial geometric parameters of thermal storage zones (aquifers)
热储带 计算基准
V总/m3第一层 3 180 308 70 7.3 2.48 3 055 150×103 4.58×108 1.2×109 第二层 3 180 801 70 9.3 3.16 2 530 3.80×108 第三层 3 180 905 70 9.3 3.16 2 420 3.63×108 表 5 二氧化硅和钾镁地热温标法热储温度计算结果
Table 5. Thermal storage temperatures measured by silica geothermal temperature scale and potassium magnesium geothermal temperature scale
样品 水温
/℃计算指标浓度/mg·L−1 二氧化硅地热温标法
热储温度/℃计算指标浓/mg·L−1 钾镁地热温标法
热储温度/℃H2SiO3 SiO2 K+ Mg2+ ZK01 37.2 51.8 39.84 91.47 0.87 0.20 81.64 ZK02 39.0 53.3 41.00 92.49 1.00 0.18 85.81 ZK03 46.0 53.9 41.46 93.52 1.06 0.088 95.20 S1 (温泉) 38.3 51.6 39.69 91.47 1.02 0.18 86.24 -
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