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陈友智 姜伏伟 陈颖 杨贵来 于宁 苏孝良

陈友智,姜伏伟,陈 颖,等. 湘渝黔地区奥陶系红色岩溶地貌与沉积作用关系[J]. 中国岩溶,2024,43(3):694-703 doi: 10.11932/karst20240310
引用本文: 陈友智,姜伏伟,陈 颖,等. 湘渝黔地区奥陶系红色岩溶地貌与沉积作用关系[J]. 中国岩溶,2024,43(3):694-703 doi: 10.11932/karst20240310
CHEN Youzhi, JIANG Fuwei, CHEN Ying, YANG Guilai, YU Ning, SU Xiaoliang. Relationship between sedimentation and red karst landform during the Ordovician in Hunan, Chongqing and Guizhou[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(3): 694-703. doi: 10.11932/karst20240310
Citation: CHEN Youzhi, JIANG Fuwei, CHEN Ying, YANG Guilai, YU Ning, SU Xiaoliang. Relationship between sedimentation and red karst landform during the Ordovician in Hunan, Chongqing and Guizhou[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(3): 694-703. doi: 10.11932/karst20240310


doi: 10.11932/karst20240310
基金项目: 中国地质调查局项目“全国地质遗迹立典调查与评价”(DD20190074);贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合JZ字[2015]2005)




  • 中图分类号: P931.5

Relationship between sedimentation and red karst landform during the Ordovician in Hunan, Chongqing and Guizhou

  • 摘要: 文章基于野外露头观测、薄片观察、牙形石研究以及X射线衍射分析,从沉积角度探讨了风化作用与湘渝黔地区奥陶系红色岩溶地貌之间的关系。结果表明:同生成岩阶段,大气氧含量的增加,浅海陆棚水底氧化,陆源碎屑中铁离子被氧化形成Fe2O3进入沉积地层,奠定了地貌颜色;受岩相古地理的影响,早中奥陶世大湾期中上扬子地块自西向东岩相存在分带性,岩溶地貌仅出现在以武汉—松滋—松桃—黄平为中心的浅海陆棚碳酸盐岩弧形相带上;沉积微相决定碳酸盐岩孔隙大小与结构影响风化作用,岩石之间差异风化造就地貌凹凸形;米兰科维奇旋回导致牯牛潭组泥质灰岩与生物碎屑泥晶灰岩相互叠置,环潮坪型米级旋回造就出岩溶地貌的韵律性;灰岩中不溶残余物黏土矿物种类及含量暗示其沉积物源与埋藏史的差异,并影响岩层水化膨胀律和抗风化能力。


  • 图  1  牙形石照片

    a.古丈GZY-5样品中Dzikodus hunanensis种牙形石 b.酉阳YYY-3样品中Periodon macrodentatus种牙形石

    Figure  1.  Conodont photos

    a. Dzikodus hunanensis conodont in Sample GZY-5, Guzhang; b. Periodon macrodentatus conodont in Sample YYY-3, Youyang

    图  2  研究区红色岩溶地层柱状图(修改自文献[17-19] )

    Figure  2.  Histogram of red karst strata in the study area (modified from reference[17-19])

    图  3  黄平县谷陇镇红色岩溶岩性特征

    注:(a) 大湾组露头;(b)、(c)、(d)为红色岩溶;(a)中钙质粉砂岩(正交偏光)、鲕粒泥晶灰岩(单偏光)、砂质灰岩(单偏光)照片,其中Ca代表方解石,Cal代表棘刺,Co代表珊瑚,Mi代表云母,Os代表介形虫,Ph代表腕足,Po代表球粒,Oo代表鲕粒,Si代表石英,Sp代表海绵。

    Figure  3.  Lithologic characteristics of red karst in Gulong town, Huangping county

    Note:(a): outcrop of the Dawan Formation; (b): photo of calcareous sandstone (cross-polarized light) in (a); (c): photo of oomicrite (plane-polarized light) in (a); (d): photo of sandy limestone (plane-polarized light) in (a); Ca: calcite; Cal: calthrop; Co: coral; Mi: mica; Os: ostracode; Ph: brachiopod; Po: spherulite; Oo: ooid; Si: quartz; Sp: sponge.

    图  4  松桃县腊尔山红色岩溶岩性特征


    Figure  4.  Lithologic characteristics of red karst in Laer mountain, Songtao county

    Note: (a): outcrop of the Dawan Formation; (b) Single-layer rock with a net-like structure and rich in trilobites and other organisms in (a); (c) microscopic photo of single-layered argillaceous limestone (cross-polarized light, ×40) in (a); (d): outcrop of the Guniutan Formation; (e) microscopic photo of the concave layer (cross-polarized light, ×40) in (d); (f) microscopic photo of the convex layer (cross-polarized light, ×40) in (d); Ho: hornstone; Ti: trilobite; other abbreviations: referring to Fig.3.

    图  5  中上扬子地区早中奥陶世大湾期沉积相分布图(修改自文献[21] )

    Figure  5.  Distribution of sedimentary facies in the middle and upper Yangtze region in Dawan period of the early-to-mid Ordovician (modified from reference[21])

    图  6  研究区牯牛潭组环潮坪型米级旋回层序特征

    Figure  6.  Meter-scale cyclic sequences of circum-tidal flat in the Guniutan Formation in the study area

    图  7  沉积作用与红色岩溶地貌关系图

    Figure  7.  Relationship between sedimentation and red karst landform

    表  1  研究区泥质灰岩黏土矿物X射线衍射法检测结果

    Table  1.   Results of X-ray diffraction of clay minerals in argillaceous limestone in the study area

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