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赵茜 徐洪阳 甘海伶 叶爱华 周立旻 郑祥民

赵 茜,徐洪阳,甘海伶,等. 云南白水台泉水地球化学特征及其气候环境指示意义[J]. 中国岩溶,2024,43(3):538-551 doi: 10.11932/karst20240304
引用本文: 赵 茜,徐洪阳,甘海伶,等. 云南白水台泉水地球化学特征及其气候环境指示意义[J]. 中国岩溶,2024,43(3):538-551 doi: 10.11932/karst20240304
ZHAO Xi, XU Hongyang, GAN Hailing, YE Aihua, ZHOU Limin, ZHENG Xiangmin. Geochemical characteristics of spring water in Baishuitai of Yunnan and their indicative significance on climatic environment[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(3): 538-551. doi: 10.11932/karst20240304
Citation: ZHAO Xi, XU Hongyang, GAN Hailing, YE Aihua, ZHOU Limin, ZHENG Xiangmin. Geochemical characteristics of spring water in Baishuitai of Yunnan and their indicative significance on climatic environment[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 43(3): 538-551. doi: 10.11932/karst20240304


doi: 10.11932/karst20240304
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41871015);国家自然科学基金面上项目(41971020)




  • 中图分类号: P641.3

Geochemical characteristics of spring water in Baishuitai of Yunnan and their indicative significance on climatic environment

  • 摘要: 为研究岩溶地下水的水文地球化学演化特征,对云南白水台地区雨水和泉水中氢氧稳定同位素(δD、δ18O)组成和微量元素含量进行了为期近5年(2018年1月至2022年10月)以月为频率的连续监测。结果表明:(1)白水台雨水中δD、δ18O具有明显的季节性变化特征,均表现为雨季偏轻,旱季偏重,主要受到水汽来源与蒸发条件的影响;(2)白水台泉水受当地大气降水补给,其δD、δ18O经历了石灰岩基层中不同通道、裂隙网络中的新、老水混合导致的同位素调蓄平滑作用以及与深部来源CO2的氧同位素交换作用,修正性继承了雨水中δD、δ18O的部分特征;(3)泉水中Ca、Mg、Sr、Ba、Si等元素主要来源于喀斯特水体侵蚀下围岩的溶解,其含量变化可能指示了降水量的变化;而Fe、Al、Mn等元素主要来源于大气降水对上覆土壤的淋滤作用,其浓度变化可能反映了降水强度的变化。


  • 图  1  a:云南白水台采样点分布图 b:泉水采样点实景图 c:雨水采样点实景图

    Figure  1.  a: Distribution of sampling points in Baishuitai of Yunnan; b: Reality images of sampling points of spring water; c: Reality images of sampling points of rainwater

    图  2  2018—2022年白水台地区雨水与S3号泉水氢氧稳定同位素动态变化趋势图

    a. 丽江站站点月平均降水量 b. δD c. δ18O d. 氘盈余(d-excess)注:阴影部分代表雨季(5-10月),2020年1月数据缺失是由于该月未采样。

    Figure  2.  Dynamic trend of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes of rainwater and S3 spring water in the Baishuitai region from 2018 to 2022

    a. average monthly precipitation of Lijiang station b. δD c. δ18O d. deuterium excess (d-excess). Note: Shaded portion indicates the rainy season from May to October; the date of January, 2020 is absent because samples were not collected.

    图  3  云南白水台地区雨水、泉水δD-δ18O关系图

    a.白水台雨水线与全球、昆明雨水线对比 b. 图(a)中方框部分放大图,箭头为泉水δD、δ18O相对于白水台雨水线的偏移方向

    Figure  3.  δD-δ18O relationship between rain water and spring water in Baishuitai, Yunnan Province

    a. Comparison of Baishuitai rainwater line with global rainwater line and Kunming rainwater line; b is the enlarged picture of box portion in figure (a), and the arrow indicates the deviation direction of δD and δ18O of spring water relative to the rainwater line of Baishuitai.

    图  4  2018-2022年云南白水台S3号泉泉水微量元素动态变化趋势图

    a. 丽江站站点月平均降水量 b. Ca c. Mg d. Sr e. Ba f. Si g. Na h. K i. Fe j. Mn k. Al,注:阴影部分代表雨季(5—10月) ,2020年1月数据缺失是由于该月未采样)

    Figure  4.  Dynamic trend of trace elements in spring water of S3 spring, Baishuitai, Yunnan, from 2018 to 2022

    a. average monthly precipitation of Lijiang station; b. Ca; c. Mg; d. Sr; e. Ba; f. Si; g. Na; h. K; i. Fe; j. Mn; k. Al. Note: Shaded portion indicates the rainy season from May to October; the date of January, 2020 is absent because samples were not collected

    图  5  云南白水台地区地质剖面图(据刘再华等,2002改绘)

    Figure  5.  Geological profile of the Baishuitai area, Yunnan Province (modified in 2002 based on Liu Zaihua, etc.)

    图  6  云南白水台S3号泉泉水微量元素的系统聚类分析树状图

    Figure  6.  Tree diagram of systematic cluster analysis of trace elements in spring water of S3 spring in Baishuitai, Yunnan Province

    图  7  2018-2022年云南白水台S3号泉泉水微量元素比值动态变化趋势图

    ((a) Mg/Ca;(b)Sr/ Ca;(c) Ba/Ca;注:黄实线为雨/旱季平均值,阴影部分代表雨季(5-10月),2020年1月数据缺失是由于该月未采样)

    Figure  7.  Dynamic trend of trace element ratio in S3 spring water in Baishuitai, Yunnan Province from 2018 to 2022

    ((a) Mg/Ca; (b)Sr/Ca; (c) Ba/Ca; Note: The yellow solid line is the average value in the rain/dry season; the shadowed portion indicates the rainy season from May to October; the data of January, 2020 is absent because smaples were not collected)

    表  1  2018-2022年云南白水台雨水和泉水中常微量元素浓度分布

    Table  1.   Concentration distribution of normal and trace elements in rainwater and spring water of Baishuitai, Yunnan, from 2018 to 2022

    雨水(n=21) 泉水(n=55)
    极小值 极大值 均值 变异系数 极小值 极大值 均值 变异系数
    Ca/mg·L−1 0.00 6.65 2.71 0.77 147.56 219.07 190.20 0.07
    Mg/mg·L−1 0.32 11.32 1.13 2.74 11.74 15.79 14.29 0.06
    Na/mg·L−1 0.12 10.38 0.67 3.17 4.03 6.28 5.22 0.10
    Si/mg·L−1 \ \ \ \ 1.32 2.54 1.80 0.15
    Sr/mg·L−1 0.00 0.06 0.01 1.16 1.46 2.16 1.95 0.07
    K/μg·L−1 35.56 7 361.82 1 055.81 1.74 500.21 984.13 603.85 0.12
    Fe/μg·L−1 0.00 256.47 61.54 0.99 0.79 510.88 55.27 1.42
    Ba/μg·L−1 0.12 200.98 33.27 1.84 43.67 69.21 62.11 0.07
    Al/μg·L−1 5.32 184.24 52.59 0.89 0.00 126.57 19.39 0.96
    Mn/μg·L−1 0.42 29.31 7.27 1.05 0.28 26.73 2.55 1.57
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